# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) import os import re import subprocess import sys from pathlib import Path, PurePath import llnl.util.tty as tty import spack.error __all__ = ["Executable", "which", "ProcessError"] class Executable: """Class representing a program that can be run on the command line.""" def __init__(self, name): file_path = str(Path(name)) if sys.platform != "win32" and name.startswith("."): # pathlib strips the ./ from relative paths so it must be added back file_path = os.path.join(".", file_path) self.exe = [file_path] self.default_env = {} from spack.util.environment import EnvironmentModifications # no cycle self.default_envmod = EnvironmentModifications() self.returncode = None if not self.exe: raise ProcessError("Cannot construct executable for '%s'" % name) def add_default_arg(self, *args): """Add default argument(s) to the command.""" self.exe.extend(args) def add_default_env(self, key, value): """Set an environment variable when the command is run. Parameters: key: The environment variable to set value: The value to set it to """ self.default_env[key] = value def add_default_envmod(self, envmod): """Set an EnvironmentModifications to use when the command is run.""" self.default_envmod.extend(envmod) @property def command(self): """The command-line string. Returns: str: The executable and default arguments """ return " ".join(self.exe) @property def name(self): """The executable name. Returns: str: The basename of the executable """ return PurePath(self.path).name @property def path(self): """The path to the executable. Returns: str: The path to the executable """ return str(PurePath(self.exe[0])) def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs): """Run this executable in a subprocess. Parameters: *args (str): Command-line arguments to the executable to run Keyword Arguments: _dump_env (dict): Dict to be set to the environment actually used (envisaged for testing purposes only) env (dict or EnvironmentModifications): The environment with which to run the executable extra_env (dict or EnvironmentModifications): Extra items to add to the environment (neither requires nor precludes env) fail_on_error (bool): Raise an exception if the subprocess returns an error. Default is True. The return code is available as ``exe.returncode`` ignore_errors (int or list): A list of error codes to ignore. If these codes are returned, this process will not raise an exception even if ``fail_on_error`` is set to ``True`` ignore_quotes (bool): If False, warn users that quotes are not needed as Spack does not use a shell. Defaults to False. timeout (int or float): The number of seconds to wait before killing the child process input: Where to read stdin from output: Where to send stdout error: Where to send stderr Accepted values for input, output, and error: * python streams, e.g. open Python file objects, or ``os.devnull`` * filenames, which will be automatically opened for writing * ``str``, as in the Python string type. If you set these to ``str``, output and error will be written to pipes and returned as a string. If both ``output`` and ``error`` are set to ``str``, then one string is returned containing output concatenated with error. Not valid for ``input`` * ``str.split``, as in the ``split`` method of the Python string type. Behaves the same as ``str``, except that value is also written to ``stdout`` or ``stderr``. By default, the subprocess inherits the parent's file descriptors. """ def process_cmd_output(out, err): result = None if output in (str, str.split) or error in (str, str.split): result = "" if output in (str, str.split): if sys.platform == "win32": outstr = str(out.decode("ISO-8859-1")) else: outstr = str(out.decode("utf-8")) result += outstr if output is str.split: sys.stdout.write(outstr) if error in (str, str.split): if sys.platform == "win32": errstr = str(err.decode("ISO-8859-1")) else: errstr = str(err.decode("utf-8")) result += errstr if error is str.split: sys.stderr.write(errstr) return result # Environment env_arg = kwargs.get("env", None) # Setup default environment env = os.environ.copy() if env_arg is None else {} self.default_envmod.apply_modifications(env) env.update(self.default_env) from spack.util.environment import EnvironmentModifications # no cycle # Apply env argument if isinstance(env_arg, EnvironmentModifications): env_arg.apply_modifications(env) elif env_arg: env.update(env_arg) # Apply extra env extra_env = kwargs.get("extra_env", {}) if isinstance(extra_env, EnvironmentModifications): extra_env.apply_modifications(env) else: env.update(extra_env) if "_dump_env" in kwargs: kwargs["_dump_env"].clear() kwargs["_dump_env"].update(env) fail_on_error = kwargs.pop("fail_on_error", True) ignore_errors = kwargs.pop("ignore_errors", ()) ignore_quotes = kwargs.pop("ignore_quotes", False) timeout = kwargs.pop("timeout", None) # If they just want to ignore one error code, make it a tuple. if isinstance(ignore_errors, int): ignore_errors = (ignore_errors,) input = kwargs.pop("input", None) output = kwargs.pop("output", None) error = kwargs.pop("error", None) if input is str: raise ValueError("Cannot use `str` as input stream.") def streamify(arg, mode): if isinstance(arg, str): return open(arg, mode), True elif arg in (str, str.split): return subprocess.PIPE, False else: return arg, False ostream, close_ostream = streamify(output, "w") estream, close_estream = streamify(error, "w") istream, close_istream = streamify(input, "r") if not ignore_quotes: quoted_args = [arg for arg in args if re.search(r'^".*"$|^\'.*\'$', arg)] if quoted_args: tty.warn( "Quotes in command arguments can confuse scripts like" " configure.", "The following arguments may cause problems when executed:", str("\n".join([" " + arg for arg in quoted_args])), "Quotes aren't needed because spack doesn't use a shell. " "Consider removing them.", "If multiple levels of quotation are required, use " "`ignore_quotes=True`.", ) cmd = self.exe + list(args) escaped_cmd = ["'%s'" % arg.replace("'", "'\"'\"'") for arg in cmd] cmd_line_string = " ".join(escaped_cmd) tty.debug(cmd_line_string) try: proc = subprocess.Popen( cmd, stdin=istream, stderr=estream, stdout=ostream, env=env, close_fds=False ) out, err = proc.communicate(timeout=timeout) result = process_cmd_output(out, err) rc = self.returncode = proc.returncode if fail_on_error and rc != 0 and (rc not in ignore_errors): long_msg = cmd_line_string if result: # If the output is not captured in the result, it will have # been stored either in the specified files (e.g. if # 'output' specifies a file) or written to the parent's # stdout/stderr (e.g. if 'output' is not specified) long_msg += "\n" + result raise ProcessError("Command exited with status %d:" % proc.returncode, long_msg) return result except OSError as e: message = "Command: " + cmd_line_string if " " in self.exe[0]: message += "\nDid you mean to add a space to the command?" raise ProcessError("%s: %s" % (self.exe[0], e.strerror), message) except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e: if fail_on_error: raise ProcessError( str(e), "\nExit status %d when invoking command: %s" % (proc.returncode, cmd_line_string), ) except subprocess.TimeoutExpired as te: proc.kill() out, err = proc.communicate() result = process_cmd_output(out, err) long_msg = cmd_line_string + f"\n{result}" if fail_on_error: raise ProcessTimeoutError( f"\nProcess timed out after {timeout}s" f"We expected the following command to run quickly but\ it did not, please report this as an issue: {long_msg}", long_message=long_msg, ) from te finally: if close_ostream: ostream.close() if close_estream: estream.close() if close_istream: istream.close() def __eq__(self, other): return hasattr(other, "exe") and self.exe == other.exe def __neq__(self, other): return not (self == other) def __hash__(self): return hash((type(self),) + tuple(self.exe)) def __repr__(self): return "" % self.exe def __str__(self): return " ".join(self.exe) def which_string(*args, **kwargs): """Like ``which()``, but return a string instead of an ``Executable``.""" path = kwargs.get("path", os.environ.get("PATH", "")) required = kwargs.get("required", False) if isinstance(path, list): paths = [Path(str(x)) for x in path] if isinstance(path, str): paths = [Path(x) for x in path.split(os.pathsep)] def get_candidate_items(search_item): if sys.platform == "win32" and not search_item.suffix: return [search_item.parent / (search_item.name + ext) for ext in [".exe", ".bat"]] return [Path(search_item)] def add_extra_search_paths(paths): with_parents = [] with_parents.extend(paths) if sys.platform == "win32": for p in paths: if p.name == "bin": with_parents.append(p.parent) return with_parents for search_item in args: search_paths = [] search_paths.extend(paths) if search_item.startswith("."): # we do this because pathlib will strip any leading ./ search_paths.insert(0, Path.cwd()) search_paths = add_extra_search_paths(search_paths) search_item = Path(search_item) candidate_items = get_candidate_items(Path(search_item)) for candidate_item in candidate_items: for directory in search_paths: exe = directory / candidate_item try: if exe.is_file() and os.access(str(exe), os.X_OK): return str(exe) except OSError: pass if required: raise CommandNotFoundError("spack requires '%s'. Make sure it is in your path." % args[0]) return None def which(*args, **kwargs): """Finds an executable in the path like command-line which. If given multiple executables, returns the first one that is found. If no executables are found, returns None. Parameters: *args (str): One or more executables to search for Keyword Arguments: path (list or str): The path to search. Defaults to ``PATH`` required (bool): If set to True, raise an error if executable not found Returns: Executable: The first executable that is found in the path """ exe = which_string(*args, **kwargs) return Executable(exe) if exe else None class ProcessError(spack.error.SpackError): """ProcessErrors are raised when Executables exit with an error code.""" class ProcessTimeoutError(ProcessError): """ProcessTimeoutErrors are raised when Executable calls with a specified timeout exceed that time""" class CommandNotFoundError(spack.error.SpackError): """Raised when ``which()`` can't find a required executable."""