# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) """ Utility functions for parsing, formatting, and manipulating URLs. """ import itertools import os import posixpath import sys import urllib.parse import urllib.request from llnl.path import convert_to_posix_path from spack.util.path import sanitize_filename def validate_scheme(scheme): """Returns true if the URL scheme is generally known to Spack. This function helps mostly in validation of paths vs urls, as Windows paths such as C:/x/y/z (with backward not forward slash) may parse as a URL with scheme C and path /x/y/z.""" return scheme in ("file", "http", "https", "ftp", "s3", "gs", "ssh", "git") def _split_all(path): """Split path into its atomic components. Returns the shortest list, L, of strings such that posixpath.join(*L) == path and posixpath.split(element) == ('', element) for every element in L except possibly the first. This first element may possibly have the value of '/'. """ result = [] a = path old_a = None while a != old_a: (old_a, (a, b)) = a, posixpath.split(a) if a or b: result.insert(0, b or "/") return result def local_file_path(url): """Get a local file path from a url. If url is a file:// URL, return the absolute path to the local file or directory referenced by it. Otherwise, return None. """ if isinstance(url, str): url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) if url.scheme == "file": return urllib.request.url2pathname(url.path) return None def path_to_file_url(path): if not os.path.isabs(path): path = os.path.abspath(path) return urllib.parse.urljoin("file:", urllib.request.pathname2url(path)) def file_url_string_to_path(url): return urllib.request.url2pathname(urllib.parse.urlparse(url).path) def is_path_instead_of_url(path_or_url): """Historically some config files and spack commands used paths where urls should be used. This utility can be used to validate and promote paths to urls.""" scheme = urllib.parse.urlparse(path_or_url).scheme # On non-Windows, no scheme means it's likely a path if not sys.platform == "win32": return not scheme # On Windows, we may have drive letters. return "A" <= scheme <= "Z" def format(parsed_url): """Format a URL string Returns a canonicalized format of the given URL as a string. """ if isinstance(parsed_url, str): parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(parsed_url) return parsed_url.geturl() def join(base_url, path, *extra, **kwargs): """Joins a base URL with one or more local URL path components If resolve_href is True, treat the base URL as though it where the locator of a web page, and the remaining URL path components as though they formed a relative URL to be resolved against it (i.e.: as in posixpath.join(...)). The result is an absolute URL to the resource to which a user's browser would navigate if they clicked on a link with an "href" attribute equal to the relative URL. If resolve_href is False (default), then the URL path components are joined as in posixpath.join(). Note: file:// URL path components are not canonicalized as part of this operation. To canonicalize, pass the joined url to format(). Examples: base_url = 's3://bucket/index.html' body = fetch_body(prefix) link = get_href(body) # link == '../other-bucket/document.txt' # wrong - link is a local URL that needs to be resolved against base_url spack.util.url.join(base_url, link) 's3://bucket/other_bucket/document.txt' # correct - resolve local URL against base_url spack.util.url.join(base_url, link, resolve_href=True) 's3://other_bucket/document.txt' prefix = 'https://mirror.spack.io/build_cache' # wrong - prefix is just a URL prefix spack.util.url.join(prefix, 'my-package', resolve_href=True) 'https://mirror.spack.io/my-package' # correct - simply append additional URL path components spack.util.url.join(prefix, 'my-package', resolve_href=False) # default 'https://mirror.spack.io/build_cache/my-package' # For canonicalizing file:// URLs, take care to explicitly differentiate # between absolute and relative join components. """ paths = [ (x) if isinstance(x, str) else x.geturl() for x in itertools.chain((base_url, path), extra) ] paths = [convert_to_posix_path(x) for x in paths] n = len(paths) last_abs_component = None scheme = "" for i in range(n - 1, -1, -1): obj = urllib.parse.urlparse(paths[i], scheme="", allow_fragments=False) scheme = obj.scheme # in either case the component is absolute if scheme or obj.path.startswith("/"): if not scheme: # Without a scheme, we have to go back looking for the # next-last component that specifies a scheme. for j in range(i - 1, -1, -1): obj = urllib.parse.urlparse(paths[j], scheme="", allow_fragments=False) if obj.scheme: paths[i] = "{SM}://{NL}{PATH}".format( SM=obj.scheme, NL=((obj.netloc + "/") if obj.scheme != "s3" else ""), PATH=paths[i][1:], ) break last_abs_component = i break if last_abs_component is not None: paths = paths[last_abs_component:] if len(paths) == 1: result = urllib.parse.urlparse(paths[0], scheme="file", allow_fragments=False) # another subtlety: If the last argument to join() is an absolute # file:// URL component with a relative path, the relative path # needs to be resolved. if result.scheme == "file" and result.netloc: result = urllib.parse.ParseResult( scheme=result.scheme, netloc="", path=posixpath.abspath(result.netloc + result.path), params=result.params, query=result.query, fragment=None, ) return result.geturl() return _join(*paths, **kwargs) def _join(base_url, path, *extra, **kwargs): base_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(base_url) resolve_href = kwargs.get("resolve_href", False) (scheme, netloc, base_path, params, query, _) = base_url scheme = scheme.lower() path_tokens = [ part for part in itertools.chain( _split_all(path), itertools.chain.from_iterable(_split_all(extra_path) for extra_path in extra), ) if part and part != "/" ] base_path_args = ["/fake-root"] if scheme == "s3": if netloc: base_path_args.append(netloc) if base_path.startswith("/"): base_path = base_path[1:] base_path_args.append(base_path) if resolve_href: new_base_path, _ = posixpath.split(posixpath.join(*base_path_args)) base_path_args = [new_base_path] base_path_args.extend(path_tokens) base_path = posixpath.relpath(posixpath.join(*base_path_args), "/fake-root") if scheme == "s3": path_tokens = [part for part in _split_all(base_path) if part and part != "/"] if path_tokens: netloc = path_tokens.pop(0) base_path = posixpath.join("", *path_tokens) if sys.platform == "win32": base_path = convert_to_posix_path(base_path) return format( urllib.parse.ParseResult( scheme=scheme, netloc=netloc, path=base_path, params=params, query=query, fragment=None ) ) def default_download_filename(url: str) -> str: """This method computes a default file name for a given URL. Note that it makes no request, so this is not the same as the option curl -O, which uses the remote file name from the response header.""" parsed_url = urllib.parse.urlparse(url) # Only use the last path component + params + query + fragment name = urllib.parse.urlunparse( parsed_url._replace(scheme="", netloc="", path=posixpath.basename(parsed_url.path)) ) valid_name = sanitize_filename(name) # Don't download to hidden files please if valid_name[0] == ".": valid_name = "_" + valid_name[1:] return valid_name