import os from spack import * class Mpibash(Package): """Parallel scripting right from the Bourne-Again Shell (Bash)""" homepage = "" version('4.3', '81348932d5da294953e15d4814c74dd1', url="") # patch -p1 < ../mpibash-4.3.patch patch('mpibash-4.3.patch', level=1, when='@4.3') # above patch modifies depends_on('autoconf') # uses MPI_Exscan which is in MPI-1.2 and later depends_on('mpi@1.2:') depends_on('libcircle') def install(self, spec, prefix): # run autoconf to rebuild configure autoconf = which('autoconf') autoconf() configure("--prefix=" + prefix, "CC=mpicc") make(parallel=False) make("install")