.. Copyright 2013-2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) ============ Known Issues ============ This is a list of known issues in Spack. It provides ways of getting around these problems if you encounter them. ------------------------------------------------ Spack does not seem to respect ``packages.yaml`` ------------------------------------------------ A common problem in Spack v0.18 and above is that package, compiler and target preferences specified in ``packages.yaml`` do not seem to be respected. Spack picks the "wrong" compilers and their versions, package versions and variants, and micro-architectures. This is however not a bug. In order to reduce the number of builds of the same packages, the concretizer values reuse of installed packages higher than preferences set in ``packages.yaml``. Note that ``packages.yaml`` specifies only preferences, not hard constraints. There are multiple workarounds: 1. Disable reuse during concretization: ``spack install --fresh `` when installing from the command line, or ``spack concretize --fresh --force`` when using environments. 2. Turn preferences into constrains, by moving them to the input spec. For example, use ``spack spec zlib%gcc@12`` when you want to force GCC 12 even if ``zlib`` was already installed with GCC 10.