spack: view: false concretization: separately config: install_tree: root: /home/software/spack padded_length: 512 projections: all: '{architecture}/{}-{compiler.version}/{name}-{version}-{hash}' packages: all: compiler: - gcc@7.5.0 providers: blas: - openblas mpi: - mpich target: - x86_64 variants: +mpi autoconf: version: - '2.69' automake: version: - 1.16.3 berkeley-db: version: - 18.1.40 binutils: variants: +ld +gold +headers +libiberty ~nls version: - 2.36.1 boost: version: - 1.76.0 bzip2: version: - 1.0.8 c-blosc: version: - 1.21.0 cmake: version: - 3.20.3 curl: version: - 7.76.1 diffutils: version: - 3.7 elfutils: version: - 0.185 variants: +bzip2 ~nls +xz expat: version: - 2.3.0 findutils: version: - 4.8.0 gdbm: version: - 1.19 gettext: version: - 0.21 git: version: - 2.31.1 hdf5: variants: +fortran +hl +shared version: - 1.10.7 help2man: version: - 1.47.16 hwloc: version: - 2.4.1 json-c: version: - 0.15 libbsd: version: - 0.11.3 libfabric: version: - 1.12.1 variants: fabrics=sockets,tcp,udp,rxm libiconv: version: - 1.16 libsigsegv: version: - 2.13 libpciaccess: version: - 0.16 libtool: version: - 2.4.6 libunwind: version: - 1.5.0 variants: +pic +xz libxml2: version: - 2.9.10 lz4: version: - 1.9.3 m4: version: - 1.4.19 mesa: variants: ~llvm mesa18: variants: ~llvm mpich: variants: ~wrapperrpath version: - 3.4.2 ncurses: version: - 6.2 variants: +termlib numactl: version: - 2.0.14 openblas: version: - 0.3.15 variants: threads=openmp perl: version: - 5.34.0 pkgconf: version: - 1.7.4 python: version: - 3.8.10 readline: version: - 8.1 sqlite: version: - 3.35.5 tar: version: - 1.34 texinfo: version: - 6.5 xz: version: - 5.2.5 variants: +pic zlib: version: - 1.2.11 zstd: version: - 1.5.0 definitions: - cuda_specs: - amrex +cuda cuda_arch=70 # - axom +cuda cuda_arch=70 ^umpire@4.1.2 ~shared - caliper +cuda cuda_arch=70 - chai +cuda ~benchmarks ~tests cuda_arch=70 ^umpire@4.1.2 ~shared - ginkgo +cuda cuda_arch=70 - hpx +cuda cuda_arch=70 - kokkos +cuda +wrapper cuda_arch=70 - kokkos-kernels +cuda cuda_arch=70 ^kokkos +cuda +wrapper cuda_arch=70 - magma cuda_arch=70 - raja +cuda cuda_arch=70 - slate +cuda cuda_arch=70 - strumpack +cuda ~slate cuda_arch=70 - sundials +cuda cuda_arch=70 - superlu-dist +cuda cuda_arch=70 - tasmanian +cuda cuda_arch=70 - zfp +cuda cuda_arch=70 #- ascent +cuda ~shared cuda_arch=70 #- hypre +cuda cuda_arch=70 #- mfem +cuda cuda_arch=70 #- umpire +cuda ~shared cuda_arch=70 # unsatisfiable concretization conflict w/ blt - rocm_specs: - kokkos +rocm amdgpu_target=gfx906 - strumpack +rocm ~slate amdgpu_target=gfx906 #- amrex +rocm amdgpu_target=gfx906 #- chai +rocm ~benchmarks amdgpu_target=gfx906 #- ginkgo +rocm amdgpu_target=gfx906 # needs hip<4.1 #- raja +rocm ~openmp amdgpu_target=gfx906 # blt 0.3.6 issue with rocm #- slate +rocm amdgpu_target=gfx906 #- sundials +rocm amdgpu_target=gfx906 #- tasmanian +rocm amdgpu_target=gfx906 #- umpire+rocm amdgpu_target=gfx906 # blt 0.3.6 issue with rocm - default_specs: - adios - adios2 - aml - amrex - arborx - archer - argobots - ascent - axom ^umpire@4.1.2 - bolt - cabana - caliper - chai ~benchmarks ~tests ^umpire@4.1.2 - conduit - darshan-runtime - darshan-util - datatransferkit - dyninst - faodel - flecsi@1.4.2 +external_cinch - flit - fortrilinos ^trilinos +nox +superlu-dist +stratimikos - gasnet - ginkgo - globalarrays - gmp - gotcha - hdf5 - heffte +fftw - hpctoolkit - hpx - hypre - kokkos +openmp - kokkos-kernels +openmp - legion - libnrm - libquo - libunwind - loki - mercury - metall - mfem - mpark-variant - mpifileutils ~xattr - ninja - nrm - omega-h - openmpi - openpmd-api - papi - papyrus@1.0.1 - parallel-netcdf - pdt - petsc - phist - plasma - precice - pumi - py-jupyterhub - py-libensemble - py-petsc4py - py-warpx ^warpx dims=2 - py-warpx ^warpx dims=3 - py-warpx ^warpx dims=rz - qthreads scheduler=distrib - raja - rempi - scr - slate ~cuda - slepc - stc - strumpack ~slate - sundials - superlu - superlu-dist - swig - swig@4.0.2-fortran - sz - tasmanian - tau - trilinos - trilinos +nox +superlu-dist - turbine - umap - unifyfs@0.9.1 - upcxx - veloc - zfp #- dealii #- geopm #- llvm-doe@doe +clang +compiler-rt +libcxx +lld +lldb +llvm_dylib +flang #- qt #- qwt #- umpire # unsatisfiable concretization conflict w/ blt #- variorum # root fails - arch: - '%gcc@7.5.0 arch=linux-ubuntu18.04-x86_64' specs: - matrix: - - $default_specs - - $arch - matrix: - - $cuda_specs - - $arch # - matrix: # - - $rocm_specs # - - $arch mirrors: { "mirror": "s3://spack-binaries-develop/e4s" } gitlab-ci: script: - . "./share/spack/" - spack --version - cd ${SPACK_CONCRETE_ENV_DIR} - spack env activate --without-view . - spack config add "config:install_tree:projections:${SPACK_JOB_SPEC_PKG_NAME}:'morepadding/{architecture}/{}-{compiler.version}/{name}-{version}-{hash}'" - spack -d ci rebuild mappings: - match: - cuda - dyninst - hpx - llvm - llvm-amdgpu - precice - rocblas - rocsolver - strumpack - sundials - trilinos - vtk-h - vtk-m runner-attributes: image: { "name": "", "entrypoint": [""] } tags: ["spack", "public", "xlarge", "x86_64"] - match: ['os=ubuntu18.04'] runner-attributes: image: { "name": "", "entrypoint": [""] } tags: ["spack", "public", "large", "x86_64"] temporary-storage-url-prefix: "s3://spack-binaries-prs/pipeline-storage" broken-specs-url: "s3://spack-binaries-develop/broken-specs" service-job-attributes: before_script: - . "./share/spack/" - spack --version - cd share/spack/gitlab/cloud_pipelines/stacks/e4s - spack env activate --without-view . image: { "name": "", "entrypoint": [""] } tags: ["spack", "public", "medium", "x86_64"] cdash: build-group: New PR testing workflow url: project: Spack Testing site: Cloud Gitlab Infrastructure