# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) """ This module contains the traversal logic and models that can be used to generate depfiles from an environment. """ import os import re from enum import Enum from typing import List, Optional import spack.deptypes as dt import spack.environment.environment as ev import spack.spec import spack.traverse as traverse class UseBuildCache(Enum): ONLY = 1 NEVER = 2 AUTO = 3 @staticmethod def from_string(s: str) -> "UseBuildCache": if s == "only": return UseBuildCache.ONLY elif s == "never": return UseBuildCache.NEVER elif s == "auto": return UseBuildCache.AUTO raise ValueError(f"invalid value for UseBuildCache: {s}") def _deptypes(use_buildcache: UseBuildCache): """What edges should we follow for a given node? If it's a cache-only node, then we can drop build type deps.""" return ( dt.LINK | dt.RUN if use_buildcache == UseBuildCache.ONLY else dt.BUILD | dt.LINK | dt.RUN ) class DepfileNode: """Contains a spec, a subset of its dependencies, and a flag whether it should be buildcache only/never/auto.""" def __init__( self, target: spack.spec.Spec, prereqs: List[spack.spec.Spec], buildcache: UseBuildCache ): self.target = MakefileSpec(target) self.prereqs = list(MakefileSpec(x) for x in prereqs) if buildcache == UseBuildCache.ONLY: self.buildcache_flag = "--use-buildcache=only" elif buildcache == UseBuildCache.NEVER: self.buildcache_flag = "--use-buildcache=never" else: self.buildcache_flag = "" class DepfileSpecVisitor: """This visitor produces an adjacency list of a (reduced) DAG, which is used to generate depfile targets with their prerequisites. Currently it only drops build deps when using buildcache only mode. Note that the DAG could be reduced even more by dropping build edges of specs installed at the moment the depfile is generated, but that would produce stateful depfiles that would not fail when the database is wiped later.""" def __init__(self, pkg_buildcache: UseBuildCache, deps_buildcache: UseBuildCache): self.adjacency_list: List[DepfileNode] = [] self.pkg_buildcache = pkg_buildcache self.deps_buildcache = deps_buildcache self.depflag_root = _deptypes(pkg_buildcache) self.depflag_deps = _deptypes(deps_buildcache) def neighbors(self, node): """Produce a list of spec to follow from node""" depflag = self.depflag_root if node.depth == 0 else self.depflag_deps return traverse.sort_edges(node.edge.spec.edges_to_dependencies(depflag=depflag)) def accept(self, node): self.adjacency_list.append( DepfileNode( target=node.edge.spec, prereqs=[edge.spec for edge in self.neighbors(node)], buildcache=self.pkg_buildcache if node.depth == 0 else self.deps_buildcache, ) ) # We already accepted this return True class MakefileSpec(object): """Limited interface to spec to help generate targets etc. without introducing unwanted special characters. """ _pattern = None def __init__(self, spec): self.spec = spec def safe_name(self): return self.safe_format("{name}-{version}-{hash}") def spec_hash(self): return self.spec.dag_hash() def safe_format(self, format_str): unsafe_result = self.spec.format(format_str) if not MakefileSpec._pattern: MakefileSpec._pattern = re.compile(r"[^A-Za-z0-9_.-]") return MakefileSpec._pattern.sub("_", unsafe_result) def unsafe_format(self, format_str): return self.spec.format(format_str) class MakefileModel: """This class produces all data to render a makefile for specs of an environment.""" def __init__( self, env: ev.Environment, roots: List[spack.spec.Spec], adjacency_list: List[DepfileNode], make_prefix: Optional[str], jobserver: bool, ): """ Args: env: environment to generate the makefile for roots: specs that get built in the default target adjacency_list: list of DepfileNode, mapping specs to their dependencies make_prefix: prefix for makefile targets jobserver: when enabled, make will invoke Spack with jobserver support. For dry-run this should be disabled. """ # Currently we can only use depfile with an environment since Spack needs to # find the concrete specs somewhere. self.env_path = env.path # These specs are built in the default target. self.roots = list(MakefileSpec(x) for x in roots) # The SPACK_PACKAGE_IDS variable is "exported", which can be used when including # generated makefiles to add post-install hooks, like pushing to a buildcache, # running tests, etc. if make_prefix is None: self.make_prefix = os.path.join(env.env_subdir_path, "makedeps") self.pkg_identifier_variable = "SPACK_PACKAGE_IDS" else: # NOTE: GNU Make allows directory separators in variable names, so for consistency # we can namespace this variable with the same prefix as targets. self.make_prefix = make_prefix self.pkg_identifier_variable = os.path.join(make_prefix, "SPACK_PACKAGE_IDS") # And here we collect a tuple of (target, prereqs, dag_hash, nice_name, buildcache_flag) self.make_adjacency_list = [ ( item.target.safe_name(), " ".join(self._install_target(s.safe_name()) for s in item.prereqs), item.target.spec_hash(), item.target.unsafe_format( "{name}{@version}{%compiler}{variants}{arch=architecture}" ), item.buildcache_flag, ) for item in adjacency_list ] # Root specs without deps are the prereqs for the environment target self.root_install_targets = [self._install_target(s.safe_name()) for s in self.roots] self.jobserver_support = "+" if jobserver else "" # All package identifiers, used to generate the SPACK_PACKAGE_IDS variable self.all_pkg_identifiers: List[str] = [] # All install and install-deps targets self.all_install_related_targets: List[str] = [] # Convenience shortcuts: ensure that `make install/pkg-version-hash` triggers # /.spack-env/makedeps/install/pkg-version-hash in case # we don't have a custom make target prefix. self.phony_convenience_targets: List[str] = [] for node in adjacency_list: tgt = node.target.safe_name() self.all_pkg_identifiers.append(tgt) self.all_install_related_targets.append(self._install_target(tgt)) self.all_install_related_targets.append(self._install_deps_target(tgt)) if make_prefix is None: self.phony_convenience_targets.append(os.path.join("install", tgt)) self.phony_convenience_targets.append(os.path.join("install-deps", tgt)) def _target(self, name: str) -> str: # The `all` and `clean` targets are phony. It doesn't make sense to # have /abs/path/to/env/metadir/{all,clean} targets. But it *does* make # sense to have a prefix like `env/all`, `env/clean` when they are # supposed to be included if name in ("all", "clean") and os.path.isabs(self.make_prefix): return name else: return os.path.join(self.make_prefix, name) def _install_target(self, name: str) -> str: return os.path.join(self.make_prefix, "install", name) def _install_deps_target(self, name: str) -> str: return os.path.join(self.make_prefix, "install-deps", name) def to_dict(self): return { "all_target": self._target("all"), "env_target": self._target("env"), "clean_target": self._target("clean"), "all_install_related_targets": " ".join(self.all_install_related_targets), "root_install_targets": " ".join(self.root_install_targets), "dirs_target": self._target("dirs"), "environment": self.env_path, "install_target": self._target("install"), "install_deps_target": self._target("install-deps"), "any_hash_target": self._target("%"), "jobserver_support": self.jobserver_support, "adjacency_list": self.make_adjacency_list, "phony_convenience_targets": " ".join(self.phony_convenience_targets), "pkg_ids_variable": self.pkg_identifier_variable, "pkg_ids": " ".join(self.all_pkg_identifiers), } @property def empty(self): return len(self.roots) == 0 @staticmethod def from_env( env: ev.Environment, *, filter_specs: Optional[List[spack.spec.Spec]] = None, pkg_buildcache: UseBuildCache = UseBuildCache.AUTO, dep_buildcache: UseBuildCache = UseBuildCache.AUTO, make_prefix: Optional[str] = None, jobserver: bool = True, ) -> "MakefileModel": """Produces a MakefileModel from an environment and a list of specs. Args: env: the environment to use filter_specs: if provided, only these specs will be built from the environment, otherwise the environment roots are used. pkg_buildcache: whether to only use the buildcache for top-level specs. dep_buildcache: whether to only use the buildcache for non-top-level specs. make_prefix: the prefix for the makefile targets jobserver: when enabled, make will invoke Spack with jobserver support. For dry-run this should be disabled. """ roots = env.all_matching_specs(*filter_specs) if filter_specs else env.concrete_roots() visitor = DepfileSpecVisitor(pkg_buildcache, dep_buildcache) traverse.traverse_breadth_first_with_visitor( roots, traverse.CoverNodesVisitor(visitor, key=lambda s: s.dag_hash()) ) return MakefileModel(env, roots, visitor.adjacency_list, make_prefix, jobserver)