# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) from spack.package import * from spack.pkg.builtin.boost import Boost class Percept(CMakePackage): """Parallel mesh refinement and adaptivity tools for the finite element method. """ homepage = "https://github.com/PerceptTools/percept" git = "https://github.com/PerceptTools/percept.git" # The open version of Percept does not seem to be supported on # github and it doesn't have tags. So we specify a specific commit # here and the patch allows us to build the mesh_transfer exe and # creates a make install target so Spack can install Percept version("master", commit="363cdd0050443760d54162f140b2fb54ed9decf0") patch("cmakelists.patch") depends_on("googletest~shared") depends_on("opennurbs@percept") depends_on("boost+graph+mpi") # TODO: replace this with an explicit list of components of Boost, # for instance depends_on('boost +filesystem') # See https://github.com/spack/spack/pull/22303 for reference depends_on(Boost.with_default_variants) depends_on("yaml-cpp+pic~shared@0.5.3:") depends_on( "trilinos" "~shared+exodus+mpi+tpetra+epetra+epetraext+muelu+belos+ifpack2+amesos2" "+zoltan+stk+boost~superlu-dist+superlu+hdf5+aztec+sacado" "~openmp+shards+intrepid" "@master,12.14.1:" ) def cmake_args(self): spec = self.spec options = [] options.extend( [ "-DSTK_PERCEPT_LITE:BOOL=OFF", "-DSTK_ADAPT_HAVE_YAML_CPP:BOOL=ON", "-DTrilinos_DIR:PATH=%s" % spec["trilinos"].prefix, "-DYAML_DIR:PATH=%s" % spec["yaml-cpp"].prefix, "-DBOOST_DIR:PATH=%s" % spec["boost"].prefix, "-DOPENNURBS_DIR:PATH=%s" % spec["opennurbs"].prefix, "-DOPENNURBS_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=%s" % spec["opennurbs"].prefix.include, "-DOPENNURBS_LIBRARY_DIR:PATH=%s" % spec["opennurbs"].prefix.lib, "-DPERCEPT_TPLS_INSTALL_DIR:PATH=%s" % spec["googletest"].prefix, ] ) return options