#! /usr/bin/env bash # Remember where we are initially, it's the repo cloned by gitlab-ci original_directory=$(pwd) . "${original_directory}/share/spack/setup-env.sh" # Create a temporary working directory temp_dir=$(mktemp -d) trap 'rm -rf "$temp_dir"' INT TERM QUIT EXIT if [ -z "${DOWNSTREAM_CI_REPO}" ] ; then echo "ERROR: missing variable: DOWNSTREAM_CI_REPO" >&2 exit 1 fi if [ -z "${SPACK_RELEASE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH}" ] ; then echo "ERROR: missing variable: SPACK_RELEASE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH" >&2 exit 1 fi if [ -z "${CDASH_AUTH_TOKEN}" ] ; then echo "WARNING: missing variable: CDASH_AUTH_TOKEN" >&2 else token_file="${temp_dir}/cdash_auth_token" echo ${CDASH_AUTH_TOKEN} > ${token_file} fi if [ -z "${SPACK_RELEASE_ENVIRONMENT_REPO}" ] ; then echo "Assuming spack repo contains environment" >&2 env_repo_dir=${original_directory} else echo "Cloning ${SPACK_RELEASE_ENVIRONMENT_REPO} into ${temp_dir}/envrepo" >&2 cd ${temp_dir} git clone ${SPACK_RELEASE_ENVIRONMENT_REPO} envrepo cd envrepo env_repo_dir=$(pwd) fi current_branch="$CI_COMMIT_REF_NAME" # Because want to see generated gitlab-ci file as an artifact, # we need to write it within the spack repo cloned by gitlab-ci. gen_ci_dir="${original_directory}/ci-generation" gen_ci_file="${gen_ci_dir}/.gitlab-ci.yml" mkdir -p ${gen_ci_dir} env_dir="${env_repo_dir}/${SPACK_RELEASE_ENVIRONMENT_PATH}" if [ ! -f "${env_dir}/spack.yaml" ] ; then echo "ERROR: Cannot find spack environment file in ${env_dir}" exit 1 fi cd $env_dir # The next commands generates the .gitlab-ci.yml (and optionally creates a # buildgroup in cdash) RELEASE_JOBS_ARGS=("--output-file" "${gen_ci_file}") if [ ! -z "${token_file}" ]; then RELEASE_JOBS_ARGS+=("--cdash-credentials" "${token_file}") fi spack release-jobs "${RELEASE_JOBS_ARGS[@]}" if [[ $? -ne 0 ]]; then echo "spack release-jobs command failed" exit 1 fi cd "$original_directory" mv .git "$temp_dir/original-git-dir" git init . git config user.email "robot@spack.io" git config user.name "Spack Build Bot" cp ${gen_ci_file} "${original_directory}/.gitlab-ci.yml" git add . echo "git commit" commit_message="Auto-generated commit testing" commit_message="${commit_message} ${current_branch} (${CI_COMMIT_SHA})" git commit --message="${commit_message}" echo "git push" git remote add origin "$DOWNSTREAM_CI_REPO" git push --force origin "master:multi-ci-${current_branch}" rm -rf .git mv "$temp_dir/original-git-dir" .git git reset --hard HEAD