from spack import * class Samrai(Package): """SAMRAI (Structured Adaptive Mesh Refinement Application Infrastructure) is an object-oriented C++ software library enables exploration of numerical, algorithmic, parallel computing, and software issues associated with applying structured adaptive mesh refinement (SAMR) technology in large-scale parallel application development. """ homepage = "" url = "" list_url = homepage versions = { '3.7.3' : '12d574eacadf8c9a70f1bb4cd1a69df6', '3.7.2' : 'f6a716f171c9fdbf3cb12f71fa6e2737', '3.6.3-beta' : 'ef0510bf2893042daedaca434e5ec6ce', '3.5.2-beta' : 'd072d9d681eeb9ada15ce91bea784274', '3.5.0-beta' : '1ad18a319fc573e12e2b1fbb6f6b0a19', '3.4.1-beta' : '00814cbee2cb76bf8302aff56bbb385b', '3.3.3-beta' : '1db3241d3e1cab913dc310d736c34388', '3.3.2-beta' : 'e598a085dab979498fcb6c110c4dd26c', '2.4.4' : '04fb048ed0efe7c531ac10c81cc5f6ac', } depends_on("mpi") depends_on("zlib") depends_on("hdf5") depends_on("boost@1.52.0") # don't build tools with gcc patch('no-tool-build.patch', when='%gcc') # TODO: currently hard-coded to use openmpi - be careful! def install(self, spec, prefix): configure( "--prefix=%s" % prefix, "--with-CXX=%s" % spec['openmpi'].prefix.bin + "/mpic++", "--with-CC=%s" % spec['openmpi'].prefix.bin + "/mpicc", "--with-hdf5=%s" % spec['hdf5'].prefix, "--with-boost=%s" % spec['boost'].prefix, "--with-zlib=%s" % spec['zlib'].prefix, "--disable-blas", "--disable-lapack", "--with-hypre=no", "--with-petsc=no", "--enable-opt", "--disable-debug") make() make("install")