# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) import itertools import textwrap from typing import List, Optional, Tuple import llnl.util.lang import spack.config import spack.extensions from spack.util.path import canonicalize_path class ContextMeta(type): """Meta class for Context. It helps reducing the boilerplate in client code. """ #: Keeps track of the context properties that have been added #: by the class that is being defined _new_context_properties: List[str] = [] def __new__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict): # Merge all the context properties that are coming from base classes # into a list without duplicates. context_properties = list(cls._new_context_properties) for x in bases: try: context_properties.extend(x.context_properties) except AttributeError: pass context_properties = list(llnl.util.lang.dedupe(context_properties)) # Flush the list cls._new_context_properties = [] # Attach the list to the class being created attr_dict["context_properties"] = context_properties return super(ContextMeta, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attr_dict) @classmethod def context_property(cls, func): """Decorator that adds a function name to the list of new context properties, and then returns a property. """ name = func.__name__ cls._new_context_properties.append(name) return property(func) #: A saner way to use the decorator context_property = ContextMeta.context_property class Context(metaclass=ContextMeta): """Base class for context classes that are used with the template engine. """ def to_dict(self): """Returns a dictionary containing all the context properties.""" d = [(name, getattr(self, name)) for name in self.context_properties] return dict(d) @llnl.util.lang.memoized def make_environment(dirs: Optional[Tuple[str, ...]] = None): """Returns a configured environment for template rendering.""" # Import at this scope to avoid slowing Spack startup down import jinja2 if dirs is None: # Default directories where to search for templates builtins = spack.config.get("config:template_dirs", ["$spack/share/spack/templates"]) extensions = spack.extensions.get_template_dirs() dirs = tuple(canonicalize_path(d) for d in itertools.chain(builtins, extensions)) # Loader for the templates loader = jinja2.FileSystemLoader(dirs) # Environment of the template engine env = jinja2.Environment(loader=loader, trim_blocks=True, lstrip_blocks=True) # Custom filters _set_filters(env) return env # Extra filters for template engine environment def prepend_to_line(text, token): """Prepends a token to each line in text""" return [token + line for line in text] def quote(text): """Quotes each line in text""" return ['"{0}"'.format(line) for line in text] def curly_quote(text): """Encloses each line of text in curly braces""" return ["{{{0}}}".format(line) for line in text] def _set_filters(env): """Sets custom filters to the template engine environment""" env.filters["textwrap"] = textwrap.wrap env.filters["prepend_to_line"] = prepend_to_line env.filters["join"] = "\n".join env.filters["quote"] = quote env.filters["curly_quote"] = curly_quote