# Copyright 2013-2022 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) from spack import * class Pgplot(MakefilePackage): """PGPLOT Graphics Subroutine Library. The PGPLOT Graphics Subroutine Library is a Fortran- or C-callable, device-independent graphics package for making simple scientific graphs. It is intended for making graphical images of publication quality with minimum effort on the part of the user. For most applications, the program can be device-independent, and the output can be directed to the appropriate device at run time.""" homepage = "https://sites.astro.caltech.edu/~tjp/pgplot/" url = "ftp://ftp.astro.caltech.edu/pub/pgplot/pgplot5.2.tar.gz" maintainers = ['eschnett'] version('5.2.2', url="ftp://ftp.astro.caltech.edu/pub/pgplot/pgplot5.2.tar.gz", sha256='a5799ff719a510d84d26df4ae7409ae61fe66477e3f1e8820422a9a4727a5be4') # Replace hard-coded compilers and options by tokens, so that Spack can # edit the file more easily patch('g77_gcc.conf.patch') # https://research.iac.es/sieinvens/siepedia/pmwiki.php?n=HOWTOs.PGPLOTMacOSX patch('pndriv.c.patch') # Read font from spack generated directory patch('grsy00.f.patch') parallel = False # enable drivers variant('X', default=False, description='Build with X11 support.') variant('png', default=True, description='Enable driver for Portable Network Graphics file.') variant('ps', default=True, description='Enable driver for PostScript files.') depends_on('libx11', when='+X') depends_on('libpng', when='+png') def edit(self, spec, prefix): libs = '' if '+X' in spec: libs += ' ' + self.spec['X11'].libs.ld_flags if '+png' in spec: libs += ' ' + self.spec['libpng'].libs.ld_flags sub = {} if spec.satisfies('%gcc'): fib = " -fallow-invalid-boz" if spec.satisfies('%gcc@10:') else "" sub = { '@CCOMPL@': spack_cc, '@CFLAGC@': "-Wall -fPIC -DPG_PPU -O -std=c89 " + "-Wno-error=implicit-function-declaration", '@CFLAGD@': "-O2", '@FCOMPL@': spack_fc, '@FFLAGC@': "-Wall -fPIC -O -ffixed-line-length-none" + fib, '@FFLAGD@': libs + " -fno-backslash", '@LIBS@': libs + " -lgfortran", '@SHARED_LD@': spack_cc + " -shared -o $SHARED_LIB", '@SHARED_LIB_LIBS@': libs + " -lgfortran", } elif spec.satisfies('%intel'): sub = { '@CCOMPL@': spack_cc, '@CFLAGC@': "-O2 -fPIC -DPG_PPU", '@CFLAGD@': "-O2 -lifcore -lifport", '@FCOMPL@': spack_fc, '@FFLAGC@': "-fPIC", '@FFLAGD@': libs + " -nofor-main", '@LIBS@': libs + " -nofor-main -lifcore -lifport", '@SHARED_LD@': spack_cc + " -shared -o $SHARED_LIB", '@SHARED_LIB_LIBS@': libs + " -nofor-main -lifcore -lifport", } conf = join_path( self.stage.source_path, 'sys_linux/g77_gcc.conf' ) drivers_list = join_path(self.stage.source_path, 'drivers.list') # eg. change contents of drivers_list file like: # '! XWDRIV 1 /XWINDOW' -> 'XWDRIV 1 /XWINDOW' enable_driver = lambda s: filter_file(s, s[2:], drivers_list) if '+X' in spec: enable_driver('! XWDRIV 1 /XWINDOW') enable_driver('! XWDRIV 2 /XSERVE') if '+png' in spec: enable_driver('! PNDRIV 1 /PNG') filter_file('pndriv.o : ./png.h ./pngconf.h ./zlib.h ./zconf.h', 'pndriv.o :', 'makemake') # Alwasy enable PS and LATEX since they are not depending on other libraries. enable_driver('! PSDRIV 1 /PS') enable_driver('! PSDRIV 2 /VPS') enable_driver('! PSDRIV 3 /CPS') enable_driver('! PSDRIV 4 /VCPS') enable_driver('! LXDRIV 0 /LATEX') # GIF is not working. Maybe it is a bug in the gidriv.f. # enable_driver('! GIDRIV 1 /GIF') # enable_driver('! GIDRIV 2 /VGIF') for key, value in sub.items(): filter_file(key, value, conf) def setup_build_environment(self, env): if '+X' in self.spec: env.append_flags('LIBS', self.spec['X11'].libs.ld_flags) if '+png' in self.spec: env.append_flags('LIBS', self.spec['libpng'].libs.ld_flags) def build(self, spec, prefix): makemake = which('./makemake') makemake(self.build_directory, 'linux', 'g77_gcc') make() make('clean') make('cpg') def install(self, spec, prefix): mkdirp(prefix.bin) install('cpgdemo', prefix.bin) install('pgbind', prefix.bin) install('pgdemo1', prefix.bin) install('pgdemo2', prefix.bin) install('pgdemo3', prefix.bin) install('pgdemo4', prefix.bin) install('pgdemo5', prefix.bin) install('pgdemo6', prefix.bin) install('pgdemo7', prefix.bin) install('pgdemo8', prefix.bin) install('pgdemo9', prefix.bin) install('pgdemo10', prefix.bin) install('pgdemo11', prefix.bin) install('pgdemo12', prefix.bin) install('pgdemo13', prefix.bin) install('pgdemo14', prefix.bin) install('pgdemo15', prefix.bin) install('pgdemo16', prefix.bin) install('pgdemo17', prefix.bin) if '+X' in spec: install('pgxwin_server', prefix.bin) mkdirp(prefix.include) install('cpgplot.h', prefix.include) mkdirp(prefix.lib) install('libcpgplot.a', prefix.lib) install('libpgplot.a', prefix.lib) install('libpgplot.so', prefix.lib) install('grfont.dat', prefix.include) @property def libs(self): shared = "+shared" in self.spec return find_libraries( "lib*pgplot", root=self.prefix, shared=shared, recursive=True ) def setup_run_environment(self, env): env.set('PGPLOT_FONT', self.prefix.include + '/grfont.dat') env.set('PGPLOT_DIR', self.prefix)