# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) import numbers import re from bisect import bisect_left from typing import List, Optional, Tuple, Union from spack.util.spack_yaml import syaml_dict from .common import ( COMMIT_VERSION, EmptyRangeError, VersionLookupError, infinity_versions, is_git_version, iv_min_len, ) from .lookup import AbstractRefLookup # Valid version characters VALID_VERSION = re.compile(r"^[A-Za-z0-9_.-][=A-Za-z0-9_.-]*$") # regex for version segments SEGMENT_REGEX = re.compile(r"(?:(?P[0-9]+)|(?P[a-zA-Z]+))(?P[_.-]*)") class VersionStrComponent: __slots__ = ["data"] def __init__(self, data): # int for infinity index, str for literal. self.data: Union[int, str] = data @staticmethod def from_string(string): if len(string) >= iv_min_len: try: string = infinity_versions.index(string) except ValueError: pass return VersionStrComponent(string) def __hash__(self): return hash(self.data) def __str__(self): return ( ("infinity" if self.data >= len(infinity_versions) else infinity_versions[self.data]) if isinstance(self.data, int) else self.data ) def __repr__(self) -> str: return f'VersionStrComponent("{self}")' def __eq__(self, other): return isinstance(other, VersionStrComponent) and self.data == other.data def __lt__(self, other): lhs_inf = isinstance(self.data, int) if isinstance(other, int): return not lhs_inf rhs_inf = isinstance(other.data, int) return (not lhs_inf and rhs_inf) if lhs_inf ^ rhs_inf else self.data < other.data def __le__(self, other): return self < other or self == other def __gt__(self, other): lhs_inf = isinstance(self.data, int) if isinstance(other, int): return lhs_inf rhs_inf = isinstance(other.data, int) return (lhs_inf and not rhs_inf) if lhs_inf ^ rhs_inf else self.data > other.data def __ge__(self, other): return self > other or self == other def parse_string_components(string: str) -> Tuple[tuple, tuple]: string = string.strip() if string and not VALID_VERSION.match(string): raise ValueError("Bad characters in version string: %s" % string) segments = SEGMENT_REGEX.findall(string) version = tuple(int(m[0]) if m[0] else VersionStrComponent.from_string(m[1]) for m in segments) separators = tuple(m[2] for m in segments) return version, separators class ConcreteVersion: pass class StandardVersion(ConcreteVersion): """Class to represent versions""" __slots__ = ["version", "string", "separators"] def __init__(self, string: Optional[str], version: tuple, separators: tuple): self.string = string self.version = version self.separators = separators @staticmethod def from_string(string: str): return StandardVersion(string, *parse_string_components(string)) @staticmethod def typemin(): return StandardVersion("", (), ()) @staticmethod def typemax(): return StandardVersion("infinity", (VersionStrComponent(len(infinity_versions)),), ()) def __bool__(self): return True def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, StandardVersion): return self.version == other.version return False def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, StandardVersion): return self.version != other.version return True def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, StandardVersion): return self.version < other.version if isinstance(other, ClosedOpenRange): # Use <= here so that Version(x) < ClosedOpenRange(Version(x), ...). return self <= other.lo return NotImplemented def __le__(self, other): if isinstance(other, StandardVersion): return self.version <= other.version if isinstance(other, ClosedOpenRange): # Versions are never equal to ranges, so follow < logic. return self <= other.lo return NotImplemented def __ge__(self, other): if isinstance(other, StandardVersion): return self.version >= other.version if isinstance(other, ClosedOpenRange): # Versions are never equal to ranges, so follow > logic. return self > other.lo return NotImplemented def __gt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, StandardVersion): return self.version > other.version if isinstance(other, ClosedOpenRange): return self > other.lo return NotImplemented def __iter__(self): return iter(self.version) def __len__(self): return len(self.version) def __getitem__(self, idx): cls = type(self) if isinstance(idx, numbers.Integral): return self.version[idx] elif isinstance(idx, slice): string_arg = [] pairs = zip(self.version[idx], self.separators[idx]) for token, sep in pairs: string_arg.append(str(token)) string_arg.append(str(sep)) if string_arg: string_arg.pop() # We don't need the last separator string_arg = "".join(string_arg) return cls.from_string(string_arg) else: return StandardVersion.from_string("") message = "{cls.__name__} indices must be integers" raise TypeError(message.format(cls=cls)) def __str__(self): return ( self.string if isinstance(self.string, str) else ".".join((str(c) for c in self.version)) ) def __repr__(self) -> str: # Print indirect repr through Version(...) return f'Version("{str(self)}")' def __hash__(self): return hash(self.version) def __contains__(rhs, lhs): # We should probably get rid of `x in y` for versions, since # versions still have a dual interpretation as singleton sets # or elements. x in y should be: is the lhs-element in the # rhs-set. Instead this function also does subset checks. if isinstance(lhs, (StandardVersion, ClosedOpenRange, VersionList)): return lhs.satisfies(rhs) raise ValueError(lhs) def intersects(self, other: Union["StandardVersion", "GitVersion", "ClosedOpenRange"]) -> bool: if isinstance(other, StandardVersion): return self == other return other.intersects(self) def overlaps(self, other) -> bool: return self.intersects(other) def satisfies( self, other: Union["ClosedOpenRange", "StandardVersion", "GitVersion", "VersionList"] ) -> bool: if isinstance(other, GitVersion): return False if isinstance(other, StandardVersion): return self == other if isinstance(other, ClosedOpenRange): return other.intersects(self) if isinstance(other, VersionList): return other.intersects(self) return NotImplemented def union(self, other: Union["ClosedOpenRange", "StandardVersion"]): if isinstance(other, StandardVersion): return self if self == other else VersionList([self, other]) return other.union(self) def intersection(self, other: Union["ClosedOpenRange", "StandardVersion"]): if isinstance(other, StandardVersion): return self if self == other else VersionList() return other.intersection(self) def isdevelop(self): """Triggers on the special case of the `@develop-like` version.""" return any( isinstance(p, VersionStrComponent) and isinstance(p.data, int) for p in self.version ) @property def dotted(self): """The dotted representation of the version. Example: >>> version = Version('1-2-3b') >>> version.dotted Version('1.2.3b') Returns: Version: The version with separator characters replaced by dots """ return type(self).from_string(self.string.replace("-", ".").replace("_", ".")) @property def underscored(self): """The underscored representation of the version. Example: >>> version = Version('1.2.3b') >>> version.underscored Version('1_2_3b') Returns: Version: The version with separator characters replaced by underscores """ return type(self).from_string(self.string.replace(".", "_").replace("-", "_")) @property def dashed(self): """The dashed representation of the version. Example: >>> version = Version('1.2.3b') >>> version.dashed Version('1-2-3b') Returns: Version: The version with separator characters replaced by dashes """ return type(self).from_string(self.string.replace(".", "-").replace("_", "-")) @property def joined(self): """The joined representation of the version. Example: >>> version = Version('1.2.3b') >>> version.joined Version('123b') Returns: Version: The version with separator characters removed """ return type(self).from_string( self.string.replace(".", "").replace("-", "").replace("_", "") ) def up_to(self, index): """The version up to the specified component. Examples: >>> version = Version('1.23-4b') >>> version.up_to(1) Version('1') >>> version.up_to(2) Version('1.23') >>> version.up_to(3) Version('1.23-4') >>> version.up_to(4) Version('1.23-4b') >>> version.up_to(-1) Version('1.23-4') >>> version.up_to(-2) Version('1.23') >>> version.up_to(-3) Version('1') Returns: Version: The first index components of the version """ return self[:index] class GitVersion(ConcreteVersion): """Class to represent versions interpreted from git refs. There are two distinct categories of git versions: 1) GitVersions instantiated with an associated reference version (e.g. 'git.foo=1.2') 2) GitVersions requiring commit lookups Git ref versions that are not paired with a known version are handled separately from all other version comparisons. When Spack identifies a git ref version, it associates a ``CommitLookup`` object with the version. This object handles caching of information from the git repo. When executing comparisons with a git ref version, Spack queries the ``CommitLookup`` for the most recent version previous to this git ref, as well as the distance between them expressed as a number of commits. If the previous version is ``X.Y.Z`` and the distance is ``D``, the git commit version is represented by the tuple ``(X, Y, Z, '', D)``. The component ``''`` cannot be parsed as part of any valid version, but is a valid component. This allows a git ref version to be less than (older than) every Version newer than its previous version, but still newer than its previous version. To find the previous version from a git ref version, Spack queries the git repo for its tags. Any tag that matches a version known to Spack is associated with that version, as is any tag that is a known version prepended with the character ``v`` (i.e., a tag ``v1.0`` is associated with the known version ``1.0``). Additionally, any tag that represents a semver version (X.Y.Z with X, Y, Z all integers) is associated with the version it represents, even if that version is not known to Spack. Each tag is then queried in git to see whether it is an ancestor of the git ref in question, and if so the distance between the two. The previous version is the version that is an ancestor with the least distance from the git ref in question. This procedure can be circumvented if the user supplies a known version to associate with the GitVersion (e.g. ``[hash]=develop``). If the user prescribes the version then there is no need to do a lookup and the standard version comparison operations are sufficient. """ __slots__ = ["ref", "has_git_prefix", "is_commit", "_ref_lookup", "_ref_version"] def __init__(self, string: str): # An object that can lookup git refs to compare them to versions self._ref_lookup: Optional[AbstractRefLookup] = None # This is the effective version. self._ref_version: Optional[StandardVersion] self.has_git_prefix = string.startswith("git.") # Drop `git.` prefix normalized_string = string[4:] if self.has_git_prefix else string if "=" in normalized_string: # Store the git reference, and parse the user provided version. self.ref, spack_version = normalized_string.split("=") self._ref_version = StandardVersion( spack_version, *parse_string_components(spack_version) ) else: # The ref_version is lazily attached after parsing, since we don't know what # package it applies to here. self._ref_version = None self.ref = normalized_string # Used by fetcher self.is_commit: bool = len(self.ref) == 40 and bool(COMMIT_VERSION.match(self.ref)) @property def ref_version(self) -> StandardVersion: # Return cached version if we have it if self._ref_version is not None: return self._ref_version if self.ref_lookup is None: raise VersionLookupError( f"git ref '{self.ref}' cannot be looked up: " "call attach_lookup first" ) version_string, distance = self.ref_lookup.get(self.ref) version_string = version_string or "0" # Add a -git. suffix when we're not exactly on a tag if distance > 0: version_string += f"-git.{distance}" self._ref_version = StandardVersion( version_string, *parse_string_components(version_string) ) return self._ref_version def intersects(self, other): # For concrete things intersects = satisfies = equality if isinstance(other, GitVersion): return self == other if isinstance(other, StandardVersion): return False if isinstance(other, ClosedOpenRange): return self.ref_version.intersects(other) if isinstance(other, VersionList): return any(self.intersects(rhs) for rhs in other) raise ValueError(f"Unexpected type {type(other)}") def intersection(self, other): if isinstance(other, ConcreteVersion): return self if self == other else VersionList() return other.intersection(self) def overlaps(self, other) -> bool: return self.intersects(other) def satisfies( self, other: Union["GitVersion", StandardVersion, "ClosedOpenRange", "VersionList"] ): # Concrete versions mean we have to do an equality check if isinstance(other, GitVersion): return self == other if isinstance(other, StandardVersion): return False if isinstance(other, ClosedOpenRange): return self.ref_version.satisfies(other) if isinstance(other, VersionList): return any(self.satisfies(rhs) for rhs in other) raise ValueError(f"Unexpected type {type(other)}") def __str__(self): s = f"git.{self.ref}" if self.has_git_prefix else self.ref # Note: the solver actually depends on str(...) to produce the effective version. # So when a lookup is attached, we require the resolved version to be printed. # But for standalone git versions that don't have a repo attached, it would still # be nice if we could print @. try: s += f"={self.ref_version}" except VersionLookupError: pass return s def __repr__(self): return f'GitVersion("{self}")' def __bool__(self): return True def __eq__(self, other): # GitVersion cannot be equal to StandardVersion, otherwise == is not transitive return ( isinstance(other, GitVersion) and self.ref == other.ref and self.ref_version == other.ref_version ) def __ne__(self, other): return not self == other def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, GitVersion): return (self.ref_version, self.ref) < (other.ref_version, other.ref) if isinstance(other, StandardVersion): # GitVersion at equal ref version is larger than StandardVersion return self.ref_version < other if isinstance(other, ClosedOpenRange): return self.ref_version < other raise ValueError(f"Unexpected type {type(other)}") def __le__(self, other): if isinstance(other, GitVersion): return (self.ref_version, self.ref) <= (other.ref_version, other.ref) if isinstance(other, StandardVersion): # Note: GitVersion hash=1.2.3 > StandardVersion 1.2.3, so use < comparsion. return self.ref_version < other if isinstance(other, ClosedOpenRange): # Equality is not a thing return self.ref_version < other raise ValueError(f"Unexpected type {type(other)}") def __ge__(self, other): if isinstance(other, GitVersion): return (self.ref_version, self.ref) >= (other.ref_version, other.ref) if isinstance(other, StandardVersion): # Note: GitVersion hash=1.2.3 > StandardVersion 1.2.3, so use >= here. return self.ref_version >= other if isinstance(other, ClosedOpenRange): return self.ref_version > other raise ValueError(f"Unexpected type {type(other)}") def __gt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, GitVersion): return (self.ref_version, self.ref) > (other.ref_version, other.ref) if isinstance(other, StandardVersion): # Note: GitVersion hash=1.2.3 > StandardVersion 1.2.3, so use >= here. return self.ref_version >= other if isinstance(other, ClosedOpenRange): return self.ref_version > other raise ValueError(f"Unexpected type {type(other)}") def __hash__(self): # hashing should not cause version lookup return hash(self.ref) def __contains__(self, other): raise Exception("Not implemented yet") @property def ref_lookup(self): if self._ref_lookup: # Get operation ensures dict is populated self._ref_lookup.get(self.ref) return self._ref_lookup def attach_lookup(self, lookup: AbstractRefLookup): """ Use the git fetcher to look up a version for a commit. Since we want to optimize the clone and lookup, we do the clone once and store it in the user specified git repository cache. We also need context of the package to get known versions, which could be tags if they are linked to Git Releases. If we are unable to determine the context of the version, we cannot continue. This implementation is alongside the GitFetcher because eventually the git repos cache will be one and the same with the source cache. """ self._ref_lookup = lookup def __iter__(self): return self.ref_version.__iter__() def __len__(self): return self.ref_version.__len__() def __getitem__(self, idx): return self.ref_version.__getitem__(idx) def isdevelop(self): return self.ref_version.isdevelop() @property def dotted(self) -> StandardVersion: return self.ref_version.dotted @property def underscored(self) -> StandardVersion: return self.ref_version.underscored @property def dashed(self) -> StandardVersion: return self.ref_version.dashed @property def joined(self) -> StandardVersion: return self.ref_version.joined def up_to(self, index) -> StandardVersion: return self.ref_version.up_to(index) class ClosedOpenRange: def __init__(self, lo: StandardVersion, hi: StandardVersion): if hi < lo: raise EmptyRangeError(f"{lo}..{hi} is an empty range") self.lo: StandardVersion = lo self.hi: StandardVersion = hi @classmethod def from_version_range(cls, lo: StandardVersion, hi: StandardVersion): """Construct ClosedOpenRange from lo:hi range.""" try: return ClosedOpenRange(lo, next_version(hi)) except EmptyRangeError as e: raise EmptyRangeError(f"{lo}:{hi} is an empty range") from e def __str__(self): # This simplifies 3.1:<3.2 to 3.1:3.1 to 3.1 # 3:3 -> 3 hi_prev = prev_version(self.hi) if self.lo != StandardVersion.typemin() and self.lo == hi_prev: return str(self.lo) lhs = "" if self.lo == StandardVersion.typemin() else str(self.lo) rhs = "" if hi_prev == StandardVersion.typemax() else str(hi_prev) return f"{lhs}:{rhs}" def __repr__(self): return str(self) def __hash__(self): # prev_version for backward compat. return hash((self.lo, prev_version(self.hi))) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, StandardVersion): return False if isinstance(other, ClosedOpenRange): return (self.lo, self.hi) == (other.lo, other.hi) return NotImplemented def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, StandardVersion): return True if isinstance(other, ClosedOpenRange): return (self.lo, self.hi) != (other.lo, other.hi) return NotImplemented def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, StandardVersion): return other > self if isinstance(other, ClosedOpenRange): return (self.lo, self.hi) < (other.lo, other.hi) return NotImplemented def __le__(self, other): if isinstance(other, StandardVersion): return other >= self if isinstance(other, ClosedOpenRange): return (self.lo, self.hi) <= (other.lo, other.hi) return NotImplemented def __ge__(self, other): if isinstance(other, StandardVersion): return other <= self if isinstance(other, ClosedOpenRange): return (self.lo, self.hi) >= (other.lo, other.hi) return NotImplemented def __gt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, StandardVersion): return other < self if isinstance(other, ClosedOpenRange): return (self.lo, self.hi) > (other.lo, other.hi) return NotImplemented def __contains__(rhs, lhs): if isinstance(lhs, (ConcreteVersion, ClosedOpenRange, VersionList)): return lhs.satisfies(rhs) raise ValueError(f"Unexpected type {type(lhs)}") def intersects(self, other: Union[ConcreteVersion, "ClosedOpenRange", "VersionList"]): if isinstance(other, StandardVersion): return self.lo <= other < self.hi if isinstance(other, GitVersion): return self.lo <= other.ref_version < self.hi if isinstance(other, ClosedOpenRange): return (self.lo < other.hi) and (other.lo < self.hi) if isinstance(other, VersionList): return any(self.intersects(rhs) for rhs in other) raise ValueError(f"Unexpected type {type(other)}") def satisfies(self, other: Union["ClosedOpenRange", ConcreteVersion, "VersionList"]): if isinstance(other, ConcreteVersion): return False if isinstance(other, ClosedOpenRange): return not (self.lo < other.lo or other.hi < self.hi) if isinstance(other, VersionList): return any(self.satisfies(rhs) for rhs in other) raise ValueError(other) def overlaps(self, other: Union["ClosedOpenRange", ConcreteVersion, "VersionList"]) -> bool: return self.intersects(other) def union(self, other: Union["ClosedOpenRange", ConcreteVersion, "VersionList"]): if isinstance(other, StandardVersion): return self if self.lo <= other < self.hi else VersionList([self, other]) if isinstance(other, GitVersion): return self if self.lo <= other.ref_version < self.hi else VersionList([self, other]) if isinstance(other, ClosedOpenRange): # Notice <= cause we want union(1:2, 3:4) = 1:4. if self.lo <= other.hi and other.lo <= self.hi: return ClosedOpenRange(min(self.lo, other.lo), max(self.hi, other.hi)) return VersionList([self, other]) if isinstance(other, VersionList): v = other.copy() v.add(self) return v raise ValueError(f"Unexpected type {type(other)}") def intersection(self, other: Union["ClosedOpenRange", ConcreteVersion]): # range - version -> singleton or nothing. if isinstance(other, ConcreteVersion): return other if self.intersects(other) else VersionList() # range - range -> range or nothing. max_lo = max(self.lo, other.lo) min_hi = min(self.hi, other.hi) return ClosedOpenRange(max_lo, min_hi) if max_lo < min_hi else VersionList() class VersionList: """Sorted, non-redundant list of Version and ClosedOpenRange elements.""" def __init__(self, vlist=None): self.versions: List[StandardVersion, GitVersion, ClosedOpenRange] = [] if vlist is not None: if isinstance(vlist, str): vlist = from_string(vlist) if isinstance(vlist, VersionList): self.versions = vlist.versions else: self.versions = [vlist] else: for v in vlist: self.add(ver(v)) def add(self, item): if isinstance(item, ConcreteVersion): i = bisect_left(self, item) # Only insert when prev and next are not intersected. if (i == 0 or not item.intersects(self[i - 1])) and ( i == len(self) or not item.intersects(self[i]) ): self.versions.insert(i, item) elif isinstance(item, ClosedOpenRange): i = bisect_left(self, item) # Note: can span multiple concrete versions to the left, # For instance insert 1.2: into [1.2, hash=1.2, 1.3] # would bisect to i = 1. while i > 0 and item.intersects(self[i - 1]): item = item.union(self[i - 1]) del self.versions[i - 1] i -= 1 while i < len(self) and item.intersects(self[i]): item = item.union(self[i]) del self.versions[i] self.versions.insert(i, item) elif isinstance(item, VersionList): for v in item: self.add(v) else: raise TypeError("Can't add %s to VersionList" % type(item)) @property def concrete(self) -> Optional[ConcreteVersion]: return self[0] if len(self) == 1 and isinstance(self[0], ConcreteVersion) else None @property def concrete_range_as_version(self) -> Optional[ConcreteVersion]: """Like concrete, but collapses VersionRange(x, x) to Version(x). This is just for compatibility with old Spack.""" if len(self) != 1: return None v = self[0] if isinstance(v, ConcreteVersion): return v if isinstance(v, ClosedOpenRange) and next_version(v.lo) == v.hi: return v.lo return None def copy(self): return VersionList(self) def lowest(self) -> Optional[StandardVersion]: """Get the lowest version in the list.""" return None if not self else self[0] def highest(self) -> Optional[StandardVersion]: """Get the highest version in the list.""" return None if not self else self[-1] def highest_numeric(self) -> Optional[StandardVersion]: """Get the highest numeric version in the list.""" numeric_versions = list(filter(lambda v: str(v) not in infinity_versions, self.versions)) return None if not any(numeric_versions) else numeric_versions[-1] def preferred(self) -> Optional[StandardVersion]: """Get the preferred (latest) version in the list.""" return self.highest_numeric() or self.highest() def satisfies(self, other) -> bool: # This exploits the fact that version lists are "reduced" and normalized, so we can # never have a list like [1:3, 2:4] since that would be normalized to [1:4] if isinstance(other, VersionList): return all(any(lhs.satisfies(rhs) for rhs in other) for lhs in self) if isinstance(other, (ConcreteVersion, ClosedOpenRange)): return all(lhs.satisfies(other) for lhs in self) raise ValueError(f"Unsupported type {type(other)}") def intersects(self, other): if isinstance(other, VersionList): s = o = 0 while s < len(self) and o < len(other): if self[s].intersects(other[o]): return True elif self[s] < other[o]: s += 1 else: o += 1 return False if isinstance(other, (ClosedOpenRange, StandardVersion)): return any(v.intersects(other) for v in self) raise ValueError(f"Unsupported type {type(other)}") def overlaps(self, other) -> bool: return self.intersects(other) def to_dict(self): """Generate human-readable dict for YAML.""" if self.concrete: return syaml_dict([("version", str(self[0]))]) return syaml_dict([("versions", [str(v) for v in self])]) @staticmethod def from_dict(dictionary): """Parse dict from to_dict.""" if "versions" in dictionary: return VersionList(dictionary["versions"]) elif "version" in dictionary: return VersionList([Version(dictionary["version"])]) raise ValueError("Dict must have 'version' or 'versions' in it.") def update(self, other: "VersionList"): for v in other.versions: self.add(v) def union(self, other: "VersionList"): result = self.copy() result.update(other) return result def intersection(self, other: "VersionList") -> "VersionList": result = VersionList() for lhs, rhs in ((self, other), (other, self)): for x in lhs: i = bisect_left(rhs.versions, x) if i > 0: result.add(rhs[i - 1].intersection(x)) if i < len(rhs): result.add(rhs[i].intersection(x)) return result def intersect(self, other) -> bool: """Intersect this spec's list with other. Return True if the spec changed as a result; False otherwise """ isection = self.intersection(other) changed = isection.versions != self.versions self.versions = isection.versions return changed def __contains__(self, other): if isinstance(other, (ClosedOpenRange, StandardVersion)): i = bisect_left(self, other) return (i > 0 and other in self[i - 1]) or (i < len(self) and other in self[i]) if isinstance(other, VersionList): return all(item in self for item in other) return False def __getitem__(self, index): return self.versions[index] def __iter__(self): return iter(self.versions) def __reversed__(self): return reversed(self.versions) def __len__(self): return len(self.versions) def __bool__(self): return bool(self.versions) def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, VersionList): return self.versions == other.versions return False def __ne__(self, other): if isinstance(other, VersionList): return self.versions != other.versions return False def __lt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, VersionList): return self.versions < other.versions return NotImplemented def __le__(self, other): if isinstance(other, VersionList): return self.versions <= other.versions return NotImplemented def __ge__(self, other): if isinstance(other, VersionList): return self.versions >= other.versions return NotImplemented def __gt__(self, other): if isinstance(other, VersionList): return self.versions > other.versions return NotImplemented def __hash__(self): return hash(tuple(self.versions)) def __str__(self): return ",".join( f"={v}" if isinstance(v, StandardVersion) else str(v) for v in self.versions ) def __repr__(self): return str(self.versions) def next_str(s: str) -> str: """Produce the next string of A-Z and a-z characters""" return ( (s + "A") if (len(s) == 0 or s[-1] == "z") else s[:-1] + ("a" if s[-1] == "Z" else chr(ord(s[-1]) + 1)) ) def prev_str(s: str) -> str: """Produce the previous string of A-Z and a-z characters""" return ( s[:-1] if (len(s) == 0 or s[-1] == "A") else s[:-1] + ("Z" if s[-1] == "a" else chr(ord(s[-1]) - 1)) ) def next_version_str_component(v: VersionStrComponent) -> VersionStrComponent: """ Produce the next VersionStrComponent, where masteq -> mastes master -> main """ # First deal with the infinity case. data = v.data if isinstance(data, int): return VersionStrComponent(data + 1) # Find the next non-infinity string. while True: data = next_str(data) if data not in infinity_versions: break return VersionStrComponent(data) def prev_version_str_component(v: VersionStrComponent) -> VersionStrComponent: """ Produce the previous VersionStrComponent, where mastes -> masteq master -> head """ # First deal with the infinity case. Allow underflows data = v.data if isinstance(data, int): return VersionStrComponent(data - 1) # Find the next string. while True: data = prev_str(data) if data not in infinity_versions: break return VersionStrComponent(data) def next_version(v: StandardVersion) -> StandardVersion: if len(v.version) == 0: nxt = VersionStrComponent("A") elif isinstance(v.version[-1], VersionStrComponent): nxt = next_version_str_component(v.version[-1]) else: nxt = v.version[-1] + 1 # Construct a string-version for printing string_components = [] for part, sep in zip(v.version[:-1], v.separators): string_components.append(str(part)) string_components.append(str(sep)) string_components.append(str(nxt)) return StandardVersion("".join(string_components), v.version[:-1] + (nxt,), v.separators) def prev_version(v: StandardVersion) -> StandardVersion: if len(v.version) == 0: return v elif isinstance(v.version[-1], VersionStrComponent): prev = prev_version_str_component(v.version[-1]) else: prev = v.version[-1] - 1 # Construct a string-version for printing string_components = [] for part, sep in zip(v.version[:-1], v.separators): string_components.append(str(part)) string_components.append(str(sep)) string_components.append(str(prev)) return StandardVersion("".join(string_components), v.version[:-1] + (prev,), v.separators) def Version(string: Union[str, int]) -> Union[GitVersion, StandardVersion]: if not isinstance(string, (str, int)): raise ValueError(f"Cannot construct a version from {type(string)}") string = str(string) if is_git_version(string): return GitVersion(string) return StandardVersion.from_string(str(string)) def VersionRange(lo: Union[str, StandardVersion], hi: Union[str, StandardVersion]): lo = lo if isinstance(lo, StandardVersion) else StandardVersion.from_string(lo) hi = hi if isinstance(hi, StandardVersion) else StandardVersion.from_string(hi) return ClosedOpenRange.from_version_range(lo, hi) def from_string(string) -> Union[VersionList, ClosedOpenRange, StandardVersion, GitVersion]: """Converts a string to a version object. This is private. Client code should use ver().""" string = string.replace(" ", "") # VersionList if "," in string: return VersionList(list(map(from_string, string.split(",")))) # ClosedOpenRange elif ":" in string: s, e = string.split(":") lo = StandardVersion.typemin() if s == "" else StandardVersion.from_string(s) hi = StandardVersion.typemax() if e == "" else StandardVersion.from_string(e) return VersionRange(lo, hi) # StandardVersion elif string.startswith("="): # @=1.2.3 is an exact version return Version(string[1:]) elif is_git_version(string): return GitVersion(string) else: # @1.2.3 is short for 1.2.3:1.2.3 v = StandardVersion.from_string(string) return VersionRange(v, v) def ver(obj) -> Union[VersionList, ClosedOpenRange, StandardVersion, GitVersion]: """Parses a Version, VersionRange, or VersionList from a string or list of strings. """ if isinstance(obj, (list, tuple)): return VersionList(obj) elif isinstance(obj, str): return from_string(obj) elif isinstance(obj, (int, float)): return from_string(str(obj)) elif isinstance(obj, (StandardVersion, GitVersion, ClosedOpenRange, VersionList)): return obj else: raise TypeError("ver() can't convert %s to version!" % type(obj))