# Copyright 2013-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) """The pty module handles pseudo-terminals. Currently, the infrastructure here is only used to test llnl.util.tty.log. If this is used outside a testing environment, we will want to reconsider things like timeouts in ``ProcessController.wait()``, which are set to get tests done quickly, not to avoid high CPU usage. Note: The functionality in this module is unsupported on Windows """ import multiprocessing import os import re import signal import sys import time import traceback import llnl.util.tty.log as log from spack.util.executable import which termios = None try: import termios as term_mod termios = term_mod except ImportError: pass class ProcessController: """Wrapper around some fundamental process control operations. This allows one process (the controller) to drive another (the minion) similar to the way a shell would, by sending signals and I/O. """ def __init__(self, pid, controller_fd, timeout=1, sleep_time=1e-1, debug=False): """Create a controller to manipulate the process with id ``pid`` Args: pid (int): id of process to control controller_fd (int): controller fd attached to pid's stdin timeout (int): time in seconds for wait operations to time out (default 1 second) sleep_time (int): time to sleep after signals, to control the signal rate of the controller (default 1e-1) debug (bool): whether ``horizontal_line()`` and ``status()`` should produce output when called (default False) ``sleep_time`` allows the caller to insert delays after calls that signal or modify the controlled process. Python behaves very poorly if signals arrive too fast, and drowning a Python process with a Python handler with signals can kill the process and hang our tests, so we throttle this a closer-to-interactive rate. """ self.pid = pid self.pgid = os.getpgid(pid) self.controller_fd = controller_fd self.timeout = timeout self.sleep_time = sleep_time self.debug = debug # we need the ps command to wait for process statuses self.ps = which("ps", required=True) def get_canon_echo_attrs(self): """Get echo and canon attributes of the terminal of controller_fd.""" cfg = termios.tcgetattr(self.controller_fd) return (bool(cfg[3] & termios.ICANON), bool(cfg[3] & termios.ECHO)) def horizontal_line(self, name): """Labled horizontal line for debugging.""" if self.debug: sys.stderr.write("------------------------------------------- %s\n" % name) def status(self): """Print debug message with status info for the minion.""" if self.debug: canon, echo = self.get_canon_echo_attrs() sys.stderr.write( "canon: %s, echo: %s\n" % ("on" if canon else "off", "on" if echo else "off") ) sys.stderr.write("input: %s\n" % self.input_on()) sys.stderr.write("bg: %s\n" % self.background()) sys.stderr.write("\n") def input_on(self): """True if keyboard input is enabled on the controller_fd pty.""" return self.get_canon_echo_attrs() == (False, False) def background(self): """True if pgid is in a background pgroup of controller_fd's tty.""" return self.pgid != os.tcgetpgrp(self.controller_fd) def tstp(self): """Send SIGTSTP to the controlled process.""" self.horizontal_line("tstp") os.killpg(self.pgid, signal.SIGTSTP) time.sleep(self.sleep_time) def cont(self): self.horizontal_line("cont") os.killpg(self.pgid, signal.SIGCONT) time.sleep(self.sleep_time) def fg(self): self.horizontal_line("fg") with log.ignore_signal(signal.SIGTTOU): os.tcsetpgrp(self.controller_fd, os.getpgid(self.pid)) time.sleep(self.sleep_time) def bg(self): self.horizontal_line("bg") with log.ignore_signal(signal.SIGTTOU): os.tcsetpgrp(self.controller_fd, os.getpgrp()) time.sleep(self.sleep_time) def write(self, byte_string): self.horizontal_line("write '%s'" % byte_string.decode("utf-8")) os.write(self.controller_fd, byte_string) def wait(self, condition): start = time.time() while ((time.time() - start) < self.timeout) and not condition(): time.sleep(1e-2) assert condition() def wait_enabled(self): self.wait(lambda: self.input_on() and not self.background()) def wait_disabled(self): self.wait(lambda: not self.input_on() and self.background()) def wait_disabled_fg(self): self.wait(lambda: not self.input_on() and not self.background()) def proc_status(self): status = self.ps("-p", str(self.pid), "-o", "stat", output=str) status = re.split(r"\s+", status.strip(), re.M) return status[1] def wait_stopped(self): self.wait(lambda: "T" in self.proc_status()) def wait_running(self): self.wait(lambda: "T" not in self.proc_status()) class PseudoShell: """Sets up controller and minion processes with a PTY. You can create a ``PseudoShell`` if you want to test how some function responds to terminal input. This is a pseudo-shell from a job control perspective; ``controller_function`` and ``minion_function`` are set up with a pseudoterminal (pty) so that the controller can drive the minion through process control signals and I/O. The two functions should have signatures like this:: def controller_function(proc, ctl, **kwargs) def minion_function(**kwargs) ``controller_function`` is spawned in its own process and passed three arguments: proc the ``multiprocessing.Process`` object representing the minion ctl a ``ProcessController`` object tied to the minion kwargs keyword arguments passed from ``PseudoShell.start()``. ``minion_function`` is only passed ``kwargs`` delegated from ``PseudoShell.start()``. The ``ctl.controller_fd`` will have its ``controller_fd`` connected to ``sys.stdin`` in the minion process. Both processes will share the same ``sys.stdout`` and ``sys.stderr`` as the process instantiating ``PseudoShell``. Here are the relationships between processes created:: ._________________________________________________________. | Minion Process | pid 2 | - runs minion_function | pgroup 2 |_________________________________________________________| session 1 ^ | create process with controller_fd connected to stdin | stdout, stderr are the same as caller ._________________________________________________________. | Controller Process | pid 1 | - runs controller_function | pgroup 1 | - uses ProcessController and controller_fd to | session 1 | control minion | |_________________________________________________________| ^ | create process | stdin, stdout, stderr are the same as caller ._________________________________________________________. | Caller | pid 0 | - Constructs, starts, joins PseudoShell | pgroup 0 | - provides controller_function, minion_function | session 0 |_________________________________________________________| """ def __init__(self, controller_function, minion_function): self.proc = None self.controller_function = controller_function self.minion_function = minion_function # these can be optionally set to change defaults self.controller_timeout = 3 self.sleep_time = 0.1 def start(self, **kwargs): """Start the controller and minion processes. Arguments: kwargs (dict): arbitrary keyword arguments that will be passed to controller and minion functions The controller process will create the minion, then call ``controller_function``. The minion process will call ``minion_function``. """ self.proc = multiprocessing.Process( target=PseudoShell._set_up_and_run_controller_function, args=( self.controller_function, self.minion_function, self.controller_timeout, self.sleep_time, ), kwargs=kwargs, ) self.proc.start() def join(self): """Wait for the minion process to finish, and return its exit code.""" self.proc.join() return self.proc.exitcode @staticmethod def _set_up_and_run_minion_function( tty_name, stdout_fd, stderr_fd, ready, minion_function, **kwargs ): """Minion process wrapper for PseudoShell. Handles the mechanics of setting up a PTY, then calls ``minion_function``. """ # new process group, like a command or pipeline launched by a shell os.setpgrp() # take controlling terminal and set up pty IO stdin_fd = os.open(tty_name, os.O_RDWR) os.dup2(stdin_fd, sys.stdin.fileno()) os.dup2(stdout_fd, sys.stdout.fileno()) os.dup2(stderr_fd, sys.stderr.fileno()) os.close(stdin_fd) if kwargs.get("debug"): sys.stderr.write("minion: stdin.isatty(): %s\n" % sys.stdin.isatty()) # tell the parent that we're really running if kwargs.get("debug"): sys.stderr.write("minion: ready!\n") ready.value = True try: minion_function(**kwargs) except BaseException: traceback.print_exc() @staticmethod def _set_up_and_run_controller_function( controller_function, minion_function, controller_timeout, sleep_time, **kwargs ): """Set up a pty, spawn a minion process, execute controller_function. Handles the mechanics of setting up a PTY, then calls ``controller_function``. """ os.setsid() # new session; this process is the controller controller_fd, minion_fd = os.openpty() pty_name = os.ttyname(minion_fd) # take controlling terminal pty_fd = os.open(pty_name, os.O_RDWR) os.close(pty_fd) ready = multiprocessing.Value("i", False) minion_process = multiprocessing.Process( target=PseudoShell._set_up_and_run_minion_function, args=(pty_name, sys.stdout.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno(), ready, minion_function), kwargs=kwargs, ) minion_process.start() # wait for subprocess to be running and connected. while not ready.value: time.sleep(1e-5) pass if kwargs.get("debug"): sys.stderr.write("pid: %d\n" % os.getpid()) sys.stderr.write("pgid: %d\n" % os.getpgrp()) sys.stderr.write("sid: %d\n" % os.getsid(0)) sys.stderr.write("tcgetpgrp: %d\n" % os.tcgetpgrp(controller_fd)) sys.stderr.write("\n") minion_pgid = os.getpgid(minion_process.pid) sys.stderr.write("minion pid: %d\n" % minion_process.pid) sys.stderr.write("minion pgid: %d\n" % minion_pgid) sys.stderr.write("minion sid: %d\n" % os.getsid(minion_process.pid)) sys.stderr.write("\n") sys.stderr.flush() # set up controller to ignore SIGTSTP, like a shell signal.signal(signal.SIGTSTP, signal.SIG_IGN) # call the controller function once the minion is ready try: controller = ProcessController( minion_process.pid, controller_fd, debug=kwargs.get("debug") ) controller.timeout = controller_timeout controller.sleep_time = sleep_time error = controller_function(minion_process, controller, **kwargs) except BaseException: error = 1 traceback.print_exc() minion_process.join() # return whether either the parent or minion failed return error or minion_process.exitcode