# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) """Manage configuration swapping for bootstrapping purposes""" import contextlib import os.path import sys from typing import Any, Dict, Generator, MutableSequence, Sequence from llnl.util import tty import spack.compilers import spack.config import spack.environment import spack.paths import spack.platforms import spack.repo import spack.spec import spack.store import spack.util.path #: Reference counter for the bootstrapping configuration context manager _REF_COUNT = 0 def is_bootstrapping() -> bool: """Return True if we are in a bootstrapping context, False otherwise.""" return _REF_COUNT > 0 def spec_for_current_python() -> str: """For bootstrapping purposes we are just interested in the Python minor version (all patches are ABI compatible with the same minor). See: https://www.python.org/dev/peps/pep-0513/ https://stackoverflow.com/a/35801395/771663 """ version_str = ".".join(str(x) for x in sys.version_info[:2]) return f"python@{version_str}" def root_path() -> str: """Root of all the bootstrap related folders""" return spack.util.path.canonicalize_path( spack.config.get("bootstrap:root", spack.paths.default_user_bootstrap_path) ) def store_path() -> str: """Path to the store used for bootstrapped software""" enabled = spack.config.get("bootstrap:enable", True) if not enabled: msg = 'bootstrapping is currently disabled. Use "spack bootstrap enable" to enable it' raise RuntimeError(msg) return _store_path() @contextlib.contextmanager def spack_python_interpreter() -> Generator: """Override the current configuration to set the interpreter under which Spack is currently running as the only Python external spec available. """ python_prefix = sys.exec_prefix external_python = spec_for_current_python() entry = { "buildable": False, "externals": [{"prefix": python_prefix, "spec": str(external_python)}], } with spack.config.override("packages:python::", entry): yield def _store_path() -> str: bootstrap_root_path = root_path() return spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(os.path.join(bootstrap_root_path, "store")) def _config_path() -> str: bootstrap_root_path = root_path() return spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(os.path.join(bootstrap_root_path, "config")) @contextlib.contextmanager def ensure_bootstrap_configuration() -> Generator: """Swap the current configuration for the one used to bootstrap Spack. The context manager is reference counted to ensure we don't swap multiple times if there's nested use of it in the stack. One compelling use case is bootstrapping patchelf during the bootstrap of clingo. """ global _REF_COUNT # pylint: disable=global-statement already_swapped = bool(_REF_COUNT) _REF_COUNT += 1 try: if already_swapped: yield else: with _ensure_bootstrap_configuration(): yield finally: _REF_COUNT -= 1 def _read_and_sanitize_configuration() -> Dict[str, Any]: """Read the user configuration that needs to be reused for bootstrapping and remove the entries that should not be copied over. """ # Read the "config" section but pop the install tree (the entry will not be # considered due to the use_store context manager, so it will be confusing # to have it in the configuration). config_yaml = spack.config.get("config") config_yaml.pop("install_tree", None) user_configuration = {"bootstrap": spack.config.get("bootstrap"), "config": config_yaml} return user_configuration def _bootstrap_config_scopes() -> Sequence["spack.config.ConfigScope"]: tty.debug("[BOOTSTRAP CONFIG SCOPE] name=_builtin") config_scopes: MutableSequence["spack.config.ConfigScope"] = [ spack.config.InternalConfigScope("_builtin", spack.config.CONFIG_DEFAULTS) ] configuration_paths = (spack.config.CONFIGURATION_DEFAULTS_PATH, ("bootstrap", _config_path())) for name, path in configuration_paths: platform = spack.platforms.host().name platform_scope = spack.config.ConfigScope( "/".join([name, platform]), os.path.join(path, platform) ) generic_scope = spack.config.ConfigScope(name, path) config_scopes.extend([generic_scope, platform_scope]) msg = "[BOOTSTRAP CONFIG SCOPE] name={0}, path={1}" tty.debug(msg.format(generic_scope.name, generic_scope.path)) tty.debug(msg.format(platform_scope.name, platform_scope.path)) return config_scopes def _add_compilers_if_missing() -> None: arch = spack.spec.ArchSpec.frontend_arch() if not spack.compilers.compilers_for_arch(arch): new_compilers = spack.compilers.find_new_compilers( mixed_toolchain=sys.platform == "darwin" ) if new_compilers: spack.compilers.add_compilers_to_config(new_compilers, init_config=False) @contextlib.contextmanager def _ensure_bootstrap_configuration() -> Generator: spack.store.ensure_singleton_created() bootstrap_store_path = store_path() user_configuration = _read_and_sanitize_configuration() with spack.environment.no_active_environment(): with spack.platforms.prevent_cray_detection(), spack.platforms.use_platform( spack.platforms.real_host() ), spack.repo.use_repositories(spack.paths.packages_path): # Default configuration scopes excluding command line # and builtin but accounting for platform specific scopes config_scopes = _bootstrap_config_scopes() with spack.config.use_configuration(*config_scopes), spack.store.use_store( bootstrap_store_path, extra_data={"padded_length": 0} ): # We may need to compile code from sources, so ensure we # have compilers for the current platform _add_compilers_if_missing() spack.config.set("bootstrap", user_configuration["bootstrap"]) spack.config.set("config", user_configuration["config"]) with spack.modules.disable_modules(): with spack_python_interpreter(): yield