# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) import llnl.util.tty as tty from spack.package import * class Rpm(AutotoolsPackage): """ The RPM package manager https://github.com/rpm-software-management/rpm/blob/master/INSTALL Note that debugedit is an additional tool that *should* compile with adding libdw and elfutils, but the library (as of is being removed from rpm and will be put somewhere else. """ homepage = "https://github.com/rpm-software-management/rpm" url = "https://github.com/rpm-software-management/rpm/archive/rpm-4.16.0-release.tar.gz" git = "https://github.com/rpm-software-management/rpm.git" maintainers("haampie") version("master", branch="master") version("", sha256="3d2807807a8ccaa92a8ced74e09b5bf5b2417a5bbf9bee4abc7c6aa497547bf3") version("4.16.0", sha256="a62b744e3404b107e8467e1a36ff0f2bf9e5c1b748dbfeb36db54bbb859446ea") variant( "crypto", values=("openssl", "libgcrypt"), default="libgcrypt", multi=False, description="What cryptographic library to use", ) variant("sqlite", default=False, description="Use sqlite instead of ndb") variant( "berkeley-db", values=("full", "readonly", "none"), default="none", multi=False, description="Type of support for Berkeley DB", ) variant("selinux", default=False, description="Enable support for SELinux") variant("python", default=False, description="Build Python bindings to RPM library") variant("lua", default=True, description="Build with lua support") variant("zstd", default=False, description="Build with zstd suport") variant( "posix", default=False, description="Enable POSIX.1e draft 15 file capabilities support" ) variant("gpg", default=False, description="Install gpg for using cryptographic signatures") variant("openmp", default=True, description="OpenMP multithreading support") variant("nls", default=False, description="Enable native language support") # Always required depends_on("popt") # Without this file patch, we don't detect lua depends_on("lua+pcfile@5.3.5:", when="+lua") # Enable POSIX.1e draft 15 file capabilities support depends_on("libcap", when="+posix") depends_on("berkeley-db@4.5:", when="berkeley-db=full") depends_on("berkeley-db@4.5:", when="berkeley-db=readonly") depends_on("gettext", when="+nls") depends_on("gettext", type="build") depends_on("iconv") depends_on("file") # provides magic.h depends_on("libarchive") # support for cryptographic signatures depends_on("gnupg", when="+gpg") # cryptographic library to support digests and signatures depends_on("libgcrypt", when="crypto=libgcrypt") depends_on("openssl@1.0.2:", when="crypto=openssl") # RPM needs some database, ndb requires no extra dependencies but sqlite does depends_on("sqlite@3.22.0:", when="+sqlite") # Python 2.x support is being deprecated depends_on("python@3.1:", when="+sqlite") # compression support -- there is no configure option for many of these # and they autodetect the libraries, so it's better to just make them # hard requirements to avoid linking against system libraries. depends_on("zlib-api") depends_on("bzip2") depends_on("gzip") depends_on("xz") depends_on("lzma") depends_on("zstd", when="+zstd") # java jar dependency analysis (already requirement for lua) depends_on("unzip", type="run") # Build dependencies depends_on("doxygen", type="build") depends_on("pkgconfig", type="build") depends_on("autoconf", type="build") depends_on("automake", type="build") depends_on("libtool", type="build") depends_on("m4", type="build") # Lua is about to become a hard requirement conflicts("~lua", when="@4.17:") def autoreconf(self, spec, prefix): bash = which("bash") bash("./autogen.sh", "--noconfigure") def configure_args(self): spec = self.spec args = [ "--enable-ndb", "--disable-inhibit-plugin", "--with-crypto={0}".format(spec.variants["crypto"].value), ] args += self.enable_or_disable("nls") args += self.enable_or_disable("sqlite") args += self.with_or_without("selinux") args += self.with_or_without("python") # OpenMP multithreading support automatically enabled if C compiler has # support for OpenMP version 4.5 or higher args += self.enable_or_disable("openmp") # Option got removed in 4.17 if self.spec.satisfies("@:4.16"): args += self.with_or_without("lua") # Legacy berkely db support if "berkeley-db=full" in spec: args.extend(["--enable-bdb", "--disable-bdb-ro"]) elif "berkeley-db=readonly" in spec: args.extend(["--disable-bdb", "--enable-bdb-ro"]) else: args.extend(["--disable-bdb", "--disable-bdb-ro"]) # enable POSIX.1e draft 15 file capabilities support if "+posix" in spec: args.append("--with-cap") if "crypto=openssl" in spec: tty.warn(openssl_warning) return args # This warning is from the INSTALL about licensing when using openssl. # We need to show it to the user if they choose the openssl variant. openssl_warning = """ When compiling against OpenSSL, there is a possible license incompatibility. For more details on this, see https://people.gnome.org/~markmc/openssl-and-the-gpl.html Some Linux distributions have different legal interpretations of this possible incompatibility. It is recommended to consult with a lawyer before building RPM against OpenSSL. Fedora: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Licensing:FAQ#What.27s_the_deal_with_the_OpenSSL_license.3F Debian: https://lists.debian.org/debian-legal/2002/10/msg00113.html"""