# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) """LinkTree class for setting up trees of symbolic links.""" import filecmp import os import shutil from collections import OrderedDict import llnl.util.tty as tty from llnl.util.filesystem import BaseDirectoryVisitor, mkdirp, touch, traverse_tree from llnl.util.symlink import islink, symlink __all__ = ["LinkTree"] empty_file_name = ".spack-empty" def remove_link(src, dest): if not islink(dest): raise ValueError("%s is not a link tree!" % dest) # remove if dest is a hardlink/symlink to src; this will only # be false if two packages are merged into a prefix and have a # conflicting file if filecmp.cmp(src, dest, shallow=True): os.remove(dest) class MergeConflict: """ The invariant here is that src_a and src_b are both mapped to dst: project(src_a) == project(src_b) == dst """ def __init__(self, dst, src_a=None, src_b=None): self.dst = dst self.src_a = src_a self.src_b = src_b class SourceMergeVisitor(BaseDirectoryVisitor): """ Visitor that produces actions: - An ordered list of directories to create in dst - A list of files to link in dst - A list of merge conflicts in dst/ """ def __init__(self, ignore=None): self.ignore = ignore if ignore is not None else lambda f: False # When mapping to /, we need # to prepend the bit to the relative path in the # destination dir. self.projection = "" # When a file blocks another file, the conflict can sometimes # be resolved / ignored (e.g. /LICENSE or # or //__init__.py conflicts can be # ignored). self.file_conflicts = [] # When we have to create a dir where a file is, or a file # where a dir is, we have fatal errors, listed here. self.fatal_conflicts = [] # What directories we have to make; this is an ordered set, # so that we have a fast lookup and can run mkdir in order. self.directories = OrderedDict() # Files to link. Maps dst_rel to (src_root, src_rel) self.files = OrderedDict() def before_visit_dir(self, root, rel_path, depth): """ Register a directory if dst / rel_path is not blocked by a file or ignored. """ proj_rel_path = os.path.join(self.projection, rel_path) if self.ignore(rel_path): # Don't recurse when dir is ignored. return False elif proj_rel_path in self.files: # Can't create a dir where a file is. src_a_root, src_a_relpath = self.files[proj_rel_path] self.fatal_conflicts.append( MergeConflict( dst=proj_rel_path, src_a=os.path.join(src_a_root, src_a_relpath), src_b=os.path.join(root, rel_path), ) ) return False elif proj_rel_path in self.directories: # No new directory, carry on. return True else: # Register new directory. self.directories[proj_rel_path] = (root, rel_path) return True def before_visit_symlinked_dir(self, root, rel_path, depth): """ Replace symlinked dirs with actual directories when possible in low depths, otherwise handle it as a file (i.e. we link to the symlink). Transforming symlinks into dirs makes it more likely we can merge directories, e.g. when /lib -> /subdir/lib. We only do this when the symlink is pointing into a subdirectory from the symlink's directory, to avoid potential infinite recursion; and only at a constant level of nesting, to avoid potential exponential blowups in file duplication. """ if self.ignore(rel_path): return False # Only follow symlinked dirs in /**/**/* if depth > 1: handle_as_dir = False else: # Only follow symlinked dirs when pointing deeper src = os.path.join(root, rel_path) real_parent = os.path.realpath(os.path.dirname(src)) real_child = os.path.realpath(src) handle_as_dir = real_child.startswith(real_parent) if handle_as_dir: return self.before_visit_dir(root, rel_path, depth) self.visit_file(root, rel_path, depth) return False def visit_file(self, root, rel_path, depth): proj_rel_path = os.path.join(self.projection, rel_path) if self.ignore(rel_path): pass elif proj_rel_path in self.directories: # Can't create a file where a dir is; fatal error src_a_root, src_a_relpath = self.directories[proj_rel_path] self.fatal_conflicts.append( MergeConflict( dst=proj_rel_path, src_a=os.path.join(src_a_root, src_a_relpath), src_b=os.path.join(root, rel_path), ) ) elif proj_rel_path in self.files: # In some cases we can resolve file-file conflicts src_a_root, src_a_relpath = self.files[proj_rel_path] self.file_conflicts.append( MergeConflict( dst=proj_rel_path, src_a=os.path.join(src_a_root, src_a_relpath), src_b=os.path.join(root, rel_path), ) ) else: # Otherwise register this file to be linked. self.files[proj_rel_path] = (root, rel_path) def visit_symlinked_file(self, root, rel_path, depth): # Treat symlinked files as ordinary files (without "dereferencing") self.visit_file(root, rel_path, depth) def set_projection(self, projection): self.projection = os.path.normpath(projection) # Todo, is this how to check in general for empty projection? if self.projection == ".": self.projection = "" return # If there is a projection, we'll also create the directories # it consists of, and check whether that's causing conflicts. path = "" for part in self.projection.split(os.sep): path = os.path.join(path, part) if path not in self.files: self.directories[path] = ("", path) else: # Can't create a dir where a file is. src_a_root, src_a_relpath = self.files[path] self.fatal_conflicts.append( MergeConflict( dst=path, src_a=os.path.join(src_a_root, src_a_relpath), src_b=os.path.join("", path), ) ) class DestinationMergeVisitor(BaseDirectoryVisitor): """DestinatinoMergeVisitor takes a SourceMergeVisitor and: a. registers additional conflicts when merging to the destination prefix b. removes redundant mkdir operations when directories already exist in the destination prefix. This also makes sure that symlinked directories in the target prefix will never be merged with directories in the sources directories. """ def __init__(self, source_merge_visitor): self.src = source_merge_visitor def before_visit_dir(self, root, rel_path, depth): # If destination dir is a file in a src dir, add a conflict, # and don't traverse deeper if rel_path in self.src.files: src_a_root, src_a_relpath = self.src.files[rel_path] self.src.fatal_conflicts.append( MergeConflict( rel_path, os.path.join(src_a_root, src_a_relpath), os.path.join(root, rel_path) ) ) return False # If destination dir was also a src dir, remove the mkdir # action, and traverse deeper. if rel_path in self.src.directories: del self.src.directories[rel_path] return True # If the destination dir does not appear in the src dir, # don't descend into it. return False def before_visit_symlinked_dir(self, root, rel_path, depth): """ Symlinked directories in the destination prefix should be seen as files; we should not accidentally merge source dir with a symlinked dest dir. """ # Always conflict if rel_path in self.src.directories: src_a_root, src_a_relpath = self.src.directories[rel_path] self.src.fatal_conflicts.append( MergeConflict( rel_path, os.path.join(src_a_root, src_a_relpath), os.path.join(root, rel_path) ) ) if rel_path in self.src.files: src_a_root, src_a_relpath = self.src.files[rel_path] self.src.fatal_conflicts.append( MergeConflict( rel_path, os.path.join(src_a_root, src_a_relpath), os.path.join(root, rel_path) ) ) # Never descend into symlinked target dirs. return False def visit_file(self, root, rel_path, depth): # Can't merge a file if target already exists if rel_path in self.src.directories: src_a_root, src_a_relpath = self.src.directories[rel_path] self.src.fatal_conflicts.append( MergeConflict( rel_path, os.path.join(src_a_root, src_a_relpath), os.path.join(root, rel_path) ) ) elif rel_path in self.src.files: src_a_root, src_a_relpath = self.src.files[rel_path] self.src.fatal_conflicts.append( MergeConflict( rel_path, os.path.join(src_a_root, src_a_relpath), os.path.join(root, rel_path) ) ) def visit_symlinked_file(self, root, rel_path, depth): # Treat symlinked files as ordinary files (without "dereferencing") self.visit_file(root, rel_path, depth) class LinkTree: """Class to create trees of symbolic links from a source directory. LinkTree objects are constructed with a source root. Their methods allow you to create and delete trees of symbolic links back to the source tree in specific destination directories. Trees comprise symlinks only to files; directries are never symlinked to, to prevent the source directory from ever being modified. """ def __init__(self, source_root): if not os.path.exists(source_root): raise IOError("No such file or directory: '%s'", source_root) self._root = source_root def find_conflict(self, dest_root, ignore=None, ignore_file_conflicts=False): """Returns the first file in dest that conflicts with src""" ignore = ignore or (lambda x: False) conflicts = self.find_dir_conflicts(dest_root, ignore) if not ignore_file_conflicts: conflicts.extend( dst for src, dst in self.get_file_map(dest_root, ignore).items() if os.path.exists(dst) ) if conflicts: return conflicts[0] def find_dir_conflicts(self, dest_root, ignore): conflicts = [] kwargs = {"follow_nonexisting": False, "ignore": ignore} for src, dest in traverse_tree(self._root, dest_root, **kwargs): if os.path.isdir(src): if os.path.exists(dest) and not os.path.isdir(dest): conflicts.append("File blocks directory: %s" % dest) elif os.path.exists(dest) and os.path.isdir(dest): conflicts.append("Directory blocks directory: %s" % dest) return conflicts def get_file_map(self, dest_root, ignore): merge_map = {} kwargs = {"follow_nonexisting": True, "ignore": ignore} for src, dest in traverse_tree(self._root, dest_root, **kwargs): if not os.path.isdir(src): merge_map[src] = dest return merge_map def merge_directories(self, dest_root, ignore): for src, dest in traverse_tree(self._root, dest_root, ignore=ignore): if os.path.isdir(src): if not os.path.exists(dest): mkdirp(dest) continue if not os.path.isdir(dest): raise ValueError("File blocks directory: %s" % dest) # mark empty directories so they aren't removed on unmerge. if not os.listdir(dest): marker = os.path.join(dest, empty_file_name) touch(marker) def unmerge_directories(self, dest_root, ignore): for src, dest in traverse_tree(self._root, dest_root, ignore=ignore, order="post"): if os.path.isdir(src): if not os.path.exists(dest): continue elif not os.path.isdir(dest): raise ValueError("File blocks directory: %s" % dest) # remove directory if it is empty. if not os.listdir(dest): shutil.rmtree(dest, ignore_errors=True) # remove empty dir marker if present. marker = os.path.join(dest, empty_file_name) if os.path.exists(marker): os.remove(marker) def merge(self, dest_root, ignore_conflicts=False, ignore=None, link=symlink, relative=False): """Link all files in src into dest, creating directories if necessary. Keyword Args: ignore_conflicts (bool): if True, do not break when the target exists; return a list of files that could not be linked ignore (callable): callable that returns True if a file is to be ignored in the merge (by default ignore nothing) link (callable): function to create links with (defaults to llnl.util.symlink) relative (bool): create all symlinks relative to the target (default False) """ if ignore is None: ignore = lambda x: False conflict = self.find_conflict( dest_root, ignore=ignore, ignore_file_conflicts=ignore_conflicts ) if conflict: raise SingleMergeConflictError(conflict) self.merge_directories(dest_root, ignore) existing = [] for src, dst in self.get_file_map(dest_root, ignore).items(): if os.path.exists(dst): existing.append(dst) elif relative: abs_src = os.path.abspath(src) dst_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(dst)) rel = os.path.relpath(abs_src, dst_dir) link(rel, dst) else: link(src, dst) for c in existing: tty.warn("Could not merge: %s" % c) def unmerge(self, dest_root, ignore=None, remove_file=remove_link): """Unlink all files in dest that exist in src. Unlinks directories in dest if they are empty. """ if ignore is None: ignore = lambda x: False for src, dst in self.get_file_map(dest_root, ignore).items(): remove_file(src, dst) self.unmerge_directories(dest_root, ignore) class MergeConflictError(Exception): pass class ConflictingSpecsError(MergeConflictError): def __init__(self, spec_1, spec_2): super().__init__(spec_1, spec_2) class SingleMergeConflictError(MergeConflictError): def __init__(self, path): super().__init__("Package merge blocked by file: %s" % path) class MergeConflictSummary(MergeConflictError): def __init__(self, conflicts): """ A human-readable summary of file system view merge conflicts (showing only the first 3 issues.) """ msg = "{0} fatal error(s) when merging prefixes:".format(len(conflicts)) # show the first 3 merge conflicts. for conflict in conflicts[:3]: msg += "\n `{0}` and `{1}` both project to `{2}`".format( conflict.src_a, conflict.src_b, conflict.dst ) super().__init__(msg)