# Copyright 2013-2020 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) """The pty module handles pseudo-terminals. Currently, the infrastructure here is only used to test llnl.util.tty.log. If this is used outside a testing environment, we will want to reconsider things like timeouts in ``ProcessController.wait()``, which are set to get tests done quickly, not to avoid high CPU usage. """ from __future__ import print_function import os import signal import multiprocessing import re import sys import termios import time import traceback import llnl.util.tty.log as log from llnl.util.lang import fork_context from spack.util.executable import which class ProcessController(object): """Wrapper around some fundamental process control operations. This allows one process (the controller) to drive another (the minion) similar to the way a shell would, by sending signals and I/O. """ def __init__(self, pid, controller_fd, timeout=1, sleep_time=1e-1, debug=False): """Create a controller to manipulate the process with id ``pid`` Args: pid (int): id of process to control controller_fd (int): controller fd attached to pid's stdin timeout (int): time in seconds for wait operations to time out (default 1 second) sleep_time (int): time to sleep after signals, to control the signal rate of the controller (default 1e-1) debug (bool): whether ``horizontal_line()`` and ``status()`` should produce output when called (default False) ``sleep_time`` allows the caller to insert delays after calls that signal or modify the controlled process. Python behaves very poorly if signals arrive too fast, and drowning a Python process with a Python handler with signals can kill the process and hang our tests, so we throttle this a closer-to-interactive rate. """ self.pid = pid self.pgid = os.getpgid(pid) self.controller_fd = controller_fd self.timeout = timeout self.sleep_time = sleep_time self.debug = debug # we need the ps command to wait for process statuses self.ps = which("ps", required=True) def get_canon_echo_attrs(self): """Get echo and canon attributes of the terminal of controller_fd.""" cfg = termios.tcgetattr(self.controller_fd) return ( bool(cfg[3] & termios.ICANON), bool(cfg[3] & termios.ECHO), ) def horizontal_line(self, name): """Labled horizontal line for debugging.""" if self.debug: sys.stderr.write( "------------------------------------------- %s\n" % name ) def status(self): """Print debug message with status info for the minion.""" if self.debug: canon, echo = self.get_canon_echo_attrs() sys.stderr.write("canon: %s, echo: %s\n" % ( "on" if canon else "off", "on" if echo else "off", )) sys.stderr.write("input: %s\n" % self.input_on()) sys.stderr.write("bg: %s\n" % self.background()) sys.stderr.write("\n") def input_on(self): """True if keyboard input is enabled on the controller_fd pty.""" return self.get_canon_echo_attrs() == (False, False) def background(self): """True if pgid is in a background pgroup of controller_fd's tty.""" return self.pgid != os.tcgetpgrp(self.controller_fd) def tstp(self): """Send SIGTSTP to the controlled process.""" self.horizontal_line("tstp") os.killpg(self.pgid, signal.SIGTSTP) time.sleep(self.sleep_time) def cont(self): self.horizontal_line("cont") os.killpg(self.pgid, signal.SIGCONT) time.sleep(self.sleep_time) def fg(self): self.horizontal_line("fg") with log.ignore_signal(signal.SIGTTOU): os.tcsetpgrp(self.controller_fd, os.getpgid(self.pid)) time.sleep(self.sleep_time) def bg(self): self.horizontal_line("bg") with log.ignore_signal(signal.SIGTTOU): os.tcsetpgrp(self.controller_fd, os.getpgrp()) time.sleep(self.sleep_time) def write(self, byte_string): self.horizontal_line("write '%s'" % byte_string.decode("utf-8")) os.write(self.controller_fd, byte_string) def wait(self, condition): start = time.time() while (((time.time() - start) < self.timeout) and not condition()): time.sleep(1e-2) assert condition() def wait_enabled(self): self.wait(lambda: self.input_on() and not self.background()) def wait_disabled(self): self.wait(lambda: not self.input_on() and self.background()) def wait_disabled_fg(self): self.wait(lambda: not self.input_on() and not self.background()) def proc_status(self): status = self.ps("-p", str(self.pid), "-o", "stat", output=str) status = re.split(r"\s+", status.strip(), re.M) return status[1] def wait_stopped(self): self.wait(lambda: "T" in self.proc_status()) def wait_running(self): self.wait(lambda: "T" not in self.proc_status()) class PseudoShell(object): """Sets up controller and minion processes with a PTY. You can create a ``PseudoShell`` if you want to test how some function responds to terminal input. This is a pseudo-shell from a job control perspective; ``controller_function`` and ``minion_function`` are set up with a pseudoterminal (pty) so that the controller can drive the minion through process control signals and I/O. The two functions should have signatures like this:: def controller_function(proc, ctl, **kwargs) def minion_function(**kwargs) ``controller_function`` is spawned in its own process and passed three arguments: proc the ``multiprocessing.Process`` object representing the minion ctl a ``ProcessController`` object tied to the minion kwargs keyword arguments passed from ``PseudoShell.start()``. ``minion_function`` is only passed ``kwargs`` delegated from ``PseudoShell.start()``. The ``ctl.controller_fd`` will have its ``controller_fd`` connected to ``sys.stdin`` in the minion process. Both processes will share the same ``sys.stdout`` and ``sys.stderr`` as the process instantiating ``PseudoShell``. Here are the relationships between processes created:: ._________________________________________________________. | Minion Process | pid 2 | - runs minion_function | pgroup 2 |_________________________________________________________| session 1 ^ | create process with controller_fd connected to stdin | stdout, stderr are the same as caller ._________________________________________________________. | Controller Process | pid 1 | - runs controller_function | pgroup 1 | - uses ProcessController and controller_fd to | session 1 | control minion | |_________________________________________________________| ^ | create process | stdin, stdout, stderr are the same as caller ._________________________________________________________. | Caller | pid 0 | - Constructs, starts, joins PseudoShell | pgroup 0 | - provides controller_function, minion_function | session 0 |_________________________________________________________| """ def __init__(self, controller_function, minion_function): self.proc = None self.controller_function = controller_function self.minion_function = minion_function # these can be optionally set to change defaults self.controller_timeout = 1 self.sleep_time = 0 def start(self, **kwargs): """Start the controller and minion processes. Arguments: kwargs (dict): arbitrary keyword arguments that will be passed to controller and minion functions The controller process will create the minion, then call ``controller_function``. The minion process will call ``minion_function``. """ self.proc = fork_context.Process( target=PseudoShell._set_up_and_run_controller_function, args=(self.controller_function, self.minion_function, self.controller_timeout, self.sleep_time), kwargs=kwargs, ) self.proc.start() def join(self): """Wait for the minion process to finish, and return its exit code.""" self.proc.join() return self.proc.exitcode @staticmethod def _set_up_and_run_minion_function( tty_name, stdout_fd, stderr_fd, ready, minion_function, **kwargs): """Minion process wrapper for PseudoShell. Handles the mechanics of setting up a PTY, then calls ``minion_function``. """ # new process group, like a command or pipeline launched by a shell os.setpgrp() # take controlling terminal and set up pty IO stdin_fd = os.open(tty_name, os.O_RDWR) os.dup2(stdin_fd, sys.stdin.fileno()) os.dup2(stdout_fd, sys.stdout.fileno()) os.dup2(stderr_fd, sys.stderr.fileno()) os.close(stdin_fd) if kwargs.get("debug"): sys.stderr.write( "minion: stdin.isatty(): %s\n" % sys.stdin.isatty()) # tell the parent that we're really running if kwargs.get("debug"): sys.stderr.write("minion: ready!\n") ready.value = True try: minion_function(**kwargs) except BaseException: traceback.print_exc() @staticmethod def _set_up_and_run_controller_function( controller_function, minion_function, controller_timeout, sleep_time, **kwargs): """Set up a pty, spawn a minion process, execute controller_function. Handles the mechanics of setting up a PTY, then calls ``controller_function``. """ os.setsid() # new session; this process is the controller controller_fd, minion_fd = os.openpty() pty_name = os.ttyname(minion_fd) # take controlling terminal pty_fd = os.open(pty_name, os.O_RDWR) os.close(pty_fd) ready = multiprocessing.Value('i', False) minion_process = multiprocessing.Process( target=PseudoShell._set_up_and_run_minion_function, args=(pty_name, sys.stdout.fileno(), sys.stderr.fileno(), ready, minion_function), kwargs=kwargs, ) minion_process.start() # wait for subprocess to be running and connected. while not ready.value: time.sleep(1e-5) pass if kwargs.get("debug"): sys.stderr.write("pid: %d\n" % os.getpid()) sys.stderr.write("pgid: %d\n" % os.getpgrp()) sys.stderr.write("sid: %d\n" % os.getsid(0)) sys.stderr.write("tcgetpgrp: %d\n" % os.tcgetpgrp(controller_fd)) sys.stderr.write("\n") minion_pgid = os.getpgid(minion_process.pid) sys.stderr.write("minion pid: %d\n" % minion_process.pid) sys.stderr.write("minion pgid: %d\n" % minion_pgid) sys.stderr.write( "minion sid: %d\n" % os.getsid(minion_process.pid)) sys.stderr.write("\n") sys.stderr.flush() # set up controller to ignore SIGTSTP, like a shell signal.signal(signal.SIGTSTP, signal.SIG_IGN) # call the controller function once the minion is ready try: controller = ProcessController( minion_process.pid, controller_fd, debug=kwargs.get("debug")) controller.timeout = controller_timeout controller.sleep_time = sleep_time error = controller_function(minion_process, controller, **kwargs) except BaseException: error = 1 traceback.print_exc() minion_process.join() # return whether either the parent or minion failed return error or minion_process.exitcode