# Copyright 2013-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) import os import re from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, Optional, Tuple from llnl.util.filesystem import mkdirp, working_dir import spack.caches import spack.fetch_strategy import spack.paths import spack.repo import spack.util.executable import spack.util.hash import spack.util.spack_json as sjson import spack.version from .common import VersionLookupError from .lookup import AbstractRefLookup # regular expression for semantic versioning _VERSION_CORE = r"\d+\.\d+\.\d+" _IDENT = r"[0-9A-Za-z-]+" _SEPARATED_IDENT = rf"{_IDENT}(?:\.{_IDENT})*" _PRERELEASE = rf"\-{_SEPARATED_IDENT}" _BUILD = rf"\+{_SEPARATED_IDENT}" _SEMVER = rf"{_VERSION_CORE}(?:{_PRERELEASE})?(?:{_BUILD})?" # clamp on the end, so versions like v1.2.3-rc1 will match # without the leading 'v'. SEMVER_REGEX = re.compile(rf"{_SEMVER}$") class GitRefLookup(AbstractRefLookup): """An object for cached lookups of git refs GitRefLookup objects delegate to the MISC_CACHE for locking. GitRefLookup objects may be attached to a GitVersion to allow for comparisons between git refs and versions as represented by tags in the git repository. """ def __init__(self, pkg_name): self.pkg_name = pkg_name self.data: Dict[str, Tuple[Optional[str], int]] = {} self._pkg = None self._fetcher = None self._cache_key = None self._cache_path = None # The following properties are used as part of a lazy reference scheme # to avoid querying the package repository until it is necessary (and # in particular to wait until after the configuration has been # assembled) @property def cache_key(self): if not self._cache_key: key_base = "git_metadata" self._cache_key = (Path(key_base) / self.repository_uri).as_posix() # Cache data in MISC_CACHE # If this is the first lazy access, initialize the cache as well spack.caches.MISC_CACHE.init_entry(self.cache_key) return self._cache_key @property def cache_path(self): if not self._cache_path: self._cache_path = spack.caches.MISC_CACHE.cache_path(self.cache_key) return self._cache_path @property def pkg(self): if not self._pkg: try: pkg = spack.repo.PATH.get_pkg_class(self.pkg_name) pkg.git except (spack.repo.RepoError, AttributeError) as e: raise VersionLookupError(f"Couldn't get the git repo for {self.pkg_name}") from e self._pkg = pkg return self._pkg @property def fetcher(self): if not self._fetcher: # We require the full git repository history fetcher = spack.fetch_strategy.GitFetchStrategy(git=self.pkg.git) fetcher.get_full_repo = True self._fetcher = fetcher return self._fetcher @property def repository_uri(self): """Identifier for git repos used within the repo and metadata caches.""" return Path(spack.util.hash.b32_hash(self.pkg.git)[-7:]) def save(self): """Save the data to file""" with spack.caches.MISC_CACHE.write_transaction(self.cache_key) as (old, new): sjson.dump(self.data, new) def load_data(self): """Load data if the path already exists.""" if os.path.isfile(self.cache_path): with spack.caches.MISC_CACHE.read_transaction(self.cache_key) as cache_file: self.data = sjson.load(cache_file) def get(self, ref) -> Tuple[Optional[str], int]: if not self.data: self.load_data() if ref not in self.data: self.data[ref] = self.lookup_ref(ref) self.save() return self.data[ref] def lookup_ref(self, ref) -> Tuple[Optional[str], int]: """Lookup the previous version and distance for a given commit. We use git to compare the known versions from package to the git tags, as well as any git tags that are SEMVER versions, and find the latest known version prior to the commit, as well as the distance from that version to the commit in the git repo. Those values are used to compare Version objects. """ pathlib_dest = Path(spack.paths.user_repos_cache_path) / self.repository_uri dest = str(pathlib_dest) # prepare a cache for the repository dest_parent = os.path.dirname(dest) if not os.path.exists(dest_parent): mkdirp(dest_parent) # Only clone if we don't have it! if not os.path.exists(dest): self.fetcher.clone(dest, bare=True) # Lookup commit info with working_dir(dest): # TODO: we need to update the local tags if they changed on the # remote instance, simply adding '-f' may not be sufficient # (if commits are deleted on the remote, this command alone # won't properly update the local rev-list) self.fetcher.git("fetch", "--tags", output=os.devnull, error=os.devnull) # Ensure ref is a commit object known to git # Note the brackets are literals, the ref replaces the format string try: self.fetcher.git( "cat-file", "-e", "%s^{commit}" % ref, output=os.devnull, error=os.devnull ) except spack.util.executable.ProcessError: raise VersionLookupError("%s is not a valid git ref for %s" % (ref, self.pkg_name)) # List tags (refs) by date, so last reference of a tag is newest tag_info = self.fetcher.git( "for-each-ref", "--sort=creatordate", "--format", "%(objectname) %(refname)", "refs/tags", output=str, ).split("\n") # Lookup of commits to spack versions commit_to_version = {} for entry in tag_info: if not entry: continue tag_commit, tag = entry.split() tag = tag.replace("refs/tags/", "", 1) # For each tag, try to match to a version for v in [v.string for v in self.pkg.versions]: if v == tag or "v" + v == tag: commit_to_version[tag_commit] = v break else: # try to parse tag to compare versions spack does not know match = SEMVER_REGEX.search(tag) if match: commit_to_version[tag_commit] = match.group() ancestor_commits = [] for tag_commit in commit_to_version: self.fetcher.git("merge-base", "--is-ancestor", tag_commit, ref, ignore_errors=[1]) if self.fetcher.git.returncode == 0: distance = self.fetcher.git( "rev-list", "%s..%s" % (tag_commit, ref), "--count", output=str, error=str ).strip() ancestor_commits.append((tag_commit, int(distance))) if ancestor_commits: # Get nearest ancestor that is a known version prev_version_commit, distance = min(ancestor_commits, key=lambda x: x[1]) prev_version = commit_to_version[prev_version_commit] else: # Get list of all commits, this is in reverse order # We use this to get the first commit below ref_info = self.fetcher.git("log", "--all", "--pretty=format:%H", output=str) commits = [c for c in ref_info.split("\n") if c] # No previous version and distance from first commit prev_version = None distance = int( self.fetcher.git( "rev-list", "%s..%s" % (commits[-1], ref), "--count", output=str, error=str ).strip() ) return prev_version, distance