import re import sys from collections import defaultdict import pycodestyle from flake8.formatting.default import Pylint from flake8.style_guide import Violation #: This is a dict that maps: #: filename pattern -> #: flake8 exemption code -> #: list of patterns, for which matching lines should have codes applied. #: #: For each file, if the filename pattern matches, we'll add per-line #: exemptions if any patterns in the sub-dict match. pattern_exemptions = { # exemptions applied only to files. r"$": { # Allow 'from spack.package import *' in packages, but no other wildcards "F403": [ r"^from spack.package import \*$", r"^from spack.package_defs import \*$", ], # Exempt lines with urls and descriptions from overlong line errors. "E501": [ r"^\s*homepage\s*=", r"^\s*url\s*=", r"^\s*git\s*=", r"^\s*svn\s*=", r"^\s*hg\s*=", r"^\s*pypi\s*=", r"^\s*list_url\s*=", r"^\s*version\(", r"^\s*variant\(", r"^\s*provides\(", r"^\s*extends\(", r"^\s*depends_on\(", r"^\s*conflicts\(", r"^\s*resource\(", r"^\s*patch\(", ], # Exempt '@when' decorated functions from redefinition errors. "F811": [ r"^\s*@when\(.*\)", ], }, # exemptions applied to all files. r".py$": { "E501": [ r"(https?|ftp|file)\:", # URLs r'([\'"])[0-9a-fA-F]{32,}\1', # long hex checksums ] }, } # compile all regular expressions. pattern_exemptions = dict( ( re.compile(file_pattern), dict( (code, [re.compile(p) for p in patterns]) for code, patterns in error_dict.items() ), ) for file_pattern, error_dict in pattern_exemptions.items() ) class SpackFormatter(Pylint): def __init__(self, options): self.spack_errors = {} self.error_seen = False super().__init__(options) def after_init(self): # type: () -> None """Overriding to keep format string from being unset in Default""" pass def beginning(self, filename): self.filename = filename self.file_lines = None self.spack_errors = defaultdict(list) for file_pattern, errors in pattern_exemptions.items(): if for code, pat_arr in errors.items(): self.spack_errors[code].extend(pat_arr) def handle(self, error): # type: (Violation) -> None """Handle an error reported by Flake8. This defaults to calling :meth:`format`, :meth:`show_source`, and then :meth:`write`. This version implements the pattern-based ignore behavior from `spack flake8` as a native flake8 plugin. :param error: This will be an instance of :class:`~flake8.style_guide.Violation`. :type error: flake8.style_guide.Violation """ # print(error.code) # print(error.physical_line) # get list of patterns for this error code pats = self.spack_errors.get(error.code, None) # if any pattern matches, skip line if pats is not None and any( ( for pat in pats) ): return # Special F811 handling # Prior to Python 3.8, `noqa: F811` needed to be placed on the `@when` # line # Starting with Python 3.8, it must be placed on the `def` line # # we can only determine if F811 should be ignored given the previous # line, so get the previous line and check it if ( self.spack_errors.get("F811", False) and error.code == "F811" and error.line_number > 1 ): if self.file_lines is None: if self.filename in {"stdin", "-", "(none)", None}: self.file_lines = pycodestyle.stdin_get_value().splitlines( True ) else: self.file_lines = pycodestyle.readlines(self.filename) for pat in self.spack_errors["F811"]: if[error.line_number - 2]): return self.error_seen = True line = self.format(error) source = self.show_source(error) self.write(line, source) def stop(self): """Override stop to check whether any errors we consider to be errors were reported. This is a hack, but it makes flake8 behave the desired way. """ if not self.error_seen: sys.exit(0)