profile = "black"
sections = [
known_first_party = "spack"
known_archspec = "archspec"
known_llnl = "llnl"
known_third_party = ["ruamel", "six"]
src_paths = "lib"
honor_noqa = true

python_version = 3.7
files = ['lib/spack/llnl/**/*.py', 'lib/spack/spack/**/*.py']
mypy_path = ['bin', 'lib/spack', 'lib/spack/external', 'var/spack/repos/builtin']

# This and a generated import file allows supporting packages
namespace_packages = true

# To avoid re-factoring all the externals, ignore errors and missing imports
# globally, then turn back on in spack and spack submodules
ignore_errors = true
ignore_missing_imports = true

  module = 'spack.*'
  ignore_errors = false
  ignore_missing_imports = false

  module = 'packages.*'
  ignore_errors = false
  ignore_missing_imports = false

  module = 'llnl.*'
  ignore_errors = false
  ignore_missing_imports = false

  module = 'spack.test.packages'
  ignore_errors = true

  # ignore errors in fake import path for packages
  module = 'spack.pkg.*'
  ignore_errors = true
  ignore_missing_imports = true

  # jinja has syntax in it that requires python3 and causes a parse error
  # skip importing it
  module = 'jinja2'
  follow_imports = 'skip'

parallel = true
concurrency = ["multiprocessing"]
branch = true
source = ["bin", "lib"]
omit = [

# Regexes for lines to exclude from consideration
exclude_lines = [
    # Have to re-enable the standard pragma
    'pragma: no cover',

    # Don't complain about missing debug-only code:
    'def __repr__',
    'if self\.debug',

    # Don't complain if tests don't hit defensive assertion code:
    'raise AssertionError',
    'raise NotImplementedError',

    # Don't complain if non-runnable code isn't run:
    'if 0:',
    'if False:',
    'if __name__ == .__main__.:',
ignore_errors = true

directory = "htmlcov"