# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) import inspect import os import re import shutil from typing import Iterable, List, Mapping, Optional import archspec import llnl.util.filesystem as fs import llnl.util.lang as lang import llnl.util.tty as tty from llnl.util.filesystem import HeaderList, LibraryList import spack.builder import spack.config import spack.deptypes as dt import spack.detection import spack.multimethod import spack.package_base import spack.spec import spack.store from spack.directives import build_system, depends_on, extends, maintainers from spack.error import NoHeadersError, NoLibrariesError from spack.install_test import test_part from spack.spec import Spec from spack.util.prefix import Prefix from ._checks import BaseBuilder, execute_install_time_tests def _flatten_dict(dictionary: Mapping[str, object]) -> Iterable[str]: """Iterable that yields KEY=VALUE paths through a dictionary. Args: dictionary: Possibly nested dictionary of arbitrary keys and values. Yields: A single path through the dictionary. """ for key, item in dictionary.items(): if isinstance(item, dict): # Recursive case for value in _flatten_dict(item): yield f"{key}={value}" else: # Base case yield f"{key}={item}" class PythonExtension(spack.package_base.PackageBase): maintainers("adamjstewart") @property def import_modules(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Names of modules that the Python package provides. These are used to test whether or not the installation succeeded. These names generally come from running: .. code-block:: python >> import setuptools >> setuptools.find_packages() in the source tarball directory. If the module names are incorrectly detected, this property can be overridden by the package. Returns: List of strings of module names. """ modules = [] pkg = self.spec["python"].package # Packages may be installed in platform-specific or platform-independent # site-packages directories for directory in {pkg.platlib, pkg.purelib}: root = os.path.join(self.prefix, directory) # Some Python libraries are packages: collections of modules # distributed in directories containing __init__.py files for path in fs.find(root, "__init__.py", recursive=True): modules.append( path.replace(root + os.sep, "", 1) .replace(os.sep + "__init__.py", "") .replace("/", ".") ) # Some Python libraries are modules: individual *.py files # found in the site-packages directory for path in fs.find(root, "*.py", recursive=False): modules.append( path.replace(root + os.sep, "", 1).replace(".py", "").replace("/", ".") ) modules = [ mod for mod in modules if re.match("[a-zA-Z0-9._]+$", mod) and not any(map(mod.startswith, self.skip_modules)) ] tty.debug("Detected the following modules: {0}".format(modules)) return modules @property def skip_modules(self) -> Iterable[str]: """Names of modules that should be skipped when running tests. These are a subset of import_modules. If a module has submodules, they are skipped as well (meaning a.b is skipped if a is contained). Returns: List of strings of module names. """ return [] def view_file_conflicts(self, view, merge_map): """Report all file conflicts, excepting special cases for python. Specifically, this does not report errors for duplicate __init__.py files for packages in the same namespace. """ conflicts = list(dst for src, dst in merge_map.items() if os.path.exists(dst)) if conflicts and self.py_namespace: ext_map = view.extensions_layout.extension_map(self.extendee_spec) namespaces = set(x.package.py_namespace for x in ext_map.values()) namespace_re = r"site-packages/{0}/__init__.py".format(self.py_namespace) find_namespace = lang.match_predicate(namespace_re) if self.py_namespace in namespaces: conflicts = list(x for x in conflicts if not find_namespace(x)) return conflicts def add_files_to_view(self, view, merge_map, skip_if_exists=True): if not self.extendee_spec: return super().add_files_to_view(view, merge_map, skip_if_exists) bin_dir = self.spec.prefix.bin python_prefix = self.extendee_spec.prefix python_is_external = self.extendee_spec.external global_view = fs.same_path(python_prefix, view.get_projection_for_spec(self.spec)) for src, dst in merge_map.items(): if os.path.exists(dst): continue elif global_view or not fs.path_contains_subdirectory(src, bin_dir): view.link(src, dst) elif not os.path.islink(src): shutil.copy2(src, dst) is_script = fs.is_nonsymlink_exe_with_shebang(src) if is_script and not python_is_external: fs.filter_file( python_prefix, os.path.abspath(view.get_projection_for_spec(self.spec)), dst, ) else: orig_link_target = os.path.realpath(src) new_link_target = os.path.abspath(merge_map[orig_link_target]) view.link(new_link_target, dst) def remove_files_from_view(self, view, merge_map): ignore_namespace = False if self.py_namespace: ext_map = view.extensions_layout.extension_map(self.extendee_spec) remaining_namespaces = set( spec.package.py_namespace for name, spec in ext_map.items() if name != self.name ) if self.py_namespace in remaining_namespaces: namespace_init = lang.match_predicate( r"site-packages/{0}/__init__.py".format(self.py_namespace) ) ignore_namespace = True bin_dir = self.spec.prefix.bin global_view = self.extendee_spec.prefix == view.get_projection_for_spec(self.spec) to_remove = [] for src, dst in merge_map.items(): if ignore_namespace and namespace_init(dst): continue if global_view or not fs.path_contains_subdirectory(src, bin_dir): to_remove.append(dst) else: os.remove(dst) view.remove_files(to_remove) def test_imports(self) -> None: """Attempts to import modules of the installed package.""" # Make sure we are importing the installed modules, # not the ones in the source directory python = inspect.getmodule(self).python # type: ignore[union-attr] for module in self.import_modules: with test_part( self, f"test_imports_{module}", purpose=f"checking import of {module}", work_dir="spack-test", ): python("-c", f"import {module}") def update_external_dependencies(self, extendee_spec=None): """ Ensure all external python packages have a python dependency If another package in the DAG depends on python, we use that python for the dependency of the external. If not, we assume that the external PythonPackage is installed into the same directory as the python it depends on. """ # TODO: Include this in the solve, rather than instantiating post-concretization if "python" not in self.spec: if extendee_spec: python = extendee_spec elif "python" in self.spec.root: python = self.spec.root["python"] else: python = self.get_external_python_for_prefix() if not python.concrete: repo = spack.repo.PATH.repo_for_pkg(python) python.namespace = repo.namespace # Ensure architecture information is present if not python.architecture: host_platform = spack.platforms.host() host_os = host_platform.operating_system("default_os") host_target = host_platform.target("default_target") python.architecture = spack.spec.ArchSpec( (str(host_platform), str(host_os), str(host_target)) ) else: if not python.architecture.platform: python.architecture.platform = spack.platforms.host() if not python.architecture.os: python.architecture.os = "default_os" if not python.architecture.target: python.architecture.target = archspec.cpu.host().family.name # Ensure compiler information is present if not python.compiler: python.compiler = self.spec.compiler python.external_path = self.spec.external_path python._mark_concrete() self.spec.add_dependency_edge(python, depflag=dt.BUILD | dt.LINK | dt.RUN, virtuals=()) def get_external_python_for_prefix(self): """ For an external package that extends python, find the most likely spec for the python it depends on. First search: an "installed" external that shares a prefix with this package Second search: a configured external that shares a prefix with this package Third search: search this prefix for a python package Returns: spack.spec.Spec: The external Spec for python most likely to be compatible with self.spec """ python_externals_installed = [ s for s in spack.store.STORE.db.query("python") if s.prefix == self.spec.external_path ] if python_externals_installed: return python_externals_installed[0] python_external_config = spack.config.get("packages:python:externals", []) python_externals_configured = [ spack.spec.parse_with_version_concrete(item["spec"]) for item in python_external_config if item["prefix"] == self.spec.external_path ] if python_externals_configured: return python_externals_configured[0] python_externals_detection = spack.detection.by_path( ["python"], path_hints=[self.spec.external_path] ) python_externals_detected = [ d.spec for d in python_externals_detection.get("python", []) if d.prefix == self.spec.external_path ] if python_externals_detected: return python_externals_detected[0] raise StopIteration("No external python could be detected for %s to depend on" % self.spec) class PythonPackage(PythonExtension): """Specialized class for packages that are built using pip.""" #: Package name, version, and extension on PyPI pypi: Optional[str] = None # To be used in UI queries that require to know which # build-system class we are using build_system_class = "PythonPackage" #: Legacy buildsystem attribute used to deserialize and install old specs legacy_buildsystem = "python_pip" #: Callback names for install-time test install_time_test_callbacks = ["test"] build_system("python_pip") with spack.multimethod.when("build_system=python_pip"): extends("python") depends_on("py-pip", type="build") # FIXME: technically wheel is only needed when building from source, not when # installing a downloaded wheel, but I don't want to add wheel as a dep to every # package manually depends_on("py-wheel", type="build") py_namespace: Optional[str] = None @lang.classproperty def homepage(cls) -> Optional[str]: # type: ignore[override] if cls.pypi: name = cls.pypi.split("/")[0] return f"https://pypi.org/project/{name}/" return None @lang.classproperty def url(cls) -> Optional[str]: if cls.pypi: return f"https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/source/{cls.pypi[0]}/{cls.pypi}" return None @lang.classproperty def list_url(cls) -> Optional[str]: # type: ignore[override] if cls.pypi: name = cls.pypi.split("/")[0] return f"https://pypi.org/simple/{name}/" return None @property def headers(self) -> HeaderList: """Discover header files in platlib.""" # Remove py- prefix in package name name = self.spec.name[3:] # Headers may be in either location include = self.prefix.join(self.spec["python"].package.include).join(name) platlib = self.prefix.join(self.spec["python"].package.platlib).join(name) headers = fs.find_all_headers(include) + fs.find_all_headers(platlib) if headers: return headers msg = "Unable to locate {} headers in {} or {}" raise NoHeadersError(msg.format(self.spec.name, include, platlib)) @property def libs(self) -> LibraryList: """Discover libraries in platlib.""" # Remove py- prefix in package name name = self.spec.name[3:] root = self.prefix.join(self.spec["python"].package.platlib).join(name) libs = fs.find_all_libraries(root, recursive=True) if libs: return libs msg = "Unable to recursively locate {} libraries in {}" raise NoLibrariesError(msg.format(self.spec.name, root)) @spack.builder.builder("python_pip") class PythonPipBuilder(BaseBuilder): phases = ("install",) #: Names associated with package methods in the old build-system format legacy_methods = ("test",) #: Same as legacy_methods, but the signature is different legacy_long_methods = ("install_options", "global_options", "config_settings") #: Names associated with package attributes in the old build-system format legacy_attributes = ("archive_files", "build_directory", "install_time_test_callbacks") #: Callback names for install-time test install_time_test_callbacks = ["test"] @staticmethod def std_args(cls) -> List[str]: return [ # Verbose "-vvv", # Disable prompting for input "--no-input", # Disable the cache "--no-cache-dir", # Don't check to see if pip is up-to-date "--disable-pip-version-check", # Install packages "install", # Don't install package dependencies "--no-deps", # Overwrite existing packages "--ignore-installed", # Use env vars like PYTHONPATH "--no-build-isolation", # Don't warn that prefix.bin is not in PATH "--no-warn-script-location", # Ignore the PyPI package index "--no-index", ] @property def build_directory(self) -> str: """The root directory of the Python package. This is usually the directory containing one of the following files: * ``pyproject.toml`` * ``setup.cfg`` * ``setup.py`` """ return self.pkg.stage.source_path def config_settings(self, spec: Spec, prefix: Prefix) -> Mapping[str, object]: """Configuration settings to be passed to the PEP 517 build backend. Requires pip 22.1 or newer for keys that appear only a single time, or pip 23.1 or newer if the same key appears multiple times. Args: spec: Build spec. prefix: Installation prefix. Returns: Possibly nested dictionary of KEY, VALUE settings. """ return {} def install_options(self, spec: Spec, prefix: Prefix) -> Iterable[str]: """Extra arguments to be supplied to the setup.py install command. Requires pip 23.0 or older. Args: spec: Build spec. prefix: Installation prefix. Returns: List of options. """ return [] def global_options(self, spec: Spec, prefix: Prefix) -> Iterable[str]: """Extra global options to be supplied to the setup.py call before the install or bdist_wheel command. Deprecated in pip 23.1. Args: spec: Build spec. prefix: Installation prefix. Returns: List of options. """ return [] def install(self, pkg: PythonPackage, spec: Spec, prefix: Prefix) -> None: """Install everything from build directory.""" args = PythonPipBuilder.std_args(pkg) + [f"--prefix={prefix}"] for setting in _flatten_dict(self.config_settings(spec, prefix)): args.append(f"--config-settings={setting}") for option in self.install_options(spec, prefix): args.append(f"--install-option={option}") for option in self.global_options(spec, prefix): args.append(f"--global-option={option}") if pkg.stage.archive_file and pkg.stage.archive_file.endswith(".whl"): args.append(pkg.stage.archive_file) else: args.append(".") pip = spec["python"].command # Hide user packages, since we don't have build isolation. This is # necessary because pip / setuptools may run hooks from arbitrary # packages during the build. There is no equivalent variable to hide # system packages, so this is not reliable for external Python. pip.add_default_env("PYTHONNOUSERSITE", "1") pip.add_default_arg("-m") pip.add_default_arg("pip") with fs.working_dir(self.build_directory): pip(*args) spack.builder.run_after("install")(execute_install_time_tests)