# Copyright 2013-2024 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) import os.path from spack.package import * class Cromwell(Package): """Cromwell is a Workflow Management System geared towards scientific workflows""" homepage = "https://cromwell.readthedocs.io/" url = "https://github.com/broadinstitute/cromwell/releases/download/44/cromwell-44.jar" version( "85", sha256="100f6c61df72b4079b3ad0f03e8f73e6e2c0afe99d212ec8d42faf4bd4de1e23", expand=False, ) version( "44", sha256="8b411673f6b3c835c6031db3094a7404b9a371133794046fd295719d61e56db0", expand=False, ) depends_on("java@11", when="@60:", type="run") depends_on("java@8", when="@:59", type="run") def install(self, spec, prefix): mkdirp(prefix.bin) jar_file = "cromwell-{0}.jar".format(self.version) install(jar_file, prefix.bin) # Set up a helper script to call java on the jar file, # explicitly codes the path for java and the jar file. script_sh = join_path(os.path.dirname(__file__), "cromwell.sh") script = prefix.bin.cromwell install(script_sh, script) set_executable(script) # Munge the helper script to explicitly point to java and the # jar file. java = self.spec["java"].prefix.bin.java kwargs = {"ignore_absent": False, "backup": False, "string": False} filter_file("^java", java, script, **kwargs) filter_file("cromwell.jar", join_path(prefix.bin, jar_file), script, **kwargs)