# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) import collections.abc import inspect import os import pathlib import platform import re import sys from typing import List, Optional, Tuple import llnl.util.filesystem as fs import spack.build_environment import spack.builder import spack.package_base from spack.directives import build_system, conflicts, depends_on, variant from spack.multimethod import when from ._checks import BaseBuilder, execute_build_time_tests # Regex to extract the primary generator from the CMake generator # string. _primary_generator_extractor = re.compile(r"(?:.* - )?(.*)") def _extract_primary_generator(generator): """Use the compiled regex _primary_generator_extractor to extract the primary generator from the generator string which may contain an optional secondary generator. """ primary_generator = _primary_generator_extractor.match(generator).group(1) return primary_generator def generator(*names: str, default: Optional[str] = None): """The build system generator to use. See ``cmake --help`` for a list of valid generators. Currently, "Unix Makefiles" and "Ninja" are the only generators that Spack supports. Defaults to "Unix Makefiles". See https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/manual/cmake-generators.7.html for more information. Args: names: allowed generators for this package default: default generator """ allowed_values = ("make", "ninja") if any(x not in allowed_values for x in names): msg = "only 'make' and 'ninja' are allowed for CMake's 'generator' directive" raise ValueError(msg) default = default or names[0] not_used = [x for x in allowed_values if x not in names] def _values(x): return x in allowed_values _values.__doc__ = f"{','.join(names)}" variant( "generator", default=default, values=_values, description="the build system generator to use", ) for x in not_used: conflicts(f"generator={x}") class CMakePackage(spack.package_base.PackageBase): """Specialized class for packages built using CMake For more information on the CMake build system, see: https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/ """ #: This attribute is used in UI queries that need to know the build #: system base class build_system_class = "CMakePackage" #: Legacy buildsystem attribute used to deserialize and install old specs legacy_buildsystem = "cmake" build_system("cmake") with when("build_system=cmake"): # https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/variable/CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE.html # See https://github.com/spack/spack/pull/36679 and related issues for a # discussion of the trade-offs between Release and RelWithDebInfo for default # builds. Release is chosen to maximize performance and reduce disk-space burden, # at the cost of more difficulty in debugging. variant( "build_type", default="Release", description="CMake build type", values=("Debug", "Release", "RelWithDebInfo", "MinSizeRel"), ) # CMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION only exists for CMake >= 3.9 # https://cmake.org/cmake/help/latest/variable/CMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION.html variant( "ipo", default=False, when="^cmake@3.9:", description="CMake interprocedural optimization", ) if sys.platform == "win32": generator("ninja") else: generator("ninja", "make", default="make") depends_on("cmake", type="build") depends_on("gmake", type="build", when="generator=make") depends_on("ninja", type="build", when="generator=ninja") def flags_to_build_system_args(self, flags): """Return a list of all command line arguments to pass the specified compiler flags to cmake. Note CMAKE does not have a cppflags option, so cppflags will be added to cflags, cxxflags, and fflags to mimic the behavior in other tools. """ # Has to be dynamic attribute due to caching setattr(self, "cmake_flag_args", []) flag_string = "-DCMAKE_{0}_FLAGS={1}" langs = {"C": "c", "CXX": "cxx", "Fortran": "f"} # Handle language compiler flags for lang, pre in langs.items(): flag = pre + "flags" # cmake has no explicit cppflags support -> add it to all langs lang_flags = " ".join(flags.get(flag, []) + flags.get("cppflags", [])) if lang_flags: self.cmake_flag_args.append(flag_string.format(lang, lang_flags)) # Cmake has different linker arguments for different build types. # We specify for each of them. if flags["ldflags"]: ldflags = " ".join(flags["ldflags"]) # cmake has separate linker arguments for types of builds. self.cmake_flag_args.append(f"-DCMAKE_EXE_LINKER_FLAGS={ldflags}") self.cmake_flag_args.append(f"-DCMAKE_MODULE_LINKER_FLAGS={ldflags}") self.cmake_flag_args.append(f"-DCMAKE_SHARED_LINKER_FLAGS={ldflags}") # CMake has libs options separated by language. Apply ours to each. if flags["ldlibs"]: libs_flags = " ".join(flags["ldlibs"]) libs_string = "-DCMAKE_{0}_STANDARD_LIBRARIES={1}" for lang in langs: self.cmake_flag_args.append(libs_string.format(lang, libs_flags)) # Legacy methods (used by too many packages to change them, # need to forward to the builder) def define(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.builder.define(*args, **kwargs) def define_from_variant(self, *args, **kwargs): return self.builder.define_from_variant(*args, **kwargs) @spack.builder.builder("cmake") class CMakeBuilder(BaseBuilder): """The cmake builder encodes the default way of building software with CMake. IT has three phases that can be overridden: 1. :py:meth:`~.CMakeBuilder.cmake` 2. :py:meth:`~.CMakeBuilder.build` 3. :py:meth:`~.CMakeBuilder.install` They all have sensible defaults and for many packages the only thing necessary will be to override :py:meth:`~.CMakeBuilder.cmake_args`. For a finer tuning you may also override: +-----------------------------------------------+--------------------+ | **Method** | **Purpose** | +===============================================+====================+ | :py:meth:`~.CMakeBuilder.root_cmakelists_dir` | Location of the | | | root CMakeLists.txt| +-----------------------------------------------+--------------------+ | :py:meth:`~.CMakeBuilder.build_directory` | Directory where to | | | build the package | +-----------------------------------------------+--------------------+ """ #: Phases of a CMake package phases: Tuple[str, ...] = ("cmake", "build", "install") #: Names associated with package methods in the old build-system format legacy_methods: Tuple[str, ...] = ("cmake_args", "check") #: Names associated with package attributes in the old build-system format legacy_attributes: Tuple[str, ...] = ( "build_targets", "install_targets", "build_time_test_callbacks", "archive_files", "root_cmakelists_dir", "std_cmake_args", "build_dirname", "build_directory", ) #: Targets to be used during the build phase build_targets: List[str] = [] #: Targets to be used during the install phase install_targets = ["install"] #: Callback names for build-time test build_time_test_callbacks = ["check"] @property def archive_files(self): """Files to archive for packages based on CMake""" return [os.path.join(self.build_directory, "CMakeCache.txt")] @property def root_cmakelists_dir(self): """The relative path to the directory containing CMakeLists.txt This path is relative to the root of the extracted tarball, not to the ``build_directory``. Defaults to the current directory. """ return self.pkg.stage.source_path @property def generator(self): if self.spec.satisfies("generator=make"): return "Unix Makefiles" if self.spec.satisfies("generator=ninja"): return "Ninja" msg = f'{self.spec.format()} has an unsupported value for the "generator" variant' raise ValueError(msg) @property def std_cmake_args(self): """Standard cmake arguments provided as a property for convenience of package writers """ std_cmake_args = CMakeBuilder.std_args(self.pkg, generator=self.generator) std_cmake_args += getattr(self.pkg, "cmake_flag_args", []) return std_cmake_args @staticmethod def std_args(pkg, generator=None): """Computes the standard cmake arguments for a generic package""" default_generator = "Ninja" if sys.platform == "win32" else "Unix Makefiles" generator = generator or default_generator valid_primary_generators = ["Unix Makefiles", "Ninja"] primary_generator = _extract_primary_generator(generator) if primary_generator not in valid_primary_generators: msg = "Invalid CMake generator: '{0}'\n".format(generator) msg += "CMakePackage currently supports the following " msg += "primary generators: '{0}'".format("', '".join(valid_primary_generators)) raise spack.package_base.InstallError(msg) try: build_type = pkg.spec.variants["build_type"].value except KeyError: build_type = "RelWithDebInfo" try: ipo = pkg.spec.variants["ipo"].value except KeyError: ipo = False define = CMakeBuilder.define args = [ "-G", generator, define("CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX", pathlib.Path(pkg.prefix).as_posix()), define("CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE", build_type), ] # CMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION only exists for CMake >= 3.9 if pkg.spec.satisfies("^cmake@3.9:"): args.append(define("CMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION", ipo)) if primary_generator == "Unix Makefiles": args.append(define("CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE", True)) if platform.mac_ver()[0]: args.extend( [define("CMAKE_FIND_FRAMEWORK", "LAST"), define("CMAKE_FIND_APPBUNDLE", "LAST")] ) # Set up CMake rpath args.extend( [ define("CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH_USE_LINK_PATH", True), define("CMAKE_INSTALL_RPATH", spack.build_environment.get_rpaths(pkg)), define("CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH", spack.build_environment.get_cmake_prefix_path(pkg)), ] ) return args @staticmethod def define_cuda_architectures(pkg): """Returns the str ``-DCMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES:STRING=(expanded cuda_arch)``. ``cuda_arch`` is variant composed of a list of target CUDA architectures and it is declared in the cuda package. This method is no-op for cmake<3.18 and when ``cuda_arch`` variant is not set. """ cmake_flag = str() if "cuda_arch" in pkg.spec.variants and pkg.spec.satisfies("^cmake@3.18:"): cmake_flag = CMakeBuilder.define( "CMAKE_CUDA_ARCHITECTURES", pkg.spec.variants["cuda_arch"].value ) return cmake_flag @staticmethod def define_hip_architectures(pkg): """Returns the str ``-DCMAKE_HIP_ARCHITECTURES:STRING=(expanded amdgpu_target)``. ``amdgpu_target`` is variant composed of a list of the target HIP architectures and it is declared in the rocm package. This method is no-op for cmake<3.18 and when ``amdgpu_target`` variant is not set. """ cmake_flag = str() if "amdgpu_target" in pkg.spec.variants and pkg.spec.satisfies("^cmake@3.21:"): cmake_flag = CMakeBuilder.define( "CMAKE_HIP_ARCHITECTURES", pkg.spec.variants["amdgpu_target"].value ) return cmake_flag @staticmethod def define(cmake_var, value): """Return a CMake command line argument that defines a variable. The resulting argument will convert boolean values to OFF/ON and lists/tuples to CMake semicolon-separated string lists. All other values will be interpreted as strings. Examples: .. code-block:: python [define('BUILD_SHARED_LIBS', True), define('CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD', 14), define('swr', ['avx', 'avx2'])] will generate the following configuration options: .. code-block:: console ["-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=ON", "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD:STRING=14", "-DSWR:STRING=avx;avx2] """ # Create a list of pairs. Each pair includes a configuration # option and whether or not that option is activated if isinstance(value, bool): kind = "BOOL" value = "ON" if value else "OFF" else: kind = "STRING" if isinstance(value, collections.abc.Sequence) and not isinstance(value, str): value = ";".join(str(v) for v in value) else: value = str(value) return "".join(["-D", cmake_var, ":", kind, "=", value]) def define_from_variant(self, cmake_var, variant=None): """Return a CMake command line argument from the given variant's value. The optional ``variant`` argument defaults to the lower-case transform of ``cmake_var``. This utility function is similar to :meth:`~spack.build_systems.autotools.AutotoolsBuilder.with_or_without`. Examples: Given a package with: .. code-block:: python variant('cxxstd', default='11', values=('11', '14'), multi=False, description='') variant('shared', default=True, description='') variant('swr', values=any_combination_of('avx', 'avx2'), description='') calling this function like: .. code-block:: python [self.define_from_variant('BUILD_SHARED_LIBS', 'shared'), self.define_from_variant('CMAKE_CXX_STANDARD', 'cxxstd'), self.define_from_variant('SWR')] will generate the following configuration options: .. code-block:: console ["-DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS:BOOL=ON", "-DCMAKE_CXX_STANDARD:STRING=14", "-DSWR:STRING=avx;avx2] for `` cxxstd=14 +shared swr=avx,avx2`` Note: if the provided variant is conditional, and the condition is not met, this function returns an empty string. CMake discards empty strings provided on the command line. """ if variant is None: variant = cmake_var.lower() if variant not in self.pkg.variants: raise KeyError('"{0}" is not a variant of "{1}"'.format(variant, self.pkg.name)) if variant not in self.pkg.spec.variants: return "" value = self.pkg.spec.variants[variant].value if isinstance(value, (tuple, list)): # Sort multi-valued variants for reproducibility value = sorted(value) return self.define(cmake_var, value) @property def build_dirname(self): """Directory name to use when building the package.""" return "spack-build-%s" % self.pkg.spec.dag_hash(7) @property def build_directory(self): """Full-path to the directory to use when building the package.""" return os.path.join(self.pkg.stage.path, self.build_dirname) def cmake_args(self): """List of all the arguments that must be passed to cmake, except: * CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX * CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE which will be set automatically. """ return [] def cmake(self, pkg, spec, prefix): """Runs ``cmake`` in the build directory""" options = self.std_cmake_args options += self.cmake_args() options.append(os.path.abspath(self.root_cmakelists_dir)) with fs.working_dir(self.build_directory, create=True): inspect.getmodule(self.pkg).cmake(*options) def build(self, pkg, spec, prefix): """Make the build targets""" with fs.working_dir(self.build_directory): if self.generator == "Unix Makefiles": inspect.getmodule(self.pkg).make(*self.build_targets) elif self.generator == "Ninja": self.build_targets.append("-v") inspect.getmodule(self.pkg).ninja(*self.build_targets) def install(self, pkg, spec, prefix): """Make the install targets""" with fs.working_dir(self.build_directory): if self.generator == "Unix Makefiles": inspect.getmodule(self.pkg).make(*self.install_targets) elif self.generator == "Ninja": inspect.getmodule(self.pkg).ninja(*self.install_targets) spack.builder.run_after("build")(execute_build_time_tests) def check(self): """Search the CMake-generated files for the targets ``test`` and ``check``, and runs them if found. """ with fs.working_dir(self.build_directory): if self.generator == "Unix Makefiles": self.pkg._if_make_target_execute("test", jobs_env="CTEST_PARALLEL_LEVEL") self.pkg._if_make_target_execute("check") elif self.generator == "Ninja": self.pkg._if_ninja_target_execute("test", jobs_env="CTEST_PARALLEL_LEVEL") self.pkg._if_ninja_target_execute("check")