# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) import os import re import sys import llnl.util.tty as tty from llnl.util.filesystem import working_dir from llnl.util.lang import pretty_date from llnl.util.tty.colify import colify_table import spack.paths import spack.repo import spack.util.git import spack.util.spack_json as sjson from spack.cmd import spack_is_git_repo description = "show contributors to packages" section = "developer" level = "long" def setup_parser(subparser): view_group = subparser.add_mutually_exclusive_group() view_group.add_argument( "-t", "--time", dest="view", action="store_const", const="time", default="time", help="sort by last modification date (default)", ) view_group.add_argument( "-p", "--percent", dest="view", action="store_const", const="percent", help="sort by percent of code", ) view_group.add_argument( "-g", "--git", dest="view", action="store_const", const="git", help="show git blame output instead of summary", ) subparser.add_argument( "--json", action="store_true", default=False, help="output blame as machine-readable json records", ) subparser.add_argument( "package_or_file", help="name of package to show contributions for, or path to a file in the spack repo", ) def print_table(rows, last_mod, total_lines, emails): """ Given a set of rows with authors and lines, print a table. """ table = [["LAST_COMMIT", "LINES", "%", "AUTHOR", "EMAIL"]] for author, nlines in rows: table += [ [ pretty_date(last_mod[author]), nlines, round(nlines / float(total_lines) * 100, 1), author, emails[author], ] ] table += [[""] * 5] table += [[pretty_date(max(last_mod.values())), total_lines, "100.0"] + [""] * 3] colify_table(table) def dump_json(rows, last_mod, total_lines, emails): """ Dump the blame as a json object to the terminal. """ result = {} authors = [] for author, nlines in rows: authors.append( { "last_commit": pretty_date(last_mod[author]), "lines": nlines, "percentage": round(nlines / float(total_lines) * 100, 1), "author": author, "email": emails[author], } ) result["authors"] = authors result["totals"] = { "last_commit": pretty_date(max(last_mod.values())), "lines": total_lines, "percentage": "100.0", } sjson.dump(result, sys.stdout) def blame(parser, args): # make sure this is a git repo if not spack_is_git_repo(): tty.die("This spack is not a git clone. Can't use 'spack blame'") git = spack.util.git.git(required=True) # Get name of file to blame blame_file = None if os.path.isfile(args.package_or_file): path = os.path.realpath(args.package_or_file) if path.startswith(spack.paths.prefix): blame_file = path if not blame_file: pkg_cls = spack.repo.PATH.get_pkg_class(args.package_or_file) blame_file = pkg_cls.module.__file__.rstrip("c") # .pyc -> .py # get git blame for the package with working_dir(spack.paths.prefix): # ignore the great black reformatting of 2022 ignore_file = os.path.join(spack.paths.prefix, ".git-blame-ignore-revs") if args.view == "git": git("blame", "--ignore-revs-file", ignore_file, blame_file) return else: output = git( "blame", "--line-porcelain", "--ignore-revs-file", ignore_file, blame_file, output=str, ) lines = output.split("\n") # Histogram authors counts = {} emails = {} last_mod = {} total_lines = 0 for line in lines: match = re.match(r"^author (.*)", line) if match: author = match.group(1) match = re.match(r"^author-mail (.*)", line) if match: email = match.group(1) match = re.match(r"^author-time (.*)", line) if match: mod = int(match.group(1)) last_mod[author] = max(last_mod.setdefault(author, 0), mod) # ignore comments if re.match(r"^\t[^#]", line): counts[author] = counts.setdefault(author, 0) + 1 emails.setdefault(author, email) total_lines += 1 if args.view == "time": rows = sorted(counts.items(), key=lambda t: last_mod[t[0]], reverse=True) else: # args.view == 'percent' rows = sorted(counts.items(), key=lambda t: t[1], reverse=True) # Dump as json if args.json: dump_json(rows, last_mod, total_lines, emails) # Print a nice table with authors and emails else: print_table(rows, last_mod, total_lines, emails)