# Copyright 2013-2021 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) import os import platform from spack import * class Hpcg(AutotoolsPackage): """HPCG is a software package that performs a fixed number of multigrid preconditioned (using a symmetric Gauss-Seidel smoother) conjugate gradient (PCG) iterations using double precision (64 bit) floating point values.""" homepage = "https://www.hpcg-benchmark.org" url = "https://www.hpcg-benchmark.org/downloads/hpcg-3.1.tar.gz" git = "https://github.com/hpcg-benchmark/hpcg.git" version('develop', branch='master') version('3.1', sha256='33a434e716b79e59e745f77ff72639c32623e7f928eeb7977655ffcaade0f4a4') variant('openmp', default=True, description='Enable OpenMP support') patch('https://github.com/hpcg-benchmark/hpcg/commit/e9e0b7e6cae23e1f30dd983c2ce2d3bd34d56f75.patch', sha256='23b9de83042eb7a8207fdddcfa79ae2cc1a17e8e623e2224c7751d7c328ee482', when='%gcc@9:') patch('https://github.com/hpcg-benchmark/hpcg/commit/e9e0b7e6cae23e1f30dd983c2ce2d3bd34d56f75.patch', sha256='23b9de83042eb7a8207fdddcfa79ae2cc1a17e8e623e2224c7751d7c328ee482', when='%aocc') depends_on('mpi@1.1:') arch = '{0}-{1}'.format(platform.system(), platform.processor()) build_targets = ['arch={0}'.format(arch)] def configure(self, spec, prefix): CXXFLAGS = '-O3 -ffast-math -ftree-vectorize ' if '%aocc' not in self.spec: CXXFLAGS += ' -ftree-vectorizer-verbose=0 ' if '+openmp' in self.spec: CXXFLAGS += self.compiler.openmp_flag config = [ # Shell 'SHELL = /bin/sh', 'CD = cd', 'CP = cp', 'LN_S = ln -fs', 'MKDIR = mkdir -p', 'RM = /bin/rm -f', 'TOUCH = touch', # Platform identifier 'ARCH = {0}'.format(self.arch), # HPCG Directory Structure / HPCG library 'TOPdir = {0}'.format(os.getcwd()), 'SRCdir = $(TOPdir)/src', 'INCdir = $(TOPdir)/src', 'BINdir = $(TOPdir)/bin', # Message Passing library (MPI) 'MPinc = -I{0}'.format(spec['mpi'].prefix.include), 'MPlib = -L{0}'.format(spec['mpi'].prefix.lib), # HPCG includes / libraries / specifics 'HPCG_INCLUDES = -I$(INCdir) -I$(INCdir)/$(arch) $(MPinc)', 'HPCG_LIBS =', 'HPCG_OPTS =', 'HPCG_DEFS = $(HPCG_OPTS) $(HPCG_INCLUDES)', # Compilers / linkers - Optimization flags 'CXX = {0}'.format(spec['mpi'].mpicxx), 'CXXFLAGS = $(HPCG_DEFS) {0}'.format(CXXFLAGS), 'LINKER = $(CXX)', 'LINKFLAGS = $(CXXFLAGS)', 'ARCHIVER = ar', 'ARFLAGS = r', 'RANLIB = echo', ] # Write configuration options to include file with open('setup/Make.{0}'.format(self.arch), 'w') as makefile: for var in config: makefile.write('{0}\n'.format(var)) def install(self, spec, prefix): # Manual installation install_tree('bin', prefix.bin)