# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) import argparse import collections import io import os.path import re import sys try: import pytest except ImportError: pytest = None # type: ignore import llnl.util.filesystem import llnl.util.tty.color as color from llnl.util.tty.colify import colify import spack.paths description = "run spack's unit tests (wrapper around pytest)" section = "developer" level = "long" def setup_parser(subparser): subparser.add_argument( "-H", "--pytest-help", action="store_true", default=False, help="show full pytest help, with advanced options", ) # extra spack arguments to list tests list_group = subparser.add_argument_group("listing tests") list_mutex = list_group.add_mutually_exclusive_group() list_mutex.add_argument( "-l", "--list", action="store_const", default=None, dest="list", const="list", help="list test filenames", ) list_mutex.add_argument( "-L", "--list-long", action="store_const", default=None, dest="list", const="long", help="list all test functions", ) list_mutex.add_argument( "-N", "--list-names", action="store_const", default=None, dest="list", const="names", help="list full names of all tests", ) # use tests for extension subparser.add_argument( "--extension", default=None, help="run test for a given spack extension" ) # spell out some common pytest arguments, so they'll show up in help pytest_group = subparser.add_argument_group( "common pytest arguments (spack unit-test --pytest-help for more)" ) pytest_group.add_argument( "-s", action="append_const", dest="parsed_args", const="-s", help="print output while tests run (disable capture)", ) pytest_group.add_argument( "-k", action="store", metavar="EXPRESSION", dest="expression", help="filter tests by keyword (can also use w/list options)", ) pytest_group.add_argument( "--showlocals", action="append_const", dest="parsed_args", const="--showlocals", help="show local variable values in tracebacks", ) # remainder is just passed to pytest subparser.add_argument("pytest_args", nargs=argparse.REMAINDER, help="arguments for pytest") def do_list(args, extra_args): """Print a lists of tests than what pytest offers.""" def colorize(c, prefix): if isinstance(prefix, tuple): return "::".join(color.colorize("@%s{%s}" % (c, p)) for p in prefix if p != "()") return color.colorize("@%s{%s}" % (c, prefix)) # To list the files we just need to inspect the filesystem, # which doesn't need to wait for pytest collection and doesn't # require parsing pytest output files = llnl.util.filesystem.find(root=spack.paths.test_path, files="*.py", recursive=True) files = [ os.path.relpath(f, start=spack.paths.spack_root) for f in files if not f.endswith(("conftest.py", "__init__.py")) ] old_output = sys.stdout try: sys.stdout = output = io.StringIO() pytest.main(["--collect-only"] + extra_args) finally: sys.stdout = old_output lines = output.getvalue().split("\n") tests = collections.defaultdict(set) # collect tests into sections node_regexp = re.compile(r"(\s*)<([^ ]*) ['\"]?([^']*)['\"]?>") key_parts, name_parts = [], [] for line in lines: match = node_regexp.match(line) if not match: continue indent, nodetype, name = match.groups() # strip parametrized tests if "[" in name: name = name[: name.index("[")] len_indent = len(indent) if os.path.isabs(name): name = os.path.relpath(name, start=spack.paths.spack_root) item = (len_indent, name, nodetype) # Reduce the parts to the scopes that are of interest name_parts = [x for x in name_parts if x[0] < len_indent] key_parts = [x for x in key_parts if x[0] < len_indent] # From version 3.X to version 6.X the output format # changed a lot in pytest, and probably will change # in the future - so this manipulation might be fragile if nodetype.lower() == "function": name_parts.append(item) key_end = os.path.join(*key_parts[-1][1].split("/")) key = next(f for f in files if f.endswith(key_end)) tests[key].add(tuple(x[1] for x in name_parts)) elif nodetype.lower() == "class": name_parts.append(item) elif nodetype.lower() in ("package", "module"): key_parts.append(item) if args.list == "list": files = set(tests.keys()) color_files = [colorize("B", file) for file in sorted(files)] colify(color_files) elif args.list == "long": for prefix, functions in sorted(tests.items()): path = colorize("*B", prefix) + "::" functions = [colorize("c", f) for f in sorted(functions)] color.cprint(path) colify(functions, indent=4) print() else: # args.list == "names" all_functions = [ colorize("*B", prefix) + "::" + colorize("c", f) for prefix, functions in sorted(tests.items()) for f in sorted(functions) ] colify(all_functions) def add_back_pytest_args(args, unknown_args): """Add parsed pytest args, unknown args, and remainder together. We add some basic pytest arguments to the Spack parser to ensure that they show up in the short help, so we have to reassemble things here. """ result = args.parsed_args or [] result += unknown_args or [] result += args.pytest_args or [] if args.expression: result += ["-k", args.expression] return result def unit_test(parser, args, unknown_args): global pytest import spack.bootstrap # Ensure clingo is available before switching to the # mock configuration used by unit tests # Note: skip on windows here because for the moment, # clingo is wholly unsupported from bootstrap with spack.bootstrap.ensure_bootstrap_configuration(): spack.bootstrap.ensure_core_dependencies() if pytest is None: spack.bootstrap.ensure_environment_dependencies() import pytest if args.pytest_help: # make the pytest.main help output more accurate sys.argv[0] = "spack unit-test" return pytest.main(["-h"]) # add back any parsed pytest args we need to pass to pytest pytest_args = add_back_pytest_args(args, unknown_args) # The default is to test the core of Spack. If the option `--extension` # has been used, then test that extension. pytest_root = spack.paths.spack_root if args.extension: pytest_root = spack.extensions.load_extension(args.extension) # pytest.ini lives in the root of the spack repository. with llnl.util.filesystem.working_dir(pytest_root): if args.list: do_list(args, pytest_args) return return pytest.main(pytest_args)