.. Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) .. _packages-config: ================================ Package Settings (packages.yaml) ================================ Spack allows you to customize how your software is built through the ``packages.yaml`` file. Using it, you can make Spack prefer particular implementations of virtual dependencies (e.g., MPI or BLAS/LAPACK), or you can make it prefer to build with particular compilers. You can also tell Spack to use *external* software installations already present on your system. At a high level, the ``packages.yaml`` file is structured like this: .. code-block:: yaml packages: package1: # settings for package1 package2: # settings for package2 # ... all: # settings that apply to all packages. So you can either set build preferences specifically for *one* package, or you can specify that certain settings should apply to *all* packages. The types of settings you can customize are described in detail below. Spack's build defaults are in the default ``etc/spack/defaults/packages.yaml`` file. You can override them in ``~/.spack/packages.yaml`` or ``etc/spack/packages.yaml``. For more details on how this works, see :ref:`configuration-scopes`. .. _sec-external-packages: ----------------- External Packages ----------------- Spack can be configured to use externally-installed packages rather than building its own packages. This may be desirable if machines ship with system packages, such as a customized MPI that should be used instead of Spack building its own MPI. External packages are configured through the ``packages.yaml`` file. Here's an example of an external configuration: .. code-block:: yaml packages: openmpi: externals: - spec: "openmpi@1.4.3%gcc@4.4.7 arch=linux-debian7-x86_64" prefix: /opt/openmpi-1.4.3 - spec: "openmpi@1.4.3%gcc@4.4.7 arch=linux-debian7-x86_64+debug" prefix: /opt/openmpi-1.4.3-debug - spec: "openmpi@1.6.5%intel@10.1 arch=linux-debian7-x86_64" prefix: /opt/openmpi-1.6.5-intel This example lists three installations of OpenMPI, one built with GCC, one built with GCC and debug information, and another built with Intel. If Spack is asked to build a package that uses one of these MPIs as a dependency, it will use the pre-installed OpenMPI in the given directory. Note that the specified path is the top-level install prefix, not the ``bin`` subdirectory. ``packages.yaml`` can also be used to specify modules to load instead of the installation prefixes. The following example says that module ``CMake/3.7.2`` provides cmake version 3.7.2. .. code-block:: yaml cmake: externals: - spec: cmake@3.7.2 modules: - CMake/3.7.2 Each ``packages.yaml`` begins with a ``packages:`` attribute, followed by a list of package names. To specify externals, add an ``externals:`` attribute under the package name, which lists externals. Each external should specify a ``spec:`` string that should be as well-defined as reasonably possible. If a package lacks a spec component, such as missing a compiler or package version, then Spack will guess the missing component based on its most-favored packages, and it may guess incorrectly. Each package version and compiler listed in an external should have entries in Spack's packages and compiler configuration, even though the package and compiler may not ever be built. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Prevent packages from being built from sources ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Adding an external spec in ``packages.yaml`` allows Spack to use an external location, but it does not prevent Spack from building packages from sources. In the above example, Spack might choose for many valid reasons to start building and linking with the latest version of OpenMPI rather than continue using the pre-installed OpenMPI versions. To prevent this, the ``packages.yaml`` configuration also allows packages to be flagged as non-buildable. The previous example could be modified to be: .. code-block:: yaml packages: openmpi: externals: - spec: "openmpi@1.4.3%gcc@4.4.7 arch=linux-debian7-x86_64" prefix: /opt/openmpi-1.4.3 - spec: "openmpi@1.4.3%gcc@4.4.7 arch=linux-debian7-x86_64+debug" prefix: /opt/openmpi-1.4.3-debug - spec: "openmpi@1.6.5%intel@10.1 arch=linux-debian7-x86_64" prefix: /opt/openmpi-1.6.5-intel buildable: False The addition of the ``buildable`` flag tells Spack that it should never build its own version of OpenMPI from sources, and it will instead always rely on a pre-built OpenMPI. .. note:: If ``concretizer:reuse`` is on (see :ref:`concretizer-options` for more information on that flag) pre-built specs include specs already available from a local store, an upstream store, a registered buildcache or specs marked as externals in ``packages.yaml``. If ``concretizer:reuse`` is off, only external specs in ``packages.yaml`` are included in the list of pre-built specs. If an external module is specified as not buildable, then Spack will load the external module into the build environment which can be used for linking. The ``buildable`` does not need to be paired with external packages. It could also be used alone to forbid packages that may be buggy or otherwise undesirable. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Non-buildable virtual packages ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Virtual packages in Spack can also be specified as not buildable, and external implementations can be provided. In the example above, OpenMPI is configured as not buildable, but Spack will often prefer other MPI implementations over the externally available OpenMPI. Spack can be configured with every MPI provider not buildable individually, but more conveniently: .. code-block:: yaml packages: mpi: buildable: False openmpi: externals: - spec: "openmpi@1.4.3%gcc@4.4.7 arch=linux-debian7-x86_64" prefix: /opt/openmpi-1.4.3 - spec: "openmpi@1.4.3%gcc@4.4.7 arch=linux-debian7-x86_64+debug" prefix: /opt/openmpi-1.4.3-debug - spec: "openmpi@1.6.5%intel@10.1 arch=linux-debian7-x86_64" prefix: /opt/openmpi-1.6.5-intel Spack can then use any of the listed external implementations of MPI to satisfy a dependency, and will choose depending on the compiler and architecture. In cases where the concretizer is configured to reuse specs, and other ``mpi`` providers (available via stores or buildcaches) are not wanted, Spack can be configured to require specs matching only the available externals: .. code-block:: yaml packages: mpi: buildable: False require: - one_of: [ "openmpi@1.4.3%gcc@4.4.7 arch=linux-debian7-x86_64", "openmpi@1.4.3%gcc@4.4.7 arch=linux-debian7-x86_64+debug", "openmpi@1.6.5%intel@10.1 arch=linux-debian7-x86_64" ] openmpi: externals: - spec: "openmpi@1.4.3%gcc@4.4.7 arch=linux-debian7-x86_64" prefix: /opt/openmpi-1.4.3 - spec: "openmpi@1.4.3%gcc@4.4.7 arch=linux-debian7-x86_64+debug" prefix: /opt/openmpi-1.4.3-debug - spec: "openmpi@1.6.5%intel@10.1 arch=linux-debian7-x86_64" prefix: /opt/openmpi-1.6.5-intel This configuration prevents any spec using MPI and originating from stores or buildcaches to be reused, unless it matches the requirements under ``packages:mpi:require``. For more information on requirements see :ref:`package-requirements`. .. _cmd-spack-external-find: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Automatically Find External Packages ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can run the :ref:`spack external find ` command to search for system-provided packages and add them to ``packages.yaml``. After running this command your ``packages.yaml`` may include new entries: .. code-block:: yaml packages: cmake: externals: - spec: cmake@3.17.2 prefix: /usr Generally this is useful for detecting a small set of commonly-used packages; for now this is generally limited to finding build-only dependencies. Specific limitations include: * Packages are not discoverable by default: For a package to be discoverable with ``spack external find``, it needs to add special logic. See :ref:`here ` for more details. * The logic does not search through module files, it can only detect packages with executables defined in ``PATH``; you can help Spack locate externals which use module files by loading any associated modules for packages that you want Spack to know about before running ``spack external find``. * Spack does not overwrite existing entries in the package configuration: If there is an external defined for a spec at any configuration scope, then Spack will not add a new external entry (``spack config blame packages`` can help locate all external entries). .. _package-requirements: -------------------- Package Requirements -------------------- Spack can be configured to always use certain compilers, package versions, and variants during concretization through package requirements. Package requirements are useful when you find yourself repeatedly specifying the same constraints on the command line, and wish that Spack respects these constraints whether you mention them explicitly or not. Another use case is specifying constraints that should apply to all root specs in an environment, without having to repeat the constraint everywhere. Apart from that, requirements config is more flexible than constraints on the command line, because it can specify constraints on packages *when they occur* as a dependency. In contrast, on the command line it is not possible to specify constraints on dependencies while also keeping those dependencies optional. .. seealso:: FAQ: :ref:`Why does Spack pick particular versions and variants? ` ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Requirements syntax ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The package requirements configuration is specified in ``packages.yaml``, keyed by package name and expressed using the Spec syntax. In the simplest case you can specify attributes that you always want the package to have by providing a single spec string to ``require``: .. code-block:: yaml packages: libfabric: require: "@1.13.2" In the above example, ``libfabric`` will always build with version 1.13.2. If you need to compose multiple configuration scopes ``require`` accepts a list of strings: .. code-block:: yaml packages: libfabric: require: - "@1.13.2" - "%gcc" In this case ``libfabric`` will always build with version 1.13.2 **and** using GCC as a compiler. For more complex use cases, require accepts also a list of objects. These objects must have either a ``any_of`` or a ``one_of`` field, containing a list of spec strings, and they can optionally have a ``when`` and a ``message`` attribute: .. code-block:: yaml packages: openmpi: require: - any_of: ["@4.1.5", "%gcc"] message: "in this example only 4.1.5 can build with other compilers" ``any_of`` is a list of specs. One of those specs must be satisfied and it is also allowed for the concretized spec to match more than one. In the above example, that means you could build ``openmpi@4.1.5%gcc``, ``openmpi@4.1.5%clang`` or ``openmpi@3.9%gcc``, but not ``openmpi@3.9%clang``. If a custom message is provided, and the requirement is not satisfiable, Spack will print the custom error message: .. code-block:: console $ spack spec openmpi@3.9%clang ==> Error: in this example only 4.1.5 can build with other compilers We could express a similar requirement using the ``when`` attribute: .. code-block:: yaml packages: openmpi: require: - any_of: ["%gcc"] when: "@:4.1.4" message: "in this example only 4.1.5 can build with other compilers" In the example above, if the version turns out to be 4.1.4 or less, we require the compiler to be GCC. For readability, Spack also allows a ``spec`` key accepting a string when there is only a single constraint: .. code-block:: yaml packages: openmpi: require: - spec: "%gcc" when: "@:4.1.4" message: "in this example only 4.1.5 can build with other compilers" This code snippet and the one before it are semantically equivalent. Finally, instead of ``any_of`` you can use ``one_of`` which also takes a list of specs. The final concretized spec must match one and only one of them: .. code-block:: yaml packages: mpich: require: - one_of: ["+cuda", "+rocm"] In the example above, that means you could build ``mpich+cuda`` or ``mpich+rocm`` but not ``mpich+cuda+rocm``. .. note:: For ``any_of`` and ``one_of``, the order of specs indicates a preference: items that appear earlier in the list are preferred (note that these preferences can be ignored in favor of others). .. note:: When using a conditional requirement, Spack is allowed to actively avoid the triggering condition (the ``when=...`` spec) if that leads to a concrete spec with better scores in the optimization criteria. To check the current optimization criteria and their priorities you can run ``spack solve zlib``. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Setting default requirements ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ You can also set default requirements for all packages under ``all`` like this: .. code-block:: yaml packages: all: require: '%clang' which means every spec will be required to use ``clang`` as a compiler. Requirements on variants for all packages are possible too, but note that they are only enforced for those packages that define these variants, otherwise they are disregarded. For example: .. code-block:: yaml packages: all: require: - "+shared" - "+cuda" will just enforce ``+shared`` on ``zlib``, which has a boolean ``shared`` variant but no ``cuda`` variant. Constraints in a single spec literal are always considered as a whole, so in a case like: .. code-block:: yaml packages: all: require: "+shared +cuda" the default requirement will be enforced only if a package has both a ``cuda`` and a ``shared`` variant, and will never be partially enforced. Finally, ``all`` represents a *default set of requirements* - if there are specific package requirements, then the default requirements under ``all`` are disregarded. For example, with a configuration like this: .. code-block:: yaml packages: all: require: - 'build_type=Debug' - '%clang' cmake: require: - 'build_type=Debug' - '%gcc' Spack requires ``cmake`` to use ``gcc`` and all other nodes (including ``cmake`` dependencies) to use ``clang``. If enforcing ``build_type=Debug`` is needed also on ``cmake``, it must be repeated in the specific ``cmake`` requirements. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Setting requirements on virtual specs ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ A requirement on a virtual spec applies whenever that virtual is present in the DAG. This can be useful for fixing which virtual provider you want to use: .. code-block:: yaml packages: mpi: require: 'mvapich2 %gcc' With the configuration above the only allowed ``mpi`` provider is ``mvapich2 %gcc``. Requirements on the virtual spec and on the specific provider are both applied, if present. For instance with a configuration like: .. code-block:: yaml packages: mpi: require: 'mvapich2 %gcc' mvapich2: require: '~cuda' you will use ``mvapich2~cuda %gcc`` as an ``mpi`` provider. .. _package-preferences: ------------------- Package Preferences ------------------- In some cases package requirements can be too strong, and package preferences are the better option. Package preferences do not impose constraints on packages for particular versions or variants values, they rather only set defaults. The concretizer is free to change them if it must, due to other constraints, and also prefers reusing installed packages over building new ones that are a better match for preferences. .. seealso:: FAQ: :ref:`Why does Spack pick particular versions and variants? ` Most package preferences (``compilers``, ``target`` and ``providers``) can only be set globally under the ``all`` section of ``packages.yaml``: .. code-block:: yaml packages: all: compiler: [gcc@12.2.0, clang@12:, oneapi@2023:] target: [x86_64_v3] providers: mpi: [mvapich2, mpich, openmpi] These preferences override Spack's default and effectively reorder priorities when looking for the best compiler, target or virtual package provider. Each preference takes an ordered list of spec constraints, with earlier entries in the list being preferred over later entries. In the example above all packages prefer to be compiled with ``gcc@12.2.0``, to target the ``x86_64_v3`` microarchitecture and to use ``mvapich2`` if they depend on ``mpi``. The ``variants`` and ``version`` preferences can be set under package specific sections of the ``packages.yaml`` file: .. code-block:: yaml packages: opencv: variants: +debug gperftools: version: [2.2, 2.4, 2.3] In this case, the preference for ``opencv`` is to build with debug options, while ``gperftools`` prefers version 2.2 over 2.4. Any preference can be overwritten on the command line if explicitly requested. Preferences cannot overcome explicit constraints, as they only set a preferred ordering among homogeneous attribute values. Going back to the example, if ``gperftools@2.3:`` was requested, then Spack will install version 2.4 since the most preferred version 2.2 is prohibited by the version constraint. .. _package_permissions: ------------------- Package Permissions ------------------- Spack can be configured to assign permissions to the files installed by a package. In the ``packages.yaml`` file under ``permissions``, the attributes ``read``, ``write``, and ``group`` control the package permissions. These attributes can be set per-package, or for all packages under ``all``. If permissions are set under ``all`` and for a specific package, the package-specific settings take precedence. The ``read`` and ``write`` attributes take one of ``user``, ``group``, and ``world``. .. code-block:: yaml packages: all: permissions: write: group group: spack my_app: permissions: read: group group: my_team The permissions settings describe the broadest level of access to installations of the specified packages. The execute permissions of the file are set to the same level as read permissions for those files that are executable. The default setting for ``read`` is ``world``, and for ``write`` is ``user``. In the example above, installations of ``my_app`` will be installed with user and group permissions but no world permissions, and owned by the group ``my_team``. All other packages will be installed with user and group write privileges, and world read privileges. Those packages will be owned by the group ``spack``. The ``group`` attribute assigns a Unix-style group to a package. All files installed by the package will be owned by the assigned group, and the sticky group bit will be set on the install prefix and all directories inside the install prefix. This will ensure that even manually placed files within the install prefix are owned by the assigned group. If no group is assigned, Spack will allow the OS default behavior to go as expected. ---------------------------- Assigning Package Attributes ---------------------------- You can assign class-level attributes in the configuration: .. code-block:: yaml packages: mpileaks: # Override existing attributes url: http://www.somewhereelse.com/mpileaks-1.0.tar.gz # ... or add new ones x: 1 Attributes set this way will be accessible to any method executed in the package.py file (e.g. the ``install()`` method). Values for these attributes may be any value parseable by yaml. These can only be applied to specific packages, not "all" or virtual packages.