# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) import os import sys import llnl.util.tty as tty import spack.config import spack.repo import spack.util.path from spack.cmd.common import arguments description = "manage package source repositories" section = "config" level = "long" def setup_parser(subparser): sp = subparser.add_subparsers(metavar="SUBCOMMAND", dest="repo_command") # Create create_parser = sp.add_parser("create", help=repo_create.__doc__) create_parser.add_argument("directory", help="directory to create the repo in") create_parser.add_argument( "namespace", help="namespace to identify packages in the repository (defaults to the directory name)", nargs="?", ) create_parser.add_argument( "-d", "--subdirectory", action="store", dest="subdir", default=spack.repo.packages_dir_name, help="subdirectory to store packages in the repository\n\n" "default 'packages'. use an empty string for no subdirectory", ) # List list_parser = sp.add_parser("list", help=repo_list.__doc__) list_parser.add_argument( "--scope", action=arguments.ConfigScope, help="configuration scope to read from" ) # Add add_parser = sp.add_parser("add", help=repo_add.__doc__) add_parser.add_argument("path", help="path to a Spack package repository directory") add_parser.add_argument( "--scope", action=arguments.ConfigScope, default=lambda: spack.config.default_modify_scope(), help="configuration scope to modify", ) # Remove remove_parser = sp.add_parser("remove", help=repo_remove.__doc__, aliases=["rm"]) remove_parser.add_argument( "namespace_or_path", help="namespace or path of a Spack package repository" ) remove_parser.add_argument( "--scope", action=arguments.ConfigScope, default=lambda: spack.config.default_modify_scope(), help="configuration scope to modify", ) def repo_create(args): """create a new package repository""" full_path, namespace = spack.repo.create_repo(args.directory, args.namespace, args.subdir) tty.msg("Created repo with namespace '%s'." % namespace) tty.msg("To register it with spack, run this command:", "spack repo add %s" % full_path) def repo_add(args): """add a package source to Spack's configuration""" path = args.path # real_path is absolute and handles substitution. canon_path = spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(path) # check if the path exists if not os.path.exists(canon_path): tty.die("No such file or directory: %s" % path) # Make sure the path is a directory. if not os.path.isdir(canon_path): tty.die("Not a Spack repository: %s" % path) # Make sure it's actually a spack repository by constructing it. repo = spack.repo.Repo(canon_path) # If that succeeds, finally add it to the configuration. repos = spack.config.get("repos", scope=args.scope) if not repos: repos = [] if repo.root in repos or path in repos: tty.die("Repository is already registered with Spack: %s" % path) repos.insert(0, canon_path) spack.config.set("repos", repos, args.scope) tty.msg("Added repo with namespace '%s'." % repo.namespace) def repo_remove(args): """remove a repository from Spack's configuration""" repos = spack.config.get("repos", scope=args.scope) namespace_or_path = args.namespace_or_path # If the argument is a path, remove that repository from config. canon_path = spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(namespace_or_path) for repo_path in repos: repo_canon_path = spack.util.path.canonicalize_path(repo_path) if canon_path == repo_canon_path: repos.remove(repo_path) spack.config.set("repos", repos, args.scope) tty.msg("Removed repository %s" % repo_path) return # If it is a namespace, remove corresponding repo for path in repos: try: repo = spack.repo.Repo(path) if repo.namespace == namespace_or_path: repos.remove(path) spack.config.set("repos", repos, args.scope) tty.msg("Removed repository %s with namespace '%s'." % (repo.root, repo.namespace)) return except spack.repo.RepoError: continue tty.die("No repository with path or namespace: %s" % namespace_or_path) def repo_list(args): """show registered repositories and their namespaces""" roots = spack.config.get("repos", scope=args.scope) repos = [] for r in roots: try: repos.append(spack.repo.Repo(r)) except spack.repo.RepoError: continue if sys.stdout.isatty(): msg = "%d package repositor" % len(repos) msg += "y." if len(repos) == 1 else "ies." tty.msg(msg) if not repos: return max_ns_len = max(len(r.namespace) for r in repos) for repo in repos: fmt = "%%-%ds%%s" % (max_ns_len + 4) print(fmt % (repo.namespace, repo.root)) def repo(parser, args): action = { "create": repo_create, "list": repo_list, "add": repo_add, "remove": repo_remove, "rm": repo_remove, } action[args.repo_command](args)