# Copyright 2013-2019 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) from spack import * # typical working line with extrae 3.0.1 # ./configure # --prefix=/usr/local # --with-mpi=/usr/lib64/mpi/gcc/openmpi # --with-unwind=/usr/local # --with-papi=/usr # --with-dwarf=/usr # --with-elf=/usr # --with-dyninst=/usr # --with-binutils=/usr # --with-xml-prefix=/usr # --enable-openmp # --enable-nanos # --enable-pthread # --disable-parallel-merge # # LDFLAGS=-pthread class Extrae(Package): """Extrae is the package devoted to generate tracefiles which can be analyzed later by Paraver. Extrae is a tool that uses different interposition mechanisms to inject probes into the target application so as to gather information regarding the application performance. The Extrae instrumentation package can instrument the MPI programin model, and the following parallel programming models either alone or in conjunction with MPI : OpenMP, CUDA, OpenCL, pthread, OmpSs""" homepage = "https://tools.bsc.es/extrae" url = "https://ftp.tools.bsc.es/extrae/extrae-3.4.1-src.tar.bz2" version('3.4.1', '69001f5cfac46e445d61eeb567bc8844') depends_on("mpi") depends_on("dyninst") depends_on("libunwind") depends_on("boost") depends_on("libdwarf") depends_on("papi") depends_on("elf", type="link") depends_on("libxml2") # gettext dependency added to find -lintl # https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/FAQ.html#integrating_undefined depends_on("gettext") depends_on("binutils+libiberty") def install(self, spec, prefix): if 'openmpi' in spec: mpi = spec['openmpi'] elif 'mpich' in spec: mpi = spec['mpich'] elif 'mvapich2' in spec: mpi = spec['mvapich2'] extra_config_args = [] # This was added due to configure failure # https://www.gnu.org/software/gettext/FAQ.html#integrating_undefined extra_config_args.append('LDFLAGS=-lintl') if spec.satisfies("^dyninst@9.3.0:"): make.add_default_arg('CXXFLAGS=-std=c++11') extra_config_args.append('CXXFLAGS=-std=c++11') configure("--prefix=%s" % prefix, "--with-mpi=%s" % mpi.prefix, "--with-unwind=%s" % spec['libunwind'].prefix, "--with-dyninst=%s" % spec['dyninst'].prefix, "--with-boost=%s" % spec['boost'].prefix, "--with-dwarf=%s" % spec['libdwarf'].prefix, "--with-papi=%s" % spec['papi'].prefix, "--with-dyninst-headers=%s" % spec[ 'dyninst'].prefix.include, "--with-elf=%s" % spec['elf'].prefix, "--with-xml-prefix=%s" % spec['libxml2'].prefix, "--with-binutils=%s" % spec['binutils'].prefix, "--with-dyninst-libs=%s" % spec['dyninst'].prefix.lib, *extra_config_args) make() make("install", parallel=False)