# Copyright 2013-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) """Classes and functions to register audit checks for various parts of Spack and run them on-demand. To register a new class of sanity checks (e.g. sanity checks for compilers.yaml), the first action required is to create a new AuditClass object: .. code-block:: python audit_cfgcmp = AuditClass( tag='CFG-COMPILER', description='Sanity checks on compilers.yaml', kwargs=() ) This object is to be used as a decorator to register functions that will perform each a single check: .. code-block:: python @audit_cfgcmp def _search_duplicate_compilers(error_cls): pass These functions need to take as argument the keywords declared when creating the decorator object plus an ``error_cls`` argument at the end, acting as a factory to create Error objects. It should return a (possibly empty) list of errors. Calls to each of these functions are triggered by the ``run`` method of the decorator object, that will forward the keyword arguments passed as input. """ import ast import collections import collections.abc import glob import inspect import io import itertools import pathlib import pickle import re import warnings from urllib.request import urlopen import llnl.util.lang import spack.config import spack.patch import spack.repo import spack.spec import spack.util.crypto import spack.util.spack_yaml as syaml import spack.variant #: Map an audit tag to a list of callables implementing checks CALLBACKS = {} #: Map a group of checks to the list of related audit tags GROUPS = collections.defaultdict(list) class Error: """Information on an error reported in a test.""" def __init__(self, summary, details): self.summary = summary self.details = tuple(details) def __str__(self): return self.summary + "\n" + "\n".join([" " + detail for detail in self.details]) def __eq__(self, other): if self.summary != other.summary or self.details != other.details: return False return True def __hash__(self): value = (self.summary, self.details) return hash(value) class AuditClass(collections.abc.Sequence): def __init__(self, group, tag, description, kwargs): """Return an object that acts as a decorator to register functions associated with a specific class of sanity checks. Args: group (str): group in which this check is to be inserted tag (str): tag uniquely identifying the class of sanity checks description (str): description of the sanity checks performed by this tag kwargs (tuple of str): keyword arguments that each registered function needs to accept """ if tag in CALLBACKS: msg = 'audit class "{0}" already registered' raise ValueError(msg.format(tag)) self.group = group self.tag = tag self.description = description self.kwargs = kwargs self.callbacks = [] # Init the list of hooks CALLBACKS[self.tag] = self # Update the list of tags in the group GROUPS[self.group].append(self.tag) def __call__(self, func): self.callbacks.append(func) def __getitem__(self, item): return self.callbacks[item] def __len__(self): return len(self.callbacks) def run(self, **kwargs): msg = 'please pass "{0}" as keyword arguments' msg = msg.format(", ".join(self.kwargs)) assert set(self.kwargs) == set(kwargs), msg errors = [] kwargs["error_cls"] = Error for fn in self.callbacks: errors.extend(fn(**kwargs)) return errors def run_group(group, **kwargs): """Run the checks that are part of the group passed as argument. Args: group (str): group of checks to be run **kwargs: keyword arguments forwarded to the checks Returns: List of (tag, errors) that failed. """ reports = [] for check in GROUPS[group]: errors = run_check(check, **kwargs) reports.append((check, errors)) return reports def run_check(tag, **kwargs): """Run the checks associated with a single tag. Args: tag (str): tag of the check **kwargs: keyword arguments forwarded to the checks Returns: Errors occurred during the checks """ return CALLBACKS[tag].run(**kwargs) # TODO: For the generic check to be useful for end users, # TODO: we need to implement hooks like described in # TODO: https://github.com/spack/spack/pull/23053/files#r630265011 #: Generic checks relying on global state generic = AuditClass( group="generic", tag="GENERIC", description="Generic checks relying on global variables", kwargs=(), ) #: Sanity checks on compilers.yaml config_compiler = AuditClass( group="configs", tag="CFG-COMPILER", description="Sanity checks on compilers.yaml", kwargs=() ) @config_compiler def _search_duplicate_compilers(error_cls): """Report compilers with the same spec and two different definitions""" errors = [] compilers = list(sorted(spack.config.get("compilers"), key=lambda x: x["compiler"]["spec"])) for spec, group in itertools.groupby(compilers, key=lambda x: x["compiler"]["spec"]): group = list(group) if len(group) == 1: continue error_msg = "Compiler defined multiple times: {0}" try: details = [str(x._start_mark).strip() for x in group] except Exception: details = [] errors.append(error_cls(summary=error_msg.format(spec), details=details)) return errors #: Sanity checks on packages.yaml config_packages = AuditClass( group="configs", tag="CFG-PACKAGES", description="Sanity checks on packages.yaml", kwargs=() ) @config_packages def _search_duplicate_specs_in_externals(error_cls): """Search for duplicate specs declared as externals""" errors, externals = [], collections.defaultdict(list) packages_yaml = spack.config.get("packages") for name, pkg_config in packages_yaml.items(): # No externals can be declared under all if name == "all" or "externals" not in pkg_config: continue current_externals = pkg_config["externals"] for entry in current_externals: # Ask for the string representation of the spec to normalize # aspects of the spec that may be represented in multiple ways # e.g. +foo or foo=true key = str(spack.spec.Spec(entry["spec"])) externals[key].append(entry) for spec, entries in sorted(externals.items()): # If there's a single external for a spec we are fine if len(entries) < 2: continue # Otherwise wwe need to report an error error_msg = "Multiple externals share the same spec: {0}".format(spec) try: lines = [str(x._start_mark).strip() for x in entries] details = ( ["Please remove all but one of the following entries:"] + lines + ["as they might result in non-deterministic hashes"] ) except TypeError: details = [] errors.append(error_cls(summary=error_msg, details=details)) return errors @config_packages def _deprecated_preferences(error_cls): """Search package preferences deprecated in v0.21 (and slated for removal in v0.22)""" # TODO (v0.22): remove this audit as the attributes will not be allowed in config errors = [] packages_yaml = spack.config.CONFIG.get_config("packages") def make_error(attribute_name, config_data, summary): s = io.StringIO() s.write("Occurring in the following file:\n") dict_view = syaml.syaml_dict((k, v) for k, v in config_data.items() if k == attribute_name) syaml.dump_config(dict_view, stream=s, blame=True) return error_cls(summary=summary, details=[s.getvalue()]) if "all" in packages_yaml and "version" in packages_yaml["all"]: summary = "Using the deprecated 'version' attribute under 'packages:all'" errors.append(make_error("version", packages_yaml["all"], summary)) for package_name in packages_yaml: if package_name == "all": continue package_conf = packages_yaml[package_name] for attribute in ("compiler", "providers", "target"): if attribute not in package_conf: continue summary = ( f"Using the deprecated '{attribute}' attribute " f"under 'packages:{package_name}'" ) errors.append(make_error(attribute, package_conf, summary)) return errors @config_packages def _avoid_mismatched_variants(error_cls): """Warns if variant preferences have mismatched types or names.""" errors = [] packages_yaml = spack.config.CONFIG.get_config("packages") def make_error(config_data, summary): s = io.StringIO() s.write("Occurring in the following file:\n") syaml.dump_config(config_data, stream=s, blame=True) return error_cls(summary=summary, details=[s.getvalue()]) for pkg_name in packages_yaml: # 'all:' must be more forgiving, since it is setting defaults for everything if pkg_name == "all" or "variants" not in packages_yaml[pkg_name]: continue preferences = packages_yaml[pkg_name]["variants"] if not isinstance(preferences, list): preferences = [preferences] for variants in preferences: current_spec = spack.spec.Spec(variants) pkg_cls = spack.repo.PATH.get_pkg_class(pkg_name) for variant in current_spec.variants.values(): # Variant does not exist at all if variant.name not in pkg_cls.variants: summary = ( f"Setting a preference for the '{pkg_name}' package to the " f"non-existing variant '{variant.name}'" ) errors.append(make_error(preferences, summary)) continue # Variant cannot accept this value s = spack.spec.Spec(pkg_name) try: s.update_variant_validate(variant.name, variant.value) except Exception: summary = ( f"Setting the variant '{variant.name}' of the '{pkg_name}' package " f"to the invalid value '{str(variant)}'" ) errors.append(make_error(preferences, summary)) return errors #: Sanity checks on package directives package_directives = AuditClass( group="packages", tag="PKG-DIRECTIVES", description="Sanity checks on specs used in directives", kwargs=("pkgs",), ) package_attributes = AuditClass( group="packages", tag="PKG-ATTRIBUTES", description="Sanity checks on reserved attributes of packages", kwargs=("pkgs",), ) package_properties = AuditClass( group="packages", tag="PKG-PROPERTIES", description="Sanity checks on properties a package should maintain", kwargs=("pkgs",), ) #: Sanity checks on linting # This can take some time, so it's run separately from packages package_https_directives = AuditClass( group="packages-https", tag="PKG-HTTPS-DIRECTIVES", description="Sanity checks on https checks of package urls, etc.", kwargs=("pkgs",), ) @package_directives def _check_build_test_callbacks(pkgs, error_cls): """Ensure stand-alone test method is not included in build-time callbacks""" errors = [] for pkg_name in pkgs: pkg_cls = spack.repo.PATH.get_pkg_class(pkg_name) test_callbacks = getattr(pkg_cls, "build_time_test_callbacks", None) # TODO (post-34236): "test*"->"test_*" once remove deprecated methods # TODO (post-34236): "test"->"test_" once remove deprecated methods has_test_method = test_callbacks and any([m.startswith("test") for m in test_callbacks]) if has_test_method: msg = '{0} package contains "test*" method(s) in ' "build_time_test_callbacks" instr = 'Remove all methods whose names start with "test" from: [{0}]'.format( ", ".join(test_callbacks) ) errors.append(error_cls(msg.format(pkg_name), [instr])) return errors @package_directives def _check_patch_urls(pkgs, error_cls): """Ensure that patches fetched from GitHub and GitLab have stable sha256 hashes.""" github_patch_url_re = ( r"^https?://(?:patch-diff\.)?github(?:usercontent)?\.com/" r".+/.+/(?:commit|pull)/[a-fA-F0-9]+\.(?:patch|diff)" ) # Only .diff URLs have stable/full hashes: # https://forum.gitlab.com/t/patches-with-full-index/29313 gitlab_patch_url_re = ( r"^https?://(?:.+)?gitlab(?:.+)/" r".+/.+/-/(?:commit|merge_requests)/[a-fA-F0-9]+\.(?:patch|diff)" ) errors = [] for pkg_name in pkgs: pkg_cls = spack.repo.PATH.get_pkg_class(pkg_name) for condition, patches in pkg_cls.patches.items(): for patch in patches: if not isinstance(patch, spack.patch.UrlPatch): continue if re.match(github_patch_url_re, patch.url): full_index_arg = "?full_index=1" if not patch.url.endswith(full_index_arg): errors.append( error_cls( "patch URL in package {0} must end with {1}".format( pkg_cls.name, full_index_arg ), [patch.url], ) ) elif re.match(gitlab_patch_url_re, patch.url): if not patch.url.endswith(".diff"): errors.append( error_cls( "patch URL in package {0} must end with .diff".format( pkg_cls.name ), [patch.url], ) ) return errors @package_attributes def _search_for_reserved_attributes_names_in_packages(pkgs, error_cls): """Ensure that packages don't override reserved names""" RESERVED_NAMES = ("name",) errors = [] for pkg_name in pkgs: name_definitions = collections.defaultdict(list) pkg_cls = spack.repo.PATH.get_pkg_class(pkg_name) for cls_item in inspect.getmro(pkg_cls): for name in RESERVED_NAMES: current_value = cls_item.__dict__.get(name) if current_value is None: continue name_definitions[name].append((cls_item, current_value)) for name in RESERVED_NAMES: if len(name_definitions[name]) == 1: continue error_msg = ( "Package '{}' overrides the '{}' attribute or method, " "which is reserved for Spack internal use" ) definitions = [ "defined in '{}'".format(x[0].__module__) for x in name_definitions[name] ] errors.append(error_cls(error_msg.format(pkg_name, name), definitions)) return errors @package_properties def _ensure_all_package_names_are_lowercase(pkgs, error_cls): """Ensure package names are lowercase and consistent""" badname_regex, errors = re.compile(r"[_A-Z]"), [] for pkg_name in pkgs: if badname_regex.search(pkg_name): error_msg = "Package name '{}' is either lowercase or conatine '_'".format(pkg_name) errors.append(error_cls(error_msg, [])) return errors @package_properties def _ensure_packages_are_pickeleable(pkgs, error_cls): """Ensure that package objects are pickleable""" errors = [] for pkg_name in pkgs: pkg_cls = spack.repo.PATH.get_pkg_class(pkg_name) pkg = pkg_cls(spack.spec.Spec(pkg_name)) try: pickle.dumps(pkg) except Exception as e: error_msg = "Package '{}' failed to pickle".format(pkg_name) details = ["{}".format(str(e))] errors.append(error_cls(error_msg, details)) return errors @package_properties def _ensure_packages_are_unparseable(pkgs, error_cls): """Ensure that all packages can unparse and that unparsed code is valid Python""" import spack.util.package_hash as ph errors = [] for pkg_name in pkgs: try: source = ph.canonical_source(pkg_name, filter_multimethods=False) except Exception as e: error_msg = "Package '{}' failed to unparse".format(pkg_name) details = ["{}".format(str(e))] errors.append(error_cls(error_msg, details)) continue try: compile(source, "internal", "exec", ast.PyCF_ONLY_AST) except Exception as e: error_msg = "The unparsed package '{}' failed to compile".format(pkg_name) details = ["{}".format(str(e))] errors.append(error_cls(error_msg, details)) return errors @package_properties def _ensure_all_versions_can_produce_a_fetcher(pkgs, error_cls): """Ensure all versions in a package can produce a fetcher""" errors = [] for pkg_name in pkgs: pkg_cls = spack.repo.PATH.get_pkg_class(pkg_name) pkg = pkg_cls(spack.spec.Spec(pkg_name)) try: spack.fetch_strategy.check_pkg_attributes(pkg) for version in pkg.versions: assert spack.fetch_strategy.for_package_version(pkg, version) except Exception as e: error_msg = "The package '{}' cannot produce a fetcher for some of its versions" details = ["{}".format(str(e))] errors.append(error_cls(error_msg.format(pkg_name), details)) return errors @package_properties def _ensure_docstring_and_no_fixme(pkgs, error_cls): """Ensure the package has a docstring and no fixmes""" errors = [] fixme_regexes = [ re.compile(r"remove this boilerplate"), re.compile(r"FIXME: Put"), re.compile(r"FIXME: Add"), re.compile(r"example.com"), ] for pkg_name in pkgs: details = [] filename = spack.repo.PATH.filename_for_package_name(pkg_name) with open(filename, "r") as package_file: for i, line in enumerate(package_file): pattern = next((r for r in fixme_regexes if r.search(line)), None) if pattern: details.append( "%s:%d: boilerplate needs to be removed: %s" % (filename, i, line.strip()) ) if details: error_msg = "Package '{}' contains boilerplate that need to be removed" errors.append(error_cls(error_msg.format(pkg_name), details)) pkg_cls = spack.repo.PATH.get_pkg_class(pkg_name) if not pkg_cls.__doc__: error_msg = "Package '{}' miss a docstring" errors.append(error_cls(error_msg.format(pkg_name), [])) return errors @package_properties def _ensure_all_packages_use_sha256_checksums(pkgs, error_cls): """Ensure no packages use md5 checksums""" errors = [] for pkg_name in pkgs: pkg_cls = spack.repo.PATH.get_pkg_class(pkg_name) if pkg_cls.manual_download: continue pkg = pkg_cls(spack.spec.Spec(pkg_name)) def invalid_sha256_digest(fetcher): if getattr(fetcher, "digest", None): h = spack.util.crypto.hash_algo_for_digest(fetcher.digest) if h != "sha256": return h, True return None, False error_msg = "Package '{}' does not use sha256 checksum".format(pkg_name) details = [] for v, args in pkg.versions.items(): fetcher = spack.fetch_strategy.for_package_version(pkg, v) digest, is_bad = invalid_sha256_digest(fetcher) if is_bad: details.append("{}@{} uses {}".format(pkg_name, v, digest)) for _, resources in pkg.resources.items(): for resource in resources: digest, is_bad = invalid_sha256_digest(resource.fetcher) if is_bad: details.append("Resource in '{}' uses {}".format(pkg_name, digest)) if details: errors.append(error_cls(error_msg, details)) return errors @package_properties def _ensure_env_methods_are_ported_to_builders(pkgs, error_cls): """Ensure that methods modifying the build environment are ported to builder classes.""" errors = [] for pkg_name in pkgs: pkg_cls = spack.repo.PATH.get_pkg_class(pkg_name) buildsystem_variant, _ = pkg_cls.variants["build_system"] buildsystem_names = [getattr(x, "value", x) for x in buildsystem_variant.values] builder_cls_names = [spack.builder.BUILDER_CLS[x].__name__ for x in buildsystem_names] module = pkg_cls.module has_builders_in_package_py = any( getattr(module, name, False) for name in builder_cls_names ) if not has_builders_in_package_py: continue for method_name in ("setup_build_environment", "setup_dependent_build_environment"): if hasattr(pkg_cls, method_name): msg = ( "Package '{}' need to move the '{}' method from the package class to the" " appropriate builder class".format(pkg_name, method_name) ) errors.append(error_cls(msg, [])) return errors @package_https_directives def _linting_package_file(pkgs, error_cls): """Check for correctness of links""" errors = [] for pkg_name in pkgs: pkg_cls = spack.repo.PATH.get_pkg_class(pkg_name) # Does the homepage have http, and if so, does https work? if pkg_cls.homepage.startswith("http://"): https = re.sub("http", "https", pkg_cls.homepage, 1) try: response = urlopen(https) except Exception as e: msg = 'Error with attempting https for "{0}": ' errors.append(error_cls(msg.format(pkg_cls.name), [str(e)])) continue if response.getcode() == 200: msg = 'Package "{0}" uses http but has a valid https endpoint.' errors.append(msg.format(pkg_cls.name)) return llnl.util.lang.dedupe(errors) @package_directives def _unknown_variants_in_directives(pkgs, error_cls): """Report unknown or wrong variants in directives for this package""" errors = [] for pkg_name in pkgs: pkg_cls = spack.repo.PATH.get_pkg_class(pkg_name) # Check "conflicts" directive for conflict, triggers in pkg_cls.conflicts.items(): for trigger, _ in triggers: vrn = spack.spec.Spec(conflict) try: vrn.constrain(trigger) except Exception: # If one of the conflict/trigger includes a platform and the other # includes an os or target, the constraint will fail if the current # platform is not the plataform in the conflict/trigger. Audit the # conflict and trigger separately in that case. # When os and target constraints can be created independently of # the platform, TODO change this back to add an error. errors.extend( _analyze_variants_in_directive( pkg_cls, spack.spec.Spec(trigger), directive="conflicts", error_cls=error_cls, ) ) errors.extend( _analyze_variants_in_directive( pkg_cls, vrn, directive="conflicts", error_cls=error_cls ) ) # Check "depends_on" directive for _, triggers in pkg_cls.dependencies.items(): triggers = list(triggers) for trigger in list(triggers): vrn = spack.spec.Spec(trigger) errors.extend( _analyze_variants_in_directive( pkg_cls, vrn, directive="depends_on", error_cls=error_cls ) ) # Check "patch" directive for _, triggers in pkg_cls.provided.items(): triggers = [spack.spec.Spec(x) for x in triggers] for vrn in triggers: errors.extend( _analyze_variants_in_directive( pkg_cls, vrn, directive="patch", error_cls=error_cls ) ) # Check "resource" directive for vrn in pkg_cls.resources: errors.extend( _analyze_variants_in_directive( pkg_cls, vrn, directive="resource", error_cls=error_cls ) ) return llnl.util.lang.dedupe(errors) @package_directives def _issues_in_depends_on_directive(pkgs, error_cls): """Reports issues with 'depends_on' directives. Issues might be unknown dependencies, unknown variants or variant values, or declaration of nested dependencies. """ errors = [] for pkg_name in pkgs: pkg_cls = spack.repo.PATH.get_pkg_class(pkg_name) filename = spack.repo.PATH.filename_for_package_name(pkg_name) for dependency_name, dependency_data in pkg_cls.dependencies.items(): # Check if there are nested dependencies declared. We don't want directives like: # # depends_on('foo+bar ^fee+baz') # # but we'd like to have two dependencies listed instead. for when, dependency_edge in dependency_data.items(): dependency_spec = dependency_edge.spec nested_dependencies = dependency_spec.dependencies() if nested_dependencies: summary = ( f"{pkg_name}: invalid nested dependency " f"declaration '{str(dependency_spec)}'" ) details = [ f"split depends_on('{str(dependency_spec)}', when='{str(when)}') " f"into {len(nested_dependencies) + 1} directives", f"in {filename}", ] errors.append(error_cls(summary=summary, details=details)) for s in (dependency_spec, when): if s.virtual and s.variants: summary = f"{pkg_name}: virtual dependency cannot have variants" details = [ f"remove variants from '{str(s)}' in depends_on directive", f"in {filename}", ] errors.append(error_cls(summary=summary, details=details)) # No need to analyze virtual packages if spack.repo.PATH.is_virtual(dependency_name): continue try: dependency_pkg_cls = spack.repo.PATH.get_pkg_class(dependency_name) except spack.repo.UnknownPackageError: # This dependency is completely missing, so report # and continue the analysis summary = pkg_name + ": unknown package '{0}' in " "'depends_on' directive".format( dependency_name ) details = [" in " + filename] errors.append(error_cls(summary=summary, details=details)) continue for _, dependency_edge in dependency_data.items(): dependency_variants = dependency_edge.spec.variants for name, value in dependency_variants.items(): try: v, _ = dependency_pkg_cls.variants[name] v.validate_or_raise(value, pkg_cls=dependency_pkg_cls) except Exception as e: summary = ( pkg_name + ": wrong variant used for a " "dependency in a 'depends_on' directive" ) error_msg = str(e).strip() if isinstance(e, KeyError): error_msg = "the variant {0} does not " "exist".format(error_msg) error_msg += " in package '" + dependency_name + "'" errors.append( error_cls(summary=summary, details=[error_msg, "in " + filename]) ) return errors @package_directives def _ensure_variant_defaults_are_parsable(pkgs, error_cls): """Ensures that variant defaults are present and parsable from cli""" errors = [] for pkg_name in pkgs: pkg_cls = spack.repo.PATH.get_pkg_class(pkg_name) for variant_name, entry in pkg_cls.variants.items(): variant, _ = entry default_is_parsable = ( # Permitting a default that is an instance on 'int' permits # to have foo=false or foo=0. Other falsish values are # not allowed, since they can't be parsed from cli ('foo=') isinstance(variant.default, int) or variant.default ) if not default_is_parsable: error_msg = "Variant '{}' of package '{}' has a bad default value" errors.append(error_cls(error_msg.format(variant_name, pkg_name), [])) continue try: vspec = variant.make_default() except spack.variant.MultipleValuesInExclusiveVariantError: error_msg = "Cannot create a default value for the variant '{}' in package '{}'" errors.append(error_cls(error_msg.format(variant_name, pkg_name), [])) continue try: variant.validate_or_raise(vspec, pkg_cls=pkg_cls) except spack.variant.InvalidVariantValueError: error_msg = ( "The default value of the variant '{}' in package '{}' failed validation" ) question = "Is it among the allowed values?" errors.append(error_cls(error_msg.format(variant_name, pkg_name), [question])) return errors @package_directives def _ensure_variants_have_descriptions(pkgs, error_cls): """Ensures that all variants have a description.""" errors = [] for pkg_name in pkgs: pkg_cls = spack.repo.PATH.get_pkg_class(pkg_name) for variant_name, entry in pkg_cls.variants.items(): variant, _ = entry if not variant.description: error_msg = "Variant '{}' in package '{}' is missing a description" errors.append(error_cls(error_msg.format(variant_name, pkg_name), [])) return errors @package_directives def _version_constraints_are_satisfiable_by_some_version_in_repo(pkgs, error_cls): """Report if version constraints used in directives are not satisfiable""" errors = [] for pkg_name in pkgs: pkg_cls = spack.repo.PATH.get_pkg_class(pkg_name) filename = spack.repo.PATH.filename_for_package_name(pkg_name) dependencies_to_check = [] for dependency_name, dependency_data in pkg_cls.dependencies.items(): # Skip virtual dependencies for the time being, check on # their versions can be added later if spack.repo.PATH.is_virtual(dependency_name): continue dependencies_to_check.extend([edge.spec for edge in dependency_data.values()]) host_architecture = spack.spec.ArchSpec.default_arch() for s in dependencies_to_check: dependency_pkg_cls = None try: dependency_pkg_cls = spack.repo.PATH.get_pkg_class(s.name) # Some packages have hacks that might cause failures on some platform # Allow to explicitly set conditions to skip version checks in that case skip_conditions = getattr(dependency_pkg_cls, "skip_version_audit", []) skip_version_check = False for condition in skip_conditions: if host_architecture.satisfies(spack.spec.Spec(condition).architecture): skip_version_check = True break assert skip_version_check or any( v.intersects(s.versions) for v in list(dependency_pkg_cls.versions) ) except Exception: summary = ( "{0}: dependency on {1} cannot be satisfied by known versions of {1.name}" ).format(pkg_name, s) details = ["happening in " + filename] if dependency_pkg_cls is not None: details.append( "known versions of {0.name} are {1}".format( s, ", ".join([str(x) for x in dependency_pkg_cls.versions]) ) ) errors.append(error_cls(summary=summary, details=details)) return errors def _analyze_variants_in_directive(pkg, constraint, directive, error_cls): variant_exceptions = ( spack.variant.InconsistentValidationError, spack.variant.MultipleValuesInExclusiveVariantError, spack.variant.InvalidVariantValueError, KeyError, ) errors = [] for name, v in constraint.variants.items(): try: variant, _ = pkg.variants[name] variant.validate_or_raise(v, pkg_cls=pkg) except variant_exceptions as e: summary = pkg.name + ': wrong variant in "{0}" directive' summary = summary.format(directive) filename = spack.repo.PATH.filename_for_package_name(pkg.name) error_msg = str(e).strip() if isinstance(e, KeyError): error_msg = "the variant {0} does not exist".format(error_msg) err = error_cls(summary=summary, details=[error_msg, "in " + filename]) errors.append(err) return errors @package_directives def _named_specs_in_when_arguments(pkgs, error_cls): """Reports named specs in the 'when=' attribute of a directive. Note that 'conflicts' is the only directive allowing that. """ errors = [] for pkg_name in pkgs: pkg_cls = spack.repo.PATH.get_pkg_class(pkg_name) def _extracts_errors(triggers, summary): _errors = [] for trigger in list(triggers): when_spec = spack.spec.Spec(trigger) if when_spec.name is not None and when_spec.name != pkg_name: details = [f"using '{trigger}', should be '^{trigger}'"] _errors.append(error_cls(summary=summary, details=details)) return _errors for dname, triggers in pkg_cls.dependencies.items(): summary = f"{pkg_name}: wrong 'when=' condition for the '{dname}' dependency" errors.extend(_extracts_errors(triggers, summary)) for vname, (variant, triggers) in pkg_cls.variants.items(): summary = f"{pkg_name}: wrong 'when=' condition for the '{vname}' variant" errors.extend(_extracts_errors(triggers, summary)) for provided, triggers in pkg_cls.provided.items(): summary = f"{pkg_name}: wrong 'when=' condition for the '{provided}' virtual" errors.extend(_extracts_errors(triggers, summary)) for _, triggers in pkg_cls.requirements.items(): triggers = [when_spec for when_spec, _, _ in triggers] summary = f"{pkg_name}: wrong 'when=' condition in 'requires' directive" errors.extend(_extracts_errors(triggers, summary)) triggers = list(pkg_cls.patches) summary = f"{pkg_name}: wrong 'when=' condition in 'patch' directives" errors.extend(_extracts_errors(triggers, summary)) triggers = list(pkg_cls.resources) summary = f"{pkg_name}: wrong 'when=' condition in 'resource' directives" errors.extend(_extracts_errors(triggers, summary)) return llnl.util.lang.dedupe(errors) #: Sanity checks on package directives external_detection = AuditClass( group="externals", tag="PKG-EXTERNALS", description="Sanity checks for external software detection", kwargs=("pkgs",), ) def packages_with_detection_tests(): """Return the list of packages with a corresponding detection_test.yaml file.""" import spack.config import spack.util.path to_be_tested = [] for current_repo in spack.repo.PATH.repos: namespace = current_repo.namespace packages_dir = pathlib.PurePath(current_repo.packages_path) pattern = packages_dir / "**" / "detection_test.yaml" pkgs_with_tests = [ f"{namespace}.{str(pathlib.PurePath(x).parent.name)}" for x in glob.glob(str(pattern)) ] to_be_tested.extend(pkgs_with_tests) return to_be_tested @external_detection def _test_detection_by_executable(pkgs, error_cls): """Test drive external detection for packages""" import spack.detection errors = [] # Filter the packages and retain only the ones with detection tests pkgs_with_tests = packages_with_detection_tests() selected_pkgs = [] for current_package in pkgs_with_tests: _, unqualified_name = spack.repo.partition_package_name(current_package) # Check for both unqualified name and qualified name if unqualified_name in pkgs or current_package in pkgs: selected_pkgs.append(current_package) selected_pkgs.sort() if not selected_pkgs: summary = "No detection test to run" details = [f' "{p}" has no detection test' for p in pkgs] warnings.warn("\n".join([summary] + details)) return errors for pkg_name in selected_pkgs: for idx, test_runner in enumerate( spack.detection.detection_tests(pkg_name, spack.repo.PATH) ): specs = test_runner.execute() expected_specs = test_runner.expected_specs not_detected = set(expected_specs) - set(specs) if not_detected: summary = pkg_name + ": cannot detect some specs" details = [f'"{s}" was not detected [test_id={idx}]' for s in sorted(not_detected)] errors.append(error_cls(summary=summary, details=details)) not_expected = set(specs) - set(expected_specs) if not_expected: summary = pkg_name + ": detected unexpected specs" msg = '"{0}" was detected, but was not expected [test_id={1}]' details = [msg.format(s, idx) for s in sorted(not_expected)] errors.append(error_cls(summary=summary, details=details)) return errors