# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) from spack.package import * class Regcm(AutotoolsPackage): """RegCM, ICTP Regional Climate Model (https://ictp.it).""" homepage = "https://gforge.ictp.it/gf/project/regcm/" license("AFL-1.1") version( "4.7.0", sha256="456631c10dcb83d70e51c3babda2f7a1aa41ed9e60cb4209deb3764655267519", url="https://gforge.ictp.it/gf/download/frsrelease/259/1845/RegCM-4.7.0.tar.gz", ) variant("debug", default=False, description="Build RegCM using debug options.") variant("profile", default=False, description="Build RegCM using profiling options.") variant( "singleprecision", default=False, description="Build RegCM using single precision float type.", ) # On Intel and PGI compilers, multiple archs can be built at the same time, # producing a so-called fat binary. Unfortunately, gcc builds only the last # architecture provided at the configure line. # For this reason, we allow a single arch when using GCC (checks are # performed below in the configure_args). # Moreover, RegCM supports optimizations only for GCC and Intel compilers. # To sum up: # - intel: a user is able to build a single executables for all the # combinations of architectures (e.g. `--extension=knl,skl,bdw,nhl`); # - gcc: a user is allowed to build an executable using a single # optimization/extension; # - other compilers: no extensions/optimizations are supported. # # See also discussions: #974, #9934, #10797. extensions = ("knl", "skl", "bdw", "nhl") variant( "extension", values=any_combination_of(*extensions), description="Build extensions for a specific architecture. Only " "available for GCC and Intel compilers; moreover, " "GCC builds only one architecture optimization.", ) variant( "pnetcdf", default=False, description="Build NetCDF using the high performance parallel " "NetCDF implementation.", ) depends_on("netcdf-c") depends_on("netcdf-fortran") depends_on("hdf5") depends_on("mpi") depends_on("netcdf-c +parallel-netcdf", when="+pnetcdf") intel_msg = ( "Intel compiler not working with this specific version of " "RegCM (generates a bug at runtime): please install a newer " "version of RegCM or use a different compiler." ) conflicts("%intel", when="@4.7.0", msg=intel_msg) # 'make' sometimes crashes when compiling with more than 10-12 cores. # Moreover, parallel compile time is ~ 1m 30s, while serial is ~ 50s. parallel = False def flag_handler(self, name, flags): if name == "fflags" and self.compiler.fc.endswith("gfortran"): flags.extend( [ "-Wall", "-Wextra", "-Warray-temporaries", "-Wconversion", "-fimplicit-none", "-fbacktrace", "-ffree-line-length-0", "-finit-real=nan", "-ffpe-trap=zero,overflow,underflow", "-fcheck=all", ] ) elif name == "ldlibs": flags.extend(["-lnetcdff", "-lnetcdf"]) if self.compiler.fc.endswith("gfortran"): flags.extend(["-lm", "-ldl"]) else: flags.extend(["-lhdf5_hl", "-lhdf5", "-lz"]) return (None, None, flags) def configure_args(self): args = ["--enable-shared"] optimizations = self.spec.variants["extension"].value first_optim = optimizations[0] if first_optim != "none": if not (self.spec.satisfies(r"%gcc") or self.spec.satisfies(r"%intel")): # This means the user chose some optimizations on a different # compiler from GCC and Intel, which are the only compiler # supported by RegCM 4.7.x. raise InstallError( "Architecture optimizations are available " "only for GCC and Intel compilers." ) if len(optimizations) > 1 and self.spec.satisfies(r"%gcc"): # https://github.com/spack/spack/issues/974 raise InstallError( "The GCC compiler does not support " "multiple architecture optimizations." ) # RegCM configure script treats --disable-X as --enable-X, so we # cannot use enable_or_disable; enable only the flags requested. args += ("--enable-" + ext for ext in optimizations) for opt in ("debug", "profile", "singleprecision"): if ("+" + opt) in self.spec: args.append("--enable-" + opt) # RegCM SVN6916 introduced a specific flag to use some pnetcdf calls. if "+pnetcdf" in self.spec and "@4.7.0-SVN6916:" in self.spec: args.append("--enable-parallel-nc") # RegCM doesn't listen to the FFLAGS variable, so we have to route # flags to FCFLAGS. fcflags = list(self.spec.compiler_flags["fflags"]) # RegCM complains when compiled with gfortran. if self.compiler.fc.endswith("gfortran"): fcflags.append("-fno-range-check") args.append("FCFLAGS=" + " ".join(fcflags)) # The configure needs a hint on the MPI Fortran compiler, otherwise it # doesn't find it and tries to compile MPI Fortran code with the system # Fortran non-MPI compiler. args.append("MPIFC=" + self.spec["mpi"].mpifc) return args