############################################################################## # Copyright (c) 2013-2017, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. # Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. # # This file is part of Spack. # Created by Todd Gamblin, tgamblin@llnl.gov, All rights reserved. # LLNL-CODE-647188 # # For details, see https://github.com/llnl/spack # Please also see the NOTICE and LICENSE files for our notice and the LGPL. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License (as # published by the Free Software Foundation) version 2.1, February 1999. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the IMPLIED WARRANTY OF # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the terms and # conditions of the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ############################################################################## import os from spack import * from spack.package_test import compare_output_file, compile_c_and_execute import spack.architecture class Openblas(MakefilePackage): """OpenBLAS: An optimized BLAS library""" homepage = 'http://www.openblas.net' url = 'http://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS/archive/v0.2.19.tar.gz' version('0.2.20', '48637eb29f5b492b91459175dcc574b1') version('0.2.19', '28c998054fd377279741c6f0b9ea7941') version('0.2.18', '805e7f660877d588ea7e3792cda2ee65') version('0.2.17', '664a12807f2a2a7cda4781e3ab2ae0e1') version('0.2.16', 'fef46ab92463bdbb1479dcec594ef6dc') version('0.2.15', 'b1190f3d3471685f17cfd1ec1d252ac9') version('develop', git='https://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS.git', branch='develop') variant( 'shared', default=True, description='Build shared libraries as well as static libs.' ) variant('ilp64', default=False, description='64 bit integers') variant('pic', default=True, description='Build position independent code') variant('cpu_target', default='', description='Set CPU target architecture (leave empty for ' 'autodetection; GENERIC, SSE_GENERIC, NEHALEM, ...)') variant( 'threads', default='none', description='Multithreading support', values=('pthreads', 'openmp', 'none'), multi=False ) # virtual dependency provides('blas') provides('lapack') patch('make.patch', when='@0.2.16:') # This patch is in a pull request to OpenBLAS that has not been handled # https://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS/pull/915 # UPD: the patch has been merged starting version 0.2.20 patch('openblas_icc.patch', when='@:0.2.19%intel') patch('openblas_icc_openmp.patch', when='%intel@16.0:') patch('openblas_icc_fortran.patch', when='%intel@16.0:') # Fixes compilation error on POWER8 with GCC 7 # https://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS/pull/1098 patch('power8.patch', when='@0.2.18:0.2.19 %gcc@7.1.0: target=ppc64') # Change file comments to work around clang 3.9 assembler bug # https://github.com/xianyi/OpenBLAS/pull/982 patch('openblas0.2.19.diff', when='@0.2.19') parallel = False conflicts('%intel@16', when='@0.2.15:0.2.19') @run_before('edit') def check_compilers(self): # As of 06/2016 there is no mechanism to specify that packages which # depends on Blas/Lapack need C or/and Fortran symbols. For now # require both. if self.compiler.f77 is None: raise InstallError( 'OpenBLAS requires both C and Fortran compilers!' ) # Add support for OpenMP if (self.spec.satisfies('threads=openmp') and self.spec.satisfies('%clang')): if str(self.spec.compiler.version).endswith('-apple'): raise InstallError("Apple's clang does not support OpenMP") if '@:0.2.19' in self.spec: # Openblas (as of 0.2.19) hardcoded that OpenMP cannot # be used with any (!) compiler named clang, bummer. raise InstallError( 'OpenBLAS @:0.2.19 does not support OpenMP with clang!' ) @property def make_defs(self): # Configure fails to pick up fortran from FC=/abs/path/to/f77, but # works fine with FC=/abs/path/to/gfortran. # When mixing compilers make sure that # $SPACK_ROOT/lib/spack/env/ have symlinks with reasonable # names and hack them inside lib/spack/spack/compilers/.py make_defs = [ 'CC={0}'.format(spack_cc), 'FC={0}'.format(spack_f77), 'MAKE_NO_J=1' ] if self.spec.variants['cpu_target'].value: make_defs += [ 'TARGET={0}'.format(self.spec.variants['cpu_target'].value) ] # invoke make with the correct TARGET for aarch64 elif 'aarch64' in spack.architecture.sys_type(): make_defs += [ 'TARGET=PILEDRIVER', 'TARGET=ARMV8' ] if self.spec.satisfies('%gcc@:4.8.4'): make_defs += ['NO_AVX2=1'] if '~shared' in self.spec: if '+pic' in self.spec: make_defs.extend([ 'CFLAGS={0}'.format(self.compiler.pic_flag), 'FFLAGS={0}'.format(self.compiler.pic_flag) ]) make_defs += ['NO_SHARED=1'] # fix missing _dggsvd_ and _sggsvd_ if self.spec.satisfies('@0.2.16'): make_defs += ['BUILD_LAPACK_DEPRECATED=1'] # Add support for multithreading if self.spec.satisfies('threads=openmp'): make_defs += ['USE_OPENMP=1', 'USE_THREAD=1'] elif self.spec.satisfies('threads=pthreads'): make_defs += ['USE_OPENMP=0', 'USE_THREAD=1'] else: make_defs += ['USE_OPENMP=0', 'USE_THREAD=0'] # 64bit ints if '+ilp64' in self.spec: make_defs += ['INTERFACE64=1'] return make_defs @property def build_targets(self): targets = ['libs', 'netlib'] # Build shared if variant is set. if '+shared' in self.spec: targets += ['shared'] return self.make_defs + targets @run_after('build') @on_package_attributes(run_tests=True) def check_build(self): make('tests', *self.make_defs) @property def install_targets(self): make_args = [ 'install', 'PREFIX={0}'.format(self.prefix), ] return make_args + self.make_defs @run_after('install') @on_package_attributes(run_tests=True) def check_install(self): spec = self.spec # Openblas may pass its own test but still fail to compile Lapack # symbols. To make sure we get working Blas and Lapack, do a small # test. source_file = join_path(os.path.dirname(self.module.__file__), 'test_cblas_dgemm.c') blessed_file = join_path(os.path.dirname(self.module.__file__), 'test_cblas_dgemm.output') include_flags = spec['openblas'].headers.cpp_flags link_flags = spec['openblas'].libs.ld_flags if self.compiler.name == 'intel': link_flags += ' -lifcore' if self.spec.satisfies('threads=pthreads'): link_flags += ' -lpthread' if spec.satisfies('threads=openmp'): link_flags += ' -lpthread ' + self.compiler.openmp_flag output = compile_c_and_execute( source_file, [include_flags], link_flags.split() ) compare_output_file(output, blessed_file)