# Copyright 2013-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) import argparse import builtins import filecmp import itertools import os import pathlib import re import time import pytest import llnl.util.filesystem as fs import llnl.util.tty as tty import spack.cmd.common.arguments import spack.cmd.install import spack.compilers as compilers import spack.config import spack.environment as ev import spack.hash_types as ht import spack.package_base import spack.store import spack.util.executable from spack.error import SpackError from spack.main import SpackCommand from spack.parser import SpecSyntaxError from spack.spec import CompilerSpec, Spec install = SpackCommand("install") env = SpackCommand("env") add = SpackCommand("add") mirror = SpackCommand("mirror") uninstall = SpackCommand("uninstall") buildcache = SpackCommand("buildcache") find = SpackCommand("find") @pytest.fixture() def noop_install(monkeypatch): def noop(*args, **kwargs): pass monkeypatch.setattr(spack.installer.PackageInstaller, "install", noop) def test_install_package_and_dependency( tmpdir, mock_packages, mock_archive, mock_fetch, config, install_mockery ): log = "test" with tmpdir.as_cwd(): install("--log-format=junit", "--log-file={0}".format(log), "libdwarf") files = tmpdir.listdir() filename = tmpdir.join("{0}.xml".format(log)) assert filename in files content = filename.open().read() assert 'tests="2"' in content assert 'failures="0"' in content assert 'errors="0"' in content @pytest.mark.disable_clean_stage_check def test_install_runtests_notests(monkeypatch, mock_packages, install_mockery): def check(pkg): assert not pkg.run_tests monkeypatch.setattr(spack.package_base.PackageBase, "unit_test_check", check) install("-v", "dttop") @pytest.mark.disable_clean_stage_check def test_install_runtests_root(monkeypatch, mock_packages, install_mockery): def check(pkg): assert pkg.run_tests == (pkg.name == "dttop") monkeypatch.setattr(spack.package_base.PackageBase, "unit_test_check", check) install("--test=root", "dttop") @pytest.mark.disable_clean_stage_check def test_install_runtests_all(monkeypatch, mock_packages, install_mockery): def check(pkg): assert pkg.run_tests monkeypatch.setattr(spack.package_base.PackageBase, "unit_test_check", check) install("--test=all", "a") def test_install_package_already_installed( tmpdir, mock_packages, mock_archive, mock_fetch, config, install_mockery ): with tmpdir.as_cwd(): install("libdwarf") install("--log-format=junit", "--log-file=test.xml", "libdwarf") files = tmpdir.listdir() filename = tmpdir.join("test.xml") assert filename in files content = filename.open().read() assert 'tests="2"' in content assert 'failures="0"' in content assert 'errors="0"' in content skipped = [line for line in content.split("\n") if "skipped" in line] assert len(skipped) == 2 @pytest.mark.parametrize( "arguments,expected", [ ([], spack.config.get("config:dirty")), # default from config file (["--clean"], False), (["--dirty"], True), ], ) def test_install_dirty_flag(arguments, expected): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() spack.cmd.install.setup_parser(parser) args = parser.parse_args(arguments) assert args.dirty == expected def test_package_output(tmpdir, capsys, install_mockery, mock_fetch): """ Ensure output printed from pkgs is captured by output redirection. """ # we can't use output capture here because it interferes with Spack's # logging. TODO: see whether we can get multiple log_outputs to work # when nested AND in pytest spec = Spec("printing-package").concretized() pkg = spec.package pkg.do_install(verbose=True) log_file = pkg.build_log_path with open(log_file) as f: out = f.read() # make sure that output from the actual package file appears in the # right place in the build log. assert "BEFORE INSTALL" in out assert "AFTER INSTALL" in out @pytest.mark.disable_clean_stage_check def test_install_output_on_build_error( mock_packages, mock_archive, mock_fetch, config, install_mockery, capfd ): """ This test used to assume receiving full output, but since we've updated spack to generate logs on the level of phases, it will only return the last phase, install. """ # capfd interferes with Spack's capturing with capfd.disabled(): out = install("-v", "build-error", fail_on_error=False) assert "Installing build-error" in out @pytest.mark.disable_clean_stage_check def test_install_output_on_python_error( mock_packages, mock_archive, mock_fetch, config, install_mockery ): out = install("failing-build", fail_on_error=False) assert isinstance(install.error, spack.build_environment.ChildError) assert install.error.name == "InstallError" assert 'raise InstallError("Expected failure.")' in out @pytest.mark.disable_clean_stage_check def test_install_with_source(mock_packages, mock_archive, mock_fetch, config, install_mockery): """Verify that source has been copied into place.""" install("--source", "--keep-stage", "trivial-install-test-package") spec = Spec("trivial-install-test-package").concretized() src = os.path.join(spec.prefix.share, "trivial-install-test-package", "src") assert filecmp.cmp( os.path.join(mock_archive.path, "configure"), os.path.join(src, "configure") ) def test_install_env_variables(mock_packages, mock_archive, mock_fetch, config, install_mockery): spec = Spec("libdwarf") spec.concretize() install("libdwarf") assert os.path.isfile(spec.package.install_env_path) @pytest.mark.disable_clean_stage_check def test_show_log_on_error( mock_packages, mock_archive, mock_fetch, config, install_mockery, capfd ): """ Make sure --show-log-on-error works. """ with capfd.disabled(): out = install("--show-log-on-error", "build-error", fail_on_error=False) assert isinstance(install.error, spack.build_environment.ChildError) assert install.error.pkg.name == "build-error" assert "Installing build-error" in out assert "See build log for details:" in out def test_install_overwrite(mock_packages, mock_archive, mock_fetch, config, install_mockery): # Try to install a spec and then to reinstall it. spec = Spec("libdwarf") spec.concretize() install("libdwarf") # Ignore manifest and install times manifest = os.path.join( spec.prefix, spack.store.STORE.layout.metadata_dir, spack.store.STORE.layout.manifest_file_name, ) ignores = [manifest, spec.package.times_log_path] assert os.path.exists(spec.prefix) expected_md5 = fs.hash_directory(spec.prefix, ignore=ignores) # Modify the first installation to be sure the content is not the same # as the one after we reinstalled with open(os.path.join(spec.prefix, "only_in_old"), "w") as f: f.write("This content is here to differentiate installations.") bad_md5 = fs.hash_directory(spec.prefix, ignore=ignores) assert bad_md5 != expected_md5 install("--overwrite", "-y", "libdwarf") assert os.path.exists(spec.prefix) assert fs.hash_directory(spec.prefix, ignore=ignores) == expected_md5 assert fs.hash_directory(spec.prefix, ignore=ignores) != bad_md5 def test_install_overwrite_not_installed( mock_packages, mock_archive, mock_fetch, config, install_mockery ): # Try to install a spec and then to reinstall it. spec = Spec("libdwarf") spec.concretize() assert not os.path.exists(spec.prefix) install("--overwrite", "-y", "libdwarf") assert os.path.exists(spec.prefix) def test_install_commit(mock_git_version_info, install_mockery, mock_packages, monkeypatch): """Test installing a git package from a commit. This ensures Spack associates commit versions with their packages in time to do version lookups. Details of version lookup tested elsewhere. """ repo_path, filename, commits = mock_git_version_info file_url = pathlib.Path(repo_path).as_uri() monkeypatch.setattr(spack.package_base.PackageBase, "git", file_url, raising=False) # Use the earliest commit in the respository spec = Spec(f"git-test-commit@{commits[-1]}").concretized() spec.package.do_install() # Ensure first commit file contents were written installed = os.listdir(spec.prefix.bin) assert filename in installed with open(spec.prefix.bin.join(filename), "r") as f: content = f.read().strip() assert content == "[0]" # contents are weird for another test def test_install_overwrite_multiple( mock_packages, mock_archive, mock_fetch, config, install_mockery ): # Try to install a spec and then to reinstall it. libdwarf = Spec("libdwarf") libdwarf.concretize() install("libdwarf") cmake = Spec("cmake") cmake.concretize() install("cmake") ld_manifest = os.path.join( libdwarf.prefix, spack.store.STORE.layout.metadata_dir, spack.store.STORE.layout.manifest_file_name, ) ld_ignores = [ld_manifest, libdwarf.package.times_log_path] assert os.path.exists(libdwarf.prefix) expected_libdwarf_md5 = fs.hash_directory(libdwarf.prefix, ignore=ld_ignores) cm_manifest = os.path.join( cmake.prefix, spack.store.STORE.layout.metadata_dir, spack.store.STORE.layout.manifest_file_name, ) cm_ignores = [cm_manifest, cmake.package.times_log_path] assert os.path.exists(cmake.prefix) expected_cmake_md5 = fs.hash_directory(cmake.prefix, ignore=cm_ignores) # Modify the first installation to be sure the content is not the same # as the one after we reinstalled with open(os.path.join(libdwarf.prefix, "only_in_old"), "w") as f: f.write("This content is here to differentiate installations.") with open(os.path.join(cmake.prefix, "only_in_old"), "w") as f: f.write("This content is here to differentiate installations.") bad_libdwarf_md5 = fs.hash_directory(libdwarf.prefix, ignore=ld_ignores) bad_cmake_md5 = fs.hash_directory(cmake.prefix, ignore=cm_ignores) assert bad_libdwarf_md5 != expected_libdwarf_md5 assert bad_cmake_md5 != expected_cmake_md5 install("--overwrite", "-y", "libdwarf", "cmake") assert os.path.exists(libdwarf.prefix) assert os.path.exists(cmake.prefix) ld_hash = fs.hash_directory(libdwarf.prefix, ignore=ld_ignores) cm_hash = fs.hash_directory(cmake.prefix, ignore=cm_ignores) assert ld_hash == expected_libdwarf_md5 assert cm_hash == expected_cmake_md5 assert ld_hash != bad_libdwarf_md5 assert cm_hash != bad_cmake_md5 @pytest.mark.usefixtures( "mock_packages", "mock_archive", "mock_fetch", "config", "install_mockery" ) def test_install_conflicts(conflict_spec): # Make sure that spec with conflicts raises a SpackError with pytest.raises(SpackError): install(conflict_spec) @pytest.mark.usefixtures( "mock_packages", "mock_archive", "mock_fetch", "config", "install_mockery" ) def test_install_invalid_spec(invalid_spec): # Make sure that invalid specs raise a SpackError with pytest.raises(SpecSyntaxError, match="unexpected tokens"): install(invalid_spec) @pytest.mark.usefixtures("noop_install", "mock_packages", "config") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "spec,concretize,error_code", [ (Spec("mpi"), False, 1), (Spec("mpi"), True, 0), (Spec("boost"), False, 1), (Spec("boost"), True, 0), ], ) def test_install_from_file(spec, concretize, error_code, tmpdir): if concretize: spec.concretize() specfile = tmpdir.join("spec.yaml") with specfile.open("w") as f: spec.to_yaml(f) err_msg = "does not contain a concrete spec" if error_code else "" # Relative path to specfile (regression for #6906) with fs.working_dir(specfile.dirname): # A non-concrete spec will fail to be installed out = install("-f", specfile.basename, fail_on_error=False) assert install.returncode == error_code assert err_msg in out # Absolute path to specfile (regression for #6983) out = install("-f", str(specfile), fail_on_error=False) assert install.returncode == error_code assert err_msg in out @pytest.mark.disable_clean_stage_check @pytest.mark.usefixtures( "mock_packages", "mock_archive", "mock_fetch", "config", "install_mockery" ) @pytest.mark.parametrize( "exc_typename,msg", [("RuntimeError", "something weird happened"), ("ValueError", "spec is not concrete")], ) def test_junit_output_with_failures(tmpdir, exc_typename, msg): with tmpdir.as_cwd(): install( "--log-format=junit", "--log-file=test.xml", "raiser", "exc_type={0}".format(exc_typename), 'msg="{0}"'.format(msg), fail_on_error=False, ) assert isinstance(install.error, spack.build_environment.ChildError) assert install.error.name == exc_typename assert install.error.pkg.name == "raiser" files = tmpdir.listdir() filename = tmpdir.join("test.xml") assert filename in files content = filename.open().read() # Count failures and errors correctly assert 'tests="1"' in content assert 'failures="1"' in content assert 'errors="0"' in content # Nothing should have succeeded assert 'tests="0"' not in content assert 'failures="0"' not in content # We want to have both stdout and stderr assert "" in content assert msg in content @pytest.mark.disable_clean_stage_check @pytest.mark.parametrize( "exc_typename,expected_exc,msg", [ ("RuntimeError", spack.installer.InstallError, "something weird happened"), ("KeyboardInterrupt", KeyboardInterrupt, "Ctrl-C strikes again"), ], ) def test_junit_output_with_errors( exc_typename, expected_exc, msg, mock_packages, mock_archive, mock_fetch, install_mockery, config, tmpdir, monkeypatch, ): def just_throw(*args, **kwargs): exc_type = getattr(builtins, exc_typename) raise exc_type(msg) monkeypatch.setattr(spack.installer.PackageInstaller, "_install_task", just_throw) with tmpdir.as_cwd(): install("--log-format=junit", "--log-file=test.xml", "libdwarf", fail_on_error=False) assert isinstance(install.error, expected_exc) files = tmpdir.listdir() filename = tmpdir.join("test.xml") assert filename in files content = filename.open().read() # Only libelf error is reported (through libdwarf root spec). libdwarf # install is skipped and it is not an error. assert 'tests="1"' in content assert 'failures="0"' in content assert 'errors="1"' in content # Nothing should have succeeded assert 'errors="0"' not in content # We want to have both stdout and stderr assert "" in content assert 'error message="{0}"'.format(msg) in content @pytest.mark.usefixtures("noop_install", "mock_packages", "config") @pytest.mark.parametrize( "clispecs,filespecs", [ [[], ["mpi"]], [[], ["mpi", "boost"]], [["cmake"], ["mpi"]], [["cmake", "libelf"], []], [["cmake", "libelf"], ["mpi", "boost"]], ], ) def test_install_mix_cli_and_files(clispecs, filespecs, tmpdir): args = clispecs for spec in filespecs: filepath = tmpdir.join(spec + ".yaml") args = ["-f", str(filepath)] + args s = Spec(spec) s.concretize() with filepath.open("w") as f: s.to_yaml(f) install(*args, fail_on_error=False) assert install.returncode == 0 def test_extra_files_are_archived( mock_packages, mock_archive, mock_fetch, config, install_mockery ): s = Spec("archive-files") s.concretize() install("archive-files") archive_dir = os.path.join(spack.store.STORE.layout.metadata_path(s), "archived-files") config_log = os.path.join(archive_dir, mock_archive.expanded_archive_basedir, "config.log") assert os.path.exists(config_log) errors_txt = os.path.join(archive_dir, "errors.txt") assert os.path.exists(errors_txt) @pytest.mark.disable_clean_stage_check def test_cdash_report_concretization_error( tmpdir, mock_fetch, install_mockery, capfd, conflict_spec ): # capfd interferes with Spack's capturing with capfd.disabled(): with tmpdir.as_cwd(): with pytest.raises(SpackError): install("--log-format=cdash", "--log-file=cdash_reports", conflict_spec) report_dir = tmpdir.join("cdash_reports") assert report_dir in tmpdir.listdir() report_file = report_dir.join("Update.xml") assert report_file in report_dir.listdir() content = report_file.open().read() assert "" in content # The message is different based on using the # new or the old concretizer expected_messages = ("Conflicts in concretized spec", "conflicts with") assert any(x in content for x in expected_messages) @pytest.mark.not_on_windows("Windows log_output logs phase header out of order") @pytest.mark.disable_clean_stage_check def test_cdash_upload_build_error(tmpdir, mock_fetch, install_mockery, capfd): # capfd interferes with Spack's capturing with capfd.disabled(): with tmpdir.as_cwd(): with pytest.raises(SpackError): install( "--log-format=cdash", "--log-file=cdash_reports", "--cdash-upload-url=http://localhost/fakeurl/submit.php?project=Spack", "build-error", ) report_dir = tmpdir.join("cdash_reports") assert report_dir in tmpdir.listdir() report_file = report_dir.join("Build.xml") assert report_file in report_dir.listdir() content = report_file.open().read() assert "configure: error: in /path/to/some/file:" in content @pytest.mark.disable_clean_stage_check def test_cdash_upload_clean_build(tmpdir, mock_fetch, install_mockery, capfd): # capfd interferes with Spack's capturing of e.g., Build.xml output with capfd.disabled(): with tmpdir.as_cwd(): install("--log-file=cdash_reports", "--log-format=cdash", "a") report_dir = tmpdir.join("cdash_reports") assert report_dir in tmpdir.listdir() report_file = report_dir.join("a_Build.xml") assert report_file in report_dir.listdir() content = report_file.open().read() assert "" in content assert "" not in content @pytest.mark.disable_clean_stage_check def test_cdash_upload_extra_params(tmpdir, mock_fetch, install_mockery, capfd): # capfd interferes with Spack's capture of e.g., Build.xml output with capfd.disabled(): with tmpdir.as_cwd(): install( "--log-file=cdash_reports", "--log-format=cdash", "--cdash-build=my_custom_build", "--cdash-site=my_custom_site", "--cdash-track=my_custom_track", "a", ) report_dir = tmpdir.join("cdash_reports") assert report_dir in tmpdir.listdir() report_file = report_dir.join("a_Build.xml") assert report_file in report_dir.listdir() content = report_file.open().read() assert 'Site BuildName="my_custom_build - a"' in content assert 'Name="my_custom_site"' in content assert "-my_custom_track" in content @pytest.mark.disable_clean_stage_check def test_cdash_buildstamp_param(tmpdir, mock_fetch, install_mockery, capfd): # capfd interferes with Spack's capture of e.g., Build.xml output with capfd.disabled(): with tmpdir.as_cwd(): cdash_track = "some_mocked_track" buildstamp_format = "%Y%m%d-%H%M-{0}".format(cdash_track) buildstamp = time.strftime(buildstamp_format, time.localtime(int(time.time()))) install( "--log-file=cdash_reports", "--log-format=cdash", "--cdash-buildstamp={0}".format(buildstamp), "a", ) report_dir = tmpdir.join("cdash_reports") assert report_dir in tmpdir.listdir() report_file = report_dir.join("a_Build.xml") assert report_file in report_dir.listdir() content = report_file.open().read() assert buildstamp in content @pytest.mark.disable_clean_stage_check def test_cdash_install_from_spec_json( tmpdir, mock_fetch, install_mockery, capfd, mock_packages, mock_archive, config ): # capfd interferes with Spack's capturing with capfd.disabled(): with tmpdir.as_cwd(): spec_json_path = str(tmpdir.join("spec.json")) pkg_spec = Spec("a") pkg_spec.concretize() with open(spec_json_path, "w") as fd: fd.write(pkg_spec.to_json(hash=ht.dag_hash)) install( "--log-format=cdash", "--log-file=cdash_reports", "--cdash-build=my_custom_build", "--cdash-site=my_custom_site", "--cdash-track=my_custom_track", "-f", spec_json_path, ) report_dir = tmpdir.join("cdash_reports") assert report_dir in tmpdir.listdir() report_file = report_dir.join("a_Configure.xml") assert report_file in report_dir.listdir() content = report_file.open().read() install_command_regex = re.compile( r"(.+)", re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL ) m = install_command_regex.search(content) assert m install_command = m.group(1) assert "a@" in install_command @pytest.mark.disable_clean_stage_check def test_build_error_output(tmpdir, mock_fetch, install_mockery, capfd): with capfd.disabled(): msg = "" try: install("build-error") assert False, "no exception was raised!" except spack.build_environment.ChildError as e: msg = e.long_message assert "configure: error: in /path/to/some/file:" in msg assert "configure: error: cannot run C compiled programs." in msg @pytest.mark.disable_clean_stage_check def test_build_warning_output(tmpdir, mock_fetch, install_mockery, capfd): with capfd.disabled(): msg = "" try: install("build-warnings") assert False, "no exception was raised!" except spack.build_environment.ChildError as e: msg = e.long_message assert "WARNING: ALL CAPITAL WARNING!" in msg assert "foo.c:89: warning: some weird warning!" in msg def test_cache_only_fails(tmpdir, mock_fetch, install_mockery, capfd): # libelf from cache fails to install, which automatically removes the # the libdwarf build task with capfd.disabled(): out = install("--cache-only", "libdwarf", fail_on_error=False) assert "Failed to install libelf" in out assert "Skipping build of libdwarf" in out assert "was not installed" in out # Check that failure prefix locks are still cached failed_packages = [ pkg_name for dag_hash, pkg_name in spack.store.STORE.failure_tracker.locker.locks.keys() ] assert "libelf" in failed_packages assert "libdwarf" in failed_packages def test_install_only_dependencies(tmpdir, mock_fetch, install_mockery): dep = Spec("dependency-install").concretized() root = Spec("dependent-install").concretized() install("--only", "dependencies", "dependent-install") assert os.path.exists(dep.prefix) assert not os.path.exists(root.prefix) def test_install_only_package(tmpdir, mock_fetch, install_mockery, capfd): msg = "" with capfd.disabled(): try: install("--only", "package", "dependent-install") except spack.installer.InstallError as e: msg = str(e) assert "Cannot proceed with dependent-install" in msg assert "1 uninstalled dependency" in msg def test_install_deps_then_package(tmpdir, mock_fetch, install_mockery): dep = Spec("dependency-install").concretized() root = Spec("dependent-install").concretized() install("--only", "dependencies", "dependent-install") assert os.path.exists(dep.prefix) assert not os.path.exists(root.prefix) install("--only", "package", "dependent-install") assert os.path.exists(root.prefix) @pytest.mark.not_on_windows("Environment views not supported on windows. Revisit after #34701") @pytest.mark.regression("12002") def test_install_only_dependencies_in_env( tmpdir, mock_fetch, install_mockery, mutable_mock_env_path ): env("create", "test") with ev.read("test"): dep = Spec("dependency-install").concretized() root = Spec("dependent-install").concretized() install("-v", "--only", "dependencies", "--add", "dependent-install") assert os.path.exists(dep.prefix) assert not os.path.exists(root.prefix) @pytest.mark.regression("12002") def test_install_only_dependencies_of_all_in_env( tmpdir, mock_fetch, install_mockery, mutable_mock_env_path ): env("create", "--without-view", "test") with ev.read("test"): roots = [ Spec("dependent-install@1.0").concretized(), Spec("dependent-install@2.0").concretized(), ] add("dependent-install@1.0") add("dependent-install@2.0") install("--only", "dependencies") for root in roots: assert not os.path.exists(root.prefix) for dep in root.traverse(root=False): assert os.path.exists(dep.prefix) def test_install_no_add_in_env(tmpdir, mock_fetch, install_mockery, mutable_mock_env_path): # To test behavior of --add option, we create the following environment: # # mpileaks # ^callpath # ^dyninst # ^libelf@0.8.13 # or latest, really # ^libdwarf # ^mpich # libelf@0.8.10 # a~bvv # ^b # a # ^b e = ev.create("test", with_view=False) e.add("mpileaks") e.add("libelf@0.8.10") # so env has both root and dep libelf specs e.add("a") e.add("a ~bvv") e.concretize() e.write() env_specs = e.all_specs() a_spec = None b_spec = None mpi_spec = None # First find and remember some target concrete specs in the environment for e_spec in env_specs: if e_spec.satisfies(Spec("a ~bvv")): a_spec = e_spec elif e_spec.name == "b": b_spec = e_spec elif e_spec.satisfies(Spec("mpi")): mpi_spec = e_spec assert a_spec assert a_spec.concrete assert b_spec assert b_spec.concrete assert b_spec not in e.roots() assert mpi_spec assert mpi_spec.concrete # Activate the environment with e: # Assert using --no-add with a spec not in the env fails inst_out = install("--no-add", "boost", fail_on_error=False, output=str) assert "You can add specs to the environment with 'spack add " in inst_out # Without --add, ensure that two packages "a" get installed inst_out = install("a", output=str) assert len([x for x in e.all_specs() if x.installed and x.name == "a"]) == 2 # Install an unambiguous dependency spec (that already exists as a dep # in the environment) and make sure it gets installed (w/ deps), # but is not added to the environment. install("dyninst") find_output = find("-l", output=str) assert "dyninst" in find_output assert "libdwarf" in find_output assert "libelf" in find_output assert "callpath" not in find_output post_install_specs = e.all_specs() assert all([s in env_specs for s in post_install_specs]) # Make sure we can install a concrete dependency spec from a spec.json # file on disk, and the spec is installed but not added as a root mpi_spec_json_path = tmpdir.join("{0}.json".format(mpi_spec.name)) with open(mpi_spec_json_path.strpath, "w") as fd: fd.write(mpi_spec.to_json(hash=ht.dag_hash)) install("-f", mpi_spec_json_path.strpath) assert mpi_spec not in e.roots() find_output = find("-l", output=str) assert mpi_spec.name in find_output # Install an unambiguous depependency spec (that already exists as a # dep in the environment) with --add and make sure it is added as a # root of the environment as well as installed. assert b_spec not in e.roots() install("--add", "b") assert b_spec in e.roots() assert b_spec not in e.uninstalled_specs() # Install a novel spec with --add and make sure it is added as a root # and installed. install("--add", "bowtie") assert any([s.name == "bowtie" for s in e.roots()]) assert not any([s.name == "bowtie" for s in e.uninstalled_specs()]) def test_install_help_does_not_show_cdash_options(capsys): """ Make sure `spack install --help` does not describe CDash arguments """ with pytest.raises(SystemExit): install("--help") captured = capsys.readouterr() assert "CDash URL" not in captured.out def test_install_help_cdash(): """Make sure `spack install --help-cdash` describes CDash arguments""" install_cmd = SpackCommand("install") out = install_cmd("--help-cdash") assert "CDash URL" in out @pytest.mark.disable_clean_stage_check def test_cdash_auth_token(tmpdir, mock_fetch, install_mockery, monkeypatch, capfd): # capfd interferes with Spack's capturing with tmpdir.as_cwd(), capfd.disabled(): monkeypatch.setenv("SPACK_CDASH_AUTH_TOKEN", "asdf") out = install("-v", "--log-file=cdash_reports", "--log-format=cdash", "a") assert "Using CDash auth token from environment" in out @pytest.mark.not_on_windows("Windows log_output logs phase header out of order") @pytest.mark.disable_clean_stage_check def test_cdash_configure_warning(tmpdir, mock_fetch, install_mockery, capfd): # capfd interferes with Spack's capturing of e.g., Build.xml output with capfd.disabled(): with tmpdir.as_cwd(): # Test would fail if install raised an error. # Ensure that even on non-x86_64 architectures, there are no # dependencies installed spec = spack.spec.Spec("configure-warning").concretized() spec.clear_dependencies() specfile = "./spec.json" with open(specfile, "w") as f: f.write(spec.to_json()) install("--log-file=cdash_reports", "--log-format=cdash", specfile) # Verify Configure.xml exists with expected contents. report_dir = tmpdir.join("cdash_reports") assert report_dir in tmpdir.listdir() report_file = report_dir.join("Configure.xml") assert report_file in report_dir.listdir() content = report_file.open().read() assert "foo: No such file or directory" in content @pytest.mark.not_on_windows("ArchSpec gives test platform debian rather than windows") def test_compiler_bootstrap( install_mockery_mutable_config, mock_packages, mock_fetch, mock_archive, mutable_config, monkeypatch, ): monkeypatch.setattr(spack.concretize.Concretizer, "check_for_compiler_existence", False) spack.config.set("config:install_missing_compilers", True) assert CompilerSpec("gcc@=12.0") not in compilers.all_compiler_specs() # Test succeeds if it does not raise an error install("a%gcc@=12.0") @pytest.mark.not_on_windows("Binary mirrors not supported on windows") def test_compiler_bootstrap_from_binary_mirror( install_mockery_mutable_config, mock_packages, mock_fetch, mock_archive, mutable_config, monkeypatch, tmpdir, ): """ Make sure installing compiler from buildcache registers compiler """ # Create a temp mirror directory for buildcache usage mirror_dir = tmpdir.join("mirror_dir") mirror_url = "file://{0}".format(mirror_dir.strpath) # Install a compiler, because we want to put it in a buildcache install("gcc@=10.2.0") # Put installed compiler in the buildcache buildcache("push", "-u", "-f", mirror_dir.strpath, "gcc@10.2.0") # Now uninstall the compiler uninstall("-y", "gcc@10.2.0") monkeypatch.setattr(spack.concretize.Concretizer, "check_for_compiler_existence", False) spack.config.set("config:install_missing_compilers", True) assert CompilerSpec("gcc@=10.2.0") not in compilers.all_compiler_specs() # Configure the mirror where we put that buildcache w/ the compiler mirror("add", "test-mirror", mirror_url) # Now make sure that when the compiler is installed from binary mirror, # it also gets configured as a compiler. Test succeeds if it does not # raise an error install("--no-check-signature", "--cache-only", "--only", "dependencies", "b%gcc@=10.2.0") install("--no-cache", "--only", "package", "b%gcc@10.2.0") @pytest.mark.not_on_windows("ArchSpec gives test platform debian rather than windows") @pytest.mark.regression("16221") def test_compiler_bootstrap_already_installed( install_mockery_mutable_config, mock_packages, mock_fetch, mock_archive, mutable_config, monkeypatch, ): monkeypatch.setattr(spack.concretize.Concretizer, "check_for_compiler_existence", False) spack.config.set("config:install_missing_compilers", True) assert CompilerSpec("gcc@=12.0") not in compilers.all_compiler_specs() # Test succeeds if it does not raise an error install("gcc@=12.0") install("a%gcc@=12.0") def test_install_fails_no_args(tmpdir): # ensure no spack.yaml in directory with tmpdir.as_cwd(): output = install(fail_on_error=False) # check we got the short version of the error message with no spack.yaml assert "requires a package argument or active environment" in output assert "spack env activate ." not in output assert "using the `spack.yaml` in this directory" not in output def test_install_fails_no_args_suggests_env_activation(tmpdir): # ensure spack.yaml in directory tmpdir.ensure("spack.yaml") with tmpdir.as_cwd(): output = install(fail_on_error=False) # check we got the long version of the error message with spack.yaml assert "requires a package argument or active environment" in output assert "spack env activate ." in output assert "using the `spack.yaml` in this directory" in output @pytest.mark.not_on_windows("Environment views not supported on windows. Revisit after #34701") def test_install_env_with_tests_all( tmpdir, mock_packages, mock_fetch, install_mockery, mutable_mock_env_path ): env("create", "test") with ev.read("test"): test_dep = Spec("test-dependency").concretized() add("depb") install("--test", "all") assert os.path.exists(test_dep.prefix) @pytest.mark.not_on_windows("Environment views not supported on windows. Revisit after #34701") def test_install_env_with_tests_root( tmpdir, mock_packages, mock_fetch, install_mockery, mutable_mock_env_path ): env("create", "test") with ev.read("test"): test_dep = Spec("test-dependency").concretized() add("depb") install("--test", "root") assert not os.path.exists(test_dep.prefix) @pytest.mark.not_on_windows("Environment views not supported on windows. Revisit after #34701") def test_install_empty_env( tmpdir, mock_packages, mock_fetch, install_mockery, mutable_mock_env_path ): env_name = "empty" env("create", env_name) with ev.read(env_name): out = install(fail_on_error=False) assert env_name in out assert "environment" in out assert "no specs to install" in out @pytest.mark.not_on_windows("Windows logger I/O operation on closed file when install fails") @pytest.mark.disable_clean_stage_check @pytest.mark.parametrize( "name,method", [ ("test-build-callbacks", "undefined-build-test"), ("test-install-callbacks", "undefined-install-test"), ], ) def test_installation_fail_tests(install_mockery, mock_fetch, name, method): """Confirm build-time tests with unknown methods fail.""" output = install("--test=root", "--no-cache", name, fail_on_error=False) # Check that there is a single test failure reported assert output.count("TestFailure: 1 test failed") == 1 # Check that the method appears twice: no attribute error and in message assert output.count(method) == 2 assert output.count("method not implemented") == 1 # Check that the path to the test log file is also output assert "See test log for details" in output @pytest.mark.not_on_windows("Buildcache not supported on windows") def test_install_use_buildcache( capsys, mock_packages, mock_fetch, mock_archive, mock_binary_index, tmpdir, install_mockery_mutable_config, ): """ Make sure installing with use-buildcache behaves correctly. """ package_name = "dependent-install" dependency_name = "dependency-install" def validate(mode, out, pkg): def assert_auto(pkg, out): assert "==> Extracting {0}".format(pkg) in out def assert_only(pkg, out): assert "==> Extracting {0}".format(pkg) in out def assert_never(pkg, out): assert "==> {0}: Executing phase: 'install'".format(pkg) in out if mode == "auto": assert_auto(pkg, out) elif mode == "only": assert_only(pkg, out) else: assert_never(pkg, out) def install_use_buildcache(opt): out = install( "--no-check-signature", "--use-buildcache", opt, package_name, fail_on_error=True ) pkg_opt, dep_opt = spack.cmd.common.arguments.use_buildcache(opt) validate(dep_opt, out, dependency_name) validate(pkg_opt, out, package_name) # Clean up installed packages uninstall("-y", "-a") # Setup the mirror # Create a temp mirror directory for buildcache usage mirror_dir = tmpdir.join("mirror_dir") mirror_url = "file://{0}".format(mirror_dir.strpath) # Populate the buildcache install(package_name) buildcache("push", "-u", "-f", mirror_dir.strpath, package_name, dependency_name) # Uninstall the all of the packages for clean slate uninstall("-y", "-a") # Configure the mirror where we put that buildcache w/ the compiler mirror("add", "test-mirror", mirror_url) with capsys.disabled(): # Install using the matrix of possible combinations with --use-buildcache for pkg, deps in itertools.product(["auto", "only", "never"], repeat=2): tty.debug( "Testing `spack install --use-buildcache package:{0},dependencies:{1}`".format( pkg, deps ) ) install_use_buildcache("package:{0},dependencies:{1}".format(pkg, deps)) install_use_buildcache("dependencies:{0},package:{1}".format(deps, pkg)) # Install using a default override option # Alternative to --cache-only (always) or --no-cache (never) for opt in ["auto", "only", "never"]: install_use_buildcache(opt) @pytest.mark.not_on_windows("Windows logger I/O operation on closed file when install fails") @pytest.mark.regression("34006") @pytest.mark.disable_clean_stage_check def test_padded_install_runtests_root(install_mockery_mutable_config, mock_fetch): spack.config.set("config:install_tree:padded_length", 255) output = install("--test=root", "--no-cache", "test-build-callbacks", fail_on_error=False) assert output.count("method not implemented") == 1 @pytest.mark.regression("35337") def test_report_filename_for_cdash(install_mockery_mutable_config, mock_fetch): """Test that the temporary file used to write the XML for CDash is not the upload URL""" parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() spack.cmd.install.setup_parser(parser) args = parser.parse_args( ["--cdash-upload-url", "https://blahblah/submit.php?project=debugging", "a"] ) specs = spack.cmd.install.concrete_specs_from_cli(args, {}) filename = spack.cmd.install.report_filename(args, specs) assert filename != "https://blahblah/submit.php?project=debugging"