# Copyright 2013-2020 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) from spack import * class Mxnet(MakefilePackage): """MXNet is a deep learning framework designed for both efficiency and flexibility.""" homepage = "http://mxnet.io" url = "https://github.com/apache/incubator-mxnet/releases/download/1.3.0/apache-mxnet-src-1.3.0-incubating.tar.gz" version('1.3.0', sha256='c00d6fbb2947144ce36c835308e603f002c1eb90a9f4c5a62f4d398154eed4d2') variant('cuda', default=False, description='Enable CUDA support') variant('opencv', default=True, description='Enable OpenCV support') variant('openmp', default=False, description='Enable OpenMP support') variant('profiler', default=False, description='Enable Profiler (for verification and debug only).') variant('python', default=True, description='Install python bindings') depends_on('dmlc-core@20170508') depends_on('dmlc-core+openmp', when='+openmp') depends_on('dmlc-core~openmp', when='~openmp') depends_on('mshadow@20170721') depends_on('ps-lite@20170328') depends_on('nnvm~shared@20170418') depends_on('blas') depends_on('cudnn', when='+cuda') depends_on('cudnn', when='+cuda') depends_on('cub', when='+cuda') depends_on('opencv+core+imgproc+highgui+jpeg+png+tiff~eigen~ipp@3.0:', when='+opencv') # python extensions depends_on('python@2.7:', type=('build', 'run'), when='+python') depends_on('py-setuptools', type='build', when='+python') extends('python', when='+python') patch('makefile.patch', when='@0.10:0.11') def build(self, spec, prefix): # copy template configuration file copy('make/config.mk', 'config.mk') # remove compiler overrides filter_file('export CC = gcc', '', 'config.mk', string=True) filter_file('export CXX = g++', '', 'config.mk', string=True) # add blas prefix to include paths filter_file( '-I$(NNVM_PATH)/include', '-I$(NNVM_PATH)/include -I%s/include' % spec['blas'].prefix, 'Makefile', string=True ) # mxnet comes with its own version of nnvm and dmlc. # building it will fail if we use the spack paths args = [ 'CC=%s' % self.compiler.cc, 'CXX=%s' % self.compiler.cxx, 'MSHADOW_PATH=%s' % spec['mshadow'].prefix, 'PS_PATH=%s' % spec['ps-lite'].prefix, 'USE_OPENMP=%s' % ('1' if '+openmp' in spec else '0'), 'USE_CUDA=%s' % ('1' if '+cuda' in spec else '0'), 'USE_CUDNN=%s' % ('1' if '+cuda' in spec else '0'), 'USE_OPENCV=%s' % ('1' if '+opencv' in spec else '0'), 'USE_PROFILER=%s' % ('1' if '+profiler' in spec else '0'), ] if '+opencv' in spec: filter_file('$(shell pkg-config --cflags opencv)', '-I%s' % spec['opencv'].prefix.include, 'Makefile', string=True) filter_file('$(filter-out -lopencv_ts, ' '$(shell pkg-config --libs opencv))', '-lopencv_core -lopencv_imgproc -lopencv_imgcodecs', 'Makefile', string=True) if 'openblas' in spec: args.extend(['USE_BLAS=openblas']) elif 'atlas' in spec or 'cblas' in spec: args.extend(['USE_BLAS=atlas']) else: args.extend(['USE_BLAS=blas']) if '+cuda' in spec: args.extend(['USE_CUDA_PATH=%s' % spec['cuda'].prefix, 'CUDNN_PATH=%s' % spec['cudnn'].prefix, 'CUB_INCLUDE=%s' % spec['cub'].prefix.include]) make(*args) def install(self, spec, prefix): # mxnet is just a shared library -- no need to install a bin tree install_tree('include', prefix.include) install_tree('lib', prefix.lib) # install python bindings if '+python' in spec: python = which('python') python('python/setup.py', 'install', '--prefix={0}'.format(prefix))