# Copyright 2013-2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) import llnl.util.tty as tty from spack.package import * class Freeipmi(AutotoolsPackage): """FreeIPMI provides in-band and out-of-band IPMI software based on the IPMI v1.5/2.0 specification. The IPMI specification defines a set of interfaces for platform management and is implemented by a number vendors for system management. The features of IPMI that most users will be interested in are sensor monitoring, system event monitoring, power control, and serial-over-LAN (SOL). The FreeIPMI tools and libraries listed below should provide users with the ability to access and utilize these and many other features. A number of useful features for large HPC or cluster environments have also been implemented into FreeIPMI. See the README or FAQ for more info.""" homepage = "https://www.gnu.org/software/freeipmi/" url = "https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/freeipmi/freeipmi-1.6.4.tar.gz" version("1.6.4", sha256="65dfbb95a30438ba247f01a58498862a37d2e71c8c950bcfcee459d079241a3c") depends_on("libgcrypt") parallel = False def configure_args(self): # FIXME: If root checking of root installation is added fix this: # Discussed in issue #4432 tty.warn( "Requires 'root' for bmc-watchdog.service installation to" " /lib/systemd/system/ !" ) args = [ "--prefix={0}".format(prefix), "--with-systemdsystemunitdir=" + self.spec["freeipmi"].prefix.lib.systemd.system, ] return args