# Copyright 2013-2020 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) # # Author: Matteo Giantomassi # Date: October 11, 2016 from spack import * class Abinit(AutotoolsPackage): """ABINIT is a package whose main program allows one to find the total energy, charge density and electronic structure of systems made of electrons and nuclei (molecules and periodic solids) within Density Functional Theory (DFT), using pseudopotentials and a planewave or wavelet basis. ABINIT also includes options to optimize the geometry according to the DFT forces and stresses, or to perform molecular dynamics simulations using these forces, or to generate dynamical matrices, Born effective charges, and dielectric tensors, based on Density-Functional Perturbation Theory, and many more properties. Excited states can be computed within the Many-Body Perturbation Theory (the GW approximation and the Bethe-Salpeter equation), and Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory (for molecules). In addition to the main ABINIT code, different utility programs are provided. """ homepage = 'http://www.abinit.org' url = 'https://www.abinit.org/sites/default/files/packages/abinit-8.6.3.tar.gz' version('8.10.3', sha256='ed626424b4472b93256622fbb9c7645fa3ffb693d4b444b07d488771ea7eaa75') version('8.8.2', sha256='15216703bd56a799a249a112b336d07d733627d3756487a4b1cb48ebb625c3e7') version('8.6.3', sha256='82e8d071088ab8dc1b3a24380e30b68c544685678314df1213180b449c84ca65') version('8.2.2', sha256='e43544a178d758b0deff3011c51ef7c957d7f2df2ce8543366d68016af9f3ea1') # Versions before 8.0.8b are not supported. version('8.0.8b', sha256='37ad5f0f215d2a36e596383cb6e54de3313842a0390ce8d6b48a423d3ee25af2') variant('mpi', default=True, description='Builds with MPI support. Requires MPI2+') variant('openmp', default=False, description='Enables OpenMP threads. Use threaded FFTW3') variant('scalapack', default=False, description='Enables scalapack support. Requires MPI') # variant('elpa', default=False, # description='Uses elpa instead of scalapack. Requires MPI') # TODO: To be tested. # It was working before the last `git pull` but now all tests crash. # For the time being, the default is netcdf3 and the internal fallbacks # FIXME: rename (trio?) and use multivalued variants to cover # --with-trio-flavor={netcdf, none} # Note that Abinit@8: does not support etsf_io anymore because it is not # compatible with HDF5 and MPI-IO variant('hdf5', default=False, description='Enables HDF5+Netcdf4 with MPI. WARNING: experimental') variant('wannier90', default=False, description='Enables the Wannier90 library') # Add dependencies # currently one cannot forward options to virtual packages, see #1712. # depends_on('blas', when='~openmp') # depends_on('blas+openmp', when='+openmp') depends_on('blas') depends_on('lapack') # Require MPI2+ depends_on('mpi@2:', when='+mpi') depends_on('scalapack', when='+scalapack+mpi') # depends_on('elpa~openmp', when='+elpa+mpi~openmp') # depends_on('elpa+openmp', when='+elpa+mpi+openmp') depends_on('fftw precision=float,double') depends_on('fftw~openmp', when='~openmp') depends_on('fftw+openmp', when='+openmp') depends_on('netcdf-fortran', when='+hdf5') depends_on('hdf5+mpi', when='+mpi+hdf5') # required for NetCDF-4 support # pin libxc version depends_on("libxc@2.2.2") # Cannot ask for +scalapack if it does not depend on MPI conflicts('+scalapack', when='~mpi') depends_on("wannier90+shared", when='+wannier90') # Elpa is a substitute for scalapack and needs mpi # conflicts('+elpa', when='~mpi') # conflicts('+elpa', when='+scalapack') def configure_args(self): spec = self.spec options = [] oapp = options.append if '+wannier90' in spec: oapp('--with-wannier90-libs=-L{0}' .format(spec['wannier90'].prefix.lib + ' -lwannier -lm')) oapp('--with-wannier90-incs=-I{0}' .format(spec['wannier90'].prefix.modules)) oapp('--with-wannier90-bins={0}' .format(spec['wannier90'].prefix.bin)) oapp('--enable-connectors') oapp('--with-dft-flavor=wannier90') if '+mpi' in spec: # MPI version: # let the configure script auto-detect MPI support from mpi_prefix oapp('--with-mpi-prefix={0}'.format(spec['mpi'].prefix)) oapp('--enable-mpi=yes') oapp('--enable-mpi-io=yes') oapp('MPIFC={0}/mpifc'.format(spec['mpi'].prefix.bin)) if '~wannier90' in spec: oapp('--with-dft-flavor=atompaw+libxc') # Activate OpenMP in Abinit Fortran code. if '+openmp' in spec: oapp('--enable-openmp=yes') # BLAS/LAPACK/SCALAPACK-ELPA linalg = spec['lapack'].libs + spec['blas'].libs if '+scalapack' in spec: oapp('--with-linalg-flavor=custom+scalapack') linalg = spec['scalapack'].libs + linalg # elif '+elpa' in spec: else: oapp('--with-linalg-flavor=custom') oapp('--with-linalg-libs={0}'.format(linalg.ld_flags)) # FFTW3: use sequential or threaded version if +openmp fftflavor, fftlibs = 'fftw3', '-lfftw3 -lfftw3f' if '+openmp' in spec: fftflavor = 'fftw3-threads' fftlibs = '-lfftw3_omp -lfftw3 -lfftw3f' options.extend([ '--with-fft-flavor=%s' % fftflavor, '--with-fft-incs=-I%s' % spec['fftw'].prefix.include, '--with-fft-libs=-L%s %s' % (spec['fftw'].prefix.lib, fftlibs), ]) # LibXC library libxc = spec['libxc:fortran'] options.extend([ 'with_libxc_incs={0}'.format(libxc.headers.cpp_flags), 'with_libxc_libs={0}'.format(libxc.libs.ld_flags + ' -lm') ]) # Netcdf4/HDF5 if '+hdf5' in spec: oapp('--with-trio-flavor=netcdf') # Since version 8, Abinit started to use netcdf4 + hdf5 and we have # to link with the high level HDF5 library hdf5 = spec['hdf5:hl'] netcdff = spec['netcdf-fortran:shared'] options.extend([ '--with-netcdf-incs={0}'.format(netcdff.headers.cpp_flags), '--with-netcdf-libs={0}'.format( netcdff.libs.ld_flags + ' ' + hdf5.libs.ld_flags ), ]) else: # In Spack we do our best to avoid building any internally provided # dependencies, such as netcdf3 in this case. oapp('--with-trio-flavor=none') return options def check(self): """This method is called after the build phase if tests have been explicitly activated by user. """ make('check') make('tests_in')