############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2013-2018, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. # Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. # # This file is part of Spack. # Created by Todd Gamblin, tgamblin@llnl.gov, All rights reserved. # LLNL-CODE-647188 # # For details, see https://github.com/spack/spack # Please also see the NOTICE and LICENSE files for our notice and the LGPL. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (as # published by the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1, February 1999. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the IMPLIED WARRANTY OF # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the terms and # conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ############################################################################## from spack import * from shutil import copyfile import glob class Chombo(MakefilePackage): """The Chombo package provides a set of tools for implementing finite difference and finite-volume methods for the solution of partial differential equations on block-structured adaptively refined logically rectangular (i.e. Cartesian) grids.""" homepage = "https://commons.lbl.gov/display/chombo" git = "http://bitbucket.org/drhansj/chombo-xsdk.git" tags = ['ecp', 'ecp-apps'] # Use whatever path Brian V. and Terry L. agreed upon, but preserve version version('3.2', commit='71d856c') version('develop', tag='master') variant('mpi', default=True, description='Enable MPI parallel support') variant('hdf5', default=True, description='Enable HDF5 support') variant('dims', default='3', values=('1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6'), multi=False, description='Number of PDE dimensions [1-6]' ) patch('hdf5-16api.patch', when='@3.2', level=0) patch('Make.defs.local.template.patch', when='@3.2', level=0) depends_on('blas') depends_on('lapack') depends_on('gmake', type='build') depends_on('mpi', when='+mpi') depends_on('hdf5', when='+hdf5') depends_on('hdf5+mpi', when='+mpi+hdf5') def edit(self, spec, prefix): # Set fortran name mangling in Make.defs defs_file = FileFilter('./lib/mk/Make.defs') defs_file.filter('^\s*#\s*cppcallsfort\s*=\s*', 'cppcallsfort = -DCH_FORT_UNDERSCORE') # Set remaining variables in Make.defs.local # Make.defs.local.template.patch ensures lines for USE_TIMER, # USE_LAPACK and lapackincflags are present copyfile('./lib/mk/Make.defs.local.template', './lib/mk/Make.defs.local') defs_file = FileFilter('./lib/mk/Make.defs.local') # Unconditional settings defs_file.filter('^\s*#\s*DEBUG\s*=\s*', 'DEBUG = FALSE') defs_file.filter('^\s*#\s*OPT\s*=\s*', 'OPT = TRUE') defs_file.filter('^\s*#\s*PIC\s*=\s*', 'PIC = TRUE') # timer code frequently fails compiles. So disable it. defs_file.filter('^\s*#\s*USE_TIMER\s*=\s*', 'USE_TIMER = FALSE') # LAPACK setup lapack_blas = spec['lapack'].libs + spec['blas'].libs defs_file.filter('^\s*#\s*USE_LAPACK\s*=\s*', 'USE_LAPACK = TRUE') defs_file.filter( '^\s*#\s*lapackincflags\s*=\s*', 'lapackincflags = -I%s' % spec['lapack'].prefix.include) defs_file.filter( '^\s*#\s*syslibflags\s*=\s*', 'syslibflags = %s' % lapack_blas.ld_flags) # Compilers and Compiler flags defs_file.filter('^\s*#\s*CXX\s*=\s*', 'CXX = %s' % spack_cxx) defs_file.filter('^\s*#\s*FC\s*=\s*', 'FC = %s' % spack_fc) if '+mpi' in spec: defs_file.filter( '^\s*#\s*MPICXX\s*=\s*', 'MPICXX = %s' % self.spec['mpi'].mpicxx) # Conditionally determined settings defs_file.filter( '^\s*#\s*MPI\s*=\s*', 'MPI = %s' % ('TRUE' if '+mpi' in spec else 'FALSE')) defs_file.filter( '^\s*#\s*DIM\s*=\s*', 'DIM = %s' % spec.variants['dims'].value) # HDF5 settings if '+hdf5' in spec: defs_file.filter('^\s*#\s*USE_HDF5\s*=\s*', 'USE_HDF5 = TRUE') defs_file.filter( '^\s*#\s*HDFINCFLAGS\s*=.*', 'HDFINCFLAGS = -I%s' % spec['hdf5'].prefix.include) defs_file.filter( '^\s*#\s*HDFLIBFLAGS\s*=.*', 'HDFLIBFLAGS = %s' % spec['hdf5'].libs.ld_flags) if '+mpi' in spec: defs_file.filter( '^\s*#\s*HDFMPIINCFLAGS\s*=.*', 'HDFMPIINCFLAGS = -I%s' % spec['hdf5'].prefix.include) defs_file.filter( '^\s*#\s*HDFMPILIBFLAGS\s*=.*', 'HDFMPILIBFLAGS = %s' % spec['hdf5'].libs.ld_flags) def build(self, spec, prefix): with working_dir('lib'): gmake('all') def install(self, spec, prefix): with working_dir('lib'): install_tree('include', prefix.include) libfiles = glob.glob('lib*.a') libfiles += glob.glob('lib*.so') libfiles += glob.glob('lib*.dylib') mkdirp(prefix.lib) for lib in libfiles: install(lib, prefix.lib)