# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) import abc import argparse import io import re import sys from argparse import ArgumentParser from typing import IO, Any, Iterable, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple, Union class Command: """Parsed representation of a command from argparse. This is a single command from an argparse parser. ``ArgparseWriter`` creates these and returns them from ``parse()``, and it passes one of these to each call to ``format()`` so that we can take an action for a single command. """ def __init__( self, prog: str, description: Optional[str], usage: str, positionals: List[Tuple[str, Optional[Iterable[Any]], Union[int, str, None], str]], optionals: List[Tuple[Sequence[str], List[str], str, Union[int, str, None], str]], subcommands: List[Tuple[ArgumentParser, str, str]], ) -> None: """Initialize a new Command instance. Args: prog: Program name. description: Command description. usage: Command usage. positionals: List of positional arguments. optionals: List of optional arguments. subcommands: List of subcommand parsers. """ self.prog = prog self.description = description self.usage = usage self.positionals = positionals self.optionals = optionals self.subcommands = subcommands # NOTE: The only reason we subclass argparse.HelpFormatter is to get access to self._expand_help(), # ArgparseWriter is not intended to be used as a formatter_class. class ArgparseWriter(argparse.HelpFormatter, abc.ABC): """Analyze an argparse ArgumentParser for easy generation of help.""" def __init__(self, prog: str, out: IO = sys.stdout, aliases: bool = False) -> None: """Initialize a new ArgparseWriter instance. Args: prog: Program name. out: File object to write to. aliases: Whether or not to include subparsers for aliases. """ super().__init__(prog) self.level = 0 self.prog = prog self.out = out self.aliases = aliases def parse(self, parser: ArgumentParser, prog: str) -> Command: """Parse the parser object and return the relavent components. Args: parser: Command parser. prog: Program name. Returns: Information about the command from the parser. """ self.parser = parser split_prog = parser.prog.split(" ") split_prog[-1] = prog prog = " ".join(split_prog) description = parser.description fmt = parser._get_formatter() actions = parser._actions groups = parser._mutually_exclusive_groups usage = fmt._format_usage(None, actions, groups, "").strip() # Go through actions and split them into optionals, positionals, and subcommands optionals = [] positionals = [] subcommands = [] for action in actions: if action.option_strings: flags = action.option_strings dest_flags = fmt._format_action_invocation(action) nargs = action.nargs help = ( self._expand_help(action) if action.help and action.help != argparse.SUPPRESS else "" ) help = help.split("\n")[0] if action.choices is not None: dest = [str(choice) for choice in action.choices] else: dest = [action.dest] optionals.append((flags, dest, dest_flags, nargs, help)) elif isinstance(action, argparse._SubParsersAction): for subaction in action._choices_actions: subparser = action._name_parser_map[subaction.dest] help = ( self._expand_help(subaction) if subaction.help and action.help != argparse.SUPPRESS else "" ) help = help.split("\n")[0] subcommands.append((subparser, subaction.dest, help)) # Look for aliases of the form 'name (alias, ...)' if self.aliases and isinstance(subaction.metavar, str): match = re.match(r"(.*) \((.*)\)", subaction.metavar) if match: aliases = match.group(2).split(", ") for alias in aliases: subparser = action._name_parser_map[alias] help = ( self._expand_help(subaction) if subaction.help and action.help != argparse.SUPPRESS else "" ) help = help.split("\n")[0] subcommands.append((subparser, alias, help)) else: args = fmt._format_action_invocation(action) help = ( self._expand_help(action) if action.help and action.help != argparse.SUPPRESS else "" ) help = help.split("\n")[0] positionals.append((args, action.choices, action.nargs, help)) return Command(prog, description, usage, positionals, optionals, subcommands) @abc.abstractmethod def format(self, cmd: Command) -> str: """Return the string representation of a single node in the parser tree. Override this in subclasses to define how each subcommand should be displayed. Args: cmd: Parsed information about a command or subcommand. Returns: String representation of this subcommand. """ def _write(self, parser: ArgumentParser, prog: str, level: int = 0) -> None: """Recursively write a parser. Args: parser: Command parser. prog: Program name. level: Current level. """ self.level = level cmd = self.parse(parser, prog) self.out.write(self.format(cmd)) for subparser, prog, help in cmd.subcommands: self._write(subparser, prog, level=level + 1) def write(self, parser: ArgumentParser) -> None: """Write out details about an ArgumentParser. Args: parser: Command parser. """ try: self._write(parser, self.prog) except BrokenPipeError: # Swallow pipe errors pass _rst_levels = ["=", "-", "^", "~", ":", "`"] class ArgparseRstWriter(ArgparseWriter): """Write argparse output as rst sections.""" def __init__( self, prog: str, out: IO = sys.stdout, aliases: bool = False, rst_levels: Sequence[str] = _rst_levels, ) -> None: """Initialize a new ArgparseRstWriter instance. Args: prog: Program name. out: File object to write to. aliases: Whether or not to include subparsers for aliases. rst_levels: List of characters for rst section headings. """ super().__init__(prog, out, aliases) self.rst_levels = rst_levels def format(self, cmd: Command) -> str: """Return the string representation of a single node in the parser tree. Args: cmd: Parsed information about a command or subcommand. Returns: String representation of a node. """ string = io.StringIO() string.write(self.begin_command(cmd.prog)) if cmd.description: string.write(self.description(cmd.description)) string.write(self.usage(cmd.usage)) if cmd.positionals: string.write(self.begin_positionals()) for args, choices, nargs, help in cmd.positionals: string.write(self.positional(args, help)) string.write(self.end_positionals()) if cmd.optionals: string.write(self.begin_optionals()) for flags, dest, dest_flags, nargs, help in cmd.optionals: string.write(self.optional(dest_flags, help)) string.write(self.end_optionals()) if cmd.subcommands: string.write(self.begin_subcommands(cmd.subcommands)) return string.getvalue() def begin_command(self, prog: str) -> str: """Text to print before a command. Args: prog: Program name. Returns: Text before a command. """ return """ ---- .. _{0}: {1} {2} """.format( prog.replace(" ", "-"), prog, self.rst_levels[self.level] * len(prog) ) def description(self, description: str) -> str: """Description of a command. Args: description: Command description. Returns: Description of a command. """ return description + "\n\n" def usage(self, usage: str) -> str: """Example usage of a command. Args: usage: Command usage. Returns: Usage of a command. """ return """\ .. code-block:: console {0} """.format( usage ) def begin_positionals(self) -> str: """Text to print before positional arguments. Returns: Positional arguments header. """ return "\n**Positional arguments**\n\n" def positional(self, name: str, help: str) -> str: """Description of a positional argument. Args: name: Argument name. help: Help text. Returns: Positional argument description. """ return """\ {0} {1} """.format( name, help ) def end_positionals(self) -> str: """Text to print after positional arguments. Returns: Positional arguments footer. """ return "" def begin_optionals(self) -> str: """Text to print before optional arguments. Returns: Optional arguments header. """ return "\n**Optional arguments**\n\n" def optional(self, opts: str, help: str) -> str: """Description of an optional argument. Args: opts: Optional argument. help: Help text. Returns: Optional argument description. """ return """\ ``{0}`` {1} """.format( opts, help ) def end_optionals(self) -> str: """Text to print after optional arguments. Returns: Optional arguments footer. """ return "" def begin_subcommands(self, subcommands: List[Tuple[ArgumentParser, str, str]]) -> str: """Table with links to other subcommands. Arguments: subcommands: List of subcommands. Returns: Subcommand linking text. """ string = """ **Subcommands** .. hlist:: :columns: 4 """ for cmd, _, _ in subcommands: prog = re.sub(r"^[^ ]* ", "", cmd.prog) string += " * :ref:`{0} <{1}>`\n".format(prog, cmd.prog.replace(" ", "-")) return string + "\n"