# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) import json import os import traceback import warnings import jsonschema import jsonschema.exceptions import llnl.util.tty as tty import spack.cmd import spack.deptypes as dt import spack.error import spack.hash_types as hash_types import spack.platforms import spack.repo import spack.spec from spack.schema.cray_manifest import schema as manifest_schema #: Cray systems can store a Spack-compatible description of system #: packages here. default_path = "/opt/cray/pe/cpe-descriptive-manifest/" compiler_name_translation = {"nvidia": "nvhpc", "rocm": "rocmcc"} def translated_compiler_name(manifest_compiler_name): """ When creating a Compiler object, Spack expects a name matching one of the classes in `spack.compilers`. Names in the Cray manifest may differ; for cases where we know the name refers to a compiler in Spack, this function translates it automatically. This function will raise an error if there is no recorded translation and the name doesn't match a known compiler name. """ if manifest_compiler_name in compiler_name_translation: return compiler_name_translation[manifest_compiler_name] elif manifest_compiler_name in spack.compilers.supported_compilers(): return manifest_compiler_name else: raise spack.compilers.UnknownCompilerError( "Manifest parsing - unknown compiler: {0}".format(manifest_compiler_name) ) def compiler_from_entry(entry: dict, manifest_path: str): # Note that manifest_path is only passed here to compose a # useful warning message when paths appear to be missing. compiler_name = translated_compiler_name(entry["name"]) if "prefix" in entry: prefix = entry["prefix"] paths = dict( (lang, os.path.join(prefix, relpath)) for (lang, relpath) in entry["executables"].items() ) else: paths = entry["executables"] # Do a check for missing paths. Note that this isn't possible for # all compiler entries, since their "paths" might actually be # exe names like "cc" that depend on modules being loaded. Cray # manifest entries are always paths though. missing_paths = [] for path in paths.values(): if not os.path.exists(path): missing_paths.append(path) # to instantiate a compiler class we may need a concrete version: version = "={}".format(entry["version"]) arch = entry["arch"] operating_system = arch["os"] target = arch["target"] compiler_cls = spack.compilers.class_for_compiler_name(compiler_name) spec = spack.spec.CompilerSpec(compiler_cls.name, version) path_list = [paths.get(x, None) for x in ("cc", "cxx", "f77", "fc")] if missing_paths: warnings.warn( "Manifest entry refers to nonexistent paths:\n\t" + "\n\t".join(missing_paths) + f"\nfor {str(spec)}" + f"\nin {manifest_path}" + "\nPlease report this issue" ) return compiler_cls(spec, operating_system, target, path_list) def spec_from_entry(entry): arch_str = "" if "arch" in entry: local_platform = spack.platforms.host() spec_platform = entry["arch"]["platform"] # Note that Cray systems are now treated as Linux. Specs # in the manifest which specify "cray" as the platform # should be registered in the DB as "linux" if local_platform.name == "linux" and spec_platform.lower() == "cray": spec_platform = "linux" arch_format = "arch={platform}-{os}-{target}" arch_str = arch_format.format( platform=spec_platform, os=entry["arch"]["platform_os"], target=entry["arch"]["target"]["name"], ) compiler_str = "" if "compiler" in entry: compiler_format = "%{name}@={version}" compiler_str = compiler_format.format( name=translated_compiler_name(entry["compiler"]["name"]), version=entry["compiler"]["version"], ) spec_format = "{name}@={version} {compiler} {arch}" spec_str = spec_format.format( name=entry["name"], version=entry["version"], compiler=compiler_str, arch=arch_str ) pkg_cls = spack.repo.PATH.get_pkg_class(entry["name"]) if "parameters" in entry: variant_strs = list() for name, value in entry["parameters"].items(): # TODO: also ensure that the variant value is valid? if not (name in pkg_cls.variants): tty.debug( "Omitting variant {0} for entry {1}/{2}".format( name, entry["name"], entry["hash"][:7] ) ) continue # Value could be a list (of strings), boolean, or string if isinstance(value, str): variant_strs.append("{0}={1}".format(name, value)) else: try: iter(value) variant_strs.append("{0}={1}".format(name, ",".join(value))) continue except TypeError: # Not an iterable pass # At this point not a string or collection, check for boolean if value in [True, False]: bool_symbol = "+" if value else "~" variant_strs.append("{0}{1}".format(bool_symbol, name)) else: raise ValueError( "Unexpected value for {0} ({1}): {2}".format( name, str(type(value)), str(value) ) ) spec_str += " " + " ".join(variant_strs) (spec,) = spack.cmd.parse_specs(spec_str.split()) for ht in [hash_types.dag_hash, hash_types.build_hash, hash_types.full_hash]: setattr(spec, ht.attr, entry["hash"]) spec._concrete = True spec._hashes_final = True spec.external_path = entry["prefix"] spec.origin = "external-db" spack.spec.Spec.ensure_valid_variants(spec) return spec def entries_to_specs(entries): spec_dict = {} for entry in entries: try: spec = spec_from_entry(entry) spec_dict[spec._hash] = spec except spack.repo.UnknownPackageError: tty.debug("Omitting package {0}: no corresponding repo package".format(entry["name"])) except spack.error.SpackError: raise except Exception: tty.warn("Could not parse entry: " + str(entry)) for entry in filter(lambda x: "dependencies" in x, entries): dependencies = entry["dependencies"] for name, properties in dependencies.items(): dep_hash = properties["hash"] depflag = dt.canonicalize(properties["type"]) if dep_hash in spec_dict: if entry["hash"] not in spec_dict: continue parent_spec = spec_dict[entry["hash"]] dep_spec = spec_dict[dep_hash] parent_spec._add_dependency(dep_spec, depflag=depflag, virtuals=()) for spec in spec_dict.values(): spack.spec.reconstruct_virtuals_on_edges(spec) return spec_dict def read(path, apply_updates): decode_exception_type = json.decoder.JSONDecodeError try: with open(path, "r") as json_file: json_data = json.load(json_file) jsonschema.validate(json_data, manifest_schema) except (jsonschema.exceptions.ValidationError, decode_exception_type) as e: raise ManifestValidationError("error parsing manifest JSON:", str(e)) from e specs = entries_to_specs(json_data["specs"]) tty.debug("{0}: {1} specs read from manifest".format(path, str(len(specs)))) compilers = list() if "compilers" in json_data: compilers.extend(compiler_from_entry(x, path) for x in json_data["compilers"]) tty.debug("{0}: {1} compilers read from manifest".format(path, str(len(compilers)))) # Filter out the compilers that already appear in the configuration compilers = spack.compilers.select_new_compilers(compilers) if apply_updates and compilers: for compiler in compilers: try: spack.compilers.add_compilers_to_config([compiler], init_config=False) except Exception: warnings.warn( f"Could not add compiler {str(compiler.spec)}: " f"\n\tfrom manifest: {path}" "\nPlease reexecute with 'spack -d' and include the stack trace" ) tty.debug(f"Include this\n{traceback.format_exc()}") if apply_updates: for spec in specs.values(): spack.store.STORE.db.add(spec, directory_layout=None) class ManifestValidationError(spack.error.SpackError): def __init__(self, msg, long_msg=None): super().__init__(msg, long_msg)