# Copyright 2013-2020 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) from spack import * import glob import os class SuperluMt(Package): """SuperLU is a general purpose library for the direct solution of large, sparse, nonsymmetric systems of linear equations on high performance machines. SuperLU_MT is designed for shared memory parallel machines.""" homepage = "http://crd-legacy.lbl.gov/~xiaoye/SuperLU/#superlu_mt" url = "http://crd-legacy.lbl.gov/~xiaoye/SuperLU/superlu_mt_3.1.tar.gz" version('3.1', sha256='407b544b9a92b2ed536b1e713e80f986824cf3016657a4bfc2f3e7d2a76ecab6') variant('int64', default=False, description='Build with 64 bit integers') variant('pic', default=True, description='Build with position independent code') variant('blas', default=True, description='Build with external BLAS library') # Must choose one or the other variant('openmp', default=False, description='Build with OpenMP support') variant('pthread', default=True, description='Build with POSIX threads support') # NOTE: must link with a single-threaded BLAS library depends_on('blas', when='+blas') # Cannot be built in parallel parallel = False def configure(self, spec): # Validate chosen variants if '+openmp' in spec and '+pthread' in spec: msg = 'You cannot choose both +openmp and +pthread' raise RuntimeError(msg) if '~openmp' in spec and '~pthread' in spec: msg = 'You must choose either +openmp or +pthread' raise RuntimeError(msg) # List of configuration options config = [] # The machine (platform) identifier to append to the library names if '+openmp' in spec: # OpenMP config.extend([ 'PLAT = _OPENMP', 'TMGLIB = libtmglib.a', 'MPLIB = {0}'.format(self.compiler.openmp_flag), 'CFLAGS = {0}'.format(self.compiler.openmp_flag), 'FFLAGS = {0}'.format(self.compiler.openmp_flag), 'LOADOPTS += {0}'.format(self.compiler.openmp_flag) ]) elif '+pthread' in spec: # POSIX threads config.extend([ 'PLAT = _PTHREAD', 'TMGLIB = libtmglib$(PLAT).a', 'MPLIB = -lpthread' ]) # The BLAS library # NOTE: must link with a single-threaded BLAS library if '+blas' in spec: config.extend([ 'BLASDEF = -DUSE_VENDOR_BLAS', 'BLASLIB = {0}'.format(spec['blas'].libs.ld_flags) ]) else: config.append('BLASLIB = ../lib/libblas$(PLAT).a') # Generic options config.extend([ # The name of the libraries to be created/linked to 'SUPERLULIB = libsuperlu_mt$(PLAT).a', 'MATHLIB = -lm', # The archiver and the flag(s) to use when building archives 'ARCH = ar', 'ARCHFLAGS = cr', 'RANLIB = {0}'.format('ranlib' if which('ranlib') else 'echo'), # Definitions used by CPP 'PREDEFS = -D_$(PLAT)', # Compilers and flags 'CC = {0}'.format(os.environ['CC']), 'CFLAGS += $(PREDEFS)', 'NOOPTS = -O0', 'FORTRAN = {0}'.format(os.environ['FC']), 'LOADER = {0}'.format(os.environ['CC']), # C preprocessor defs for compilation 'CDEFS = -DAdd_' ]) if '+int64' in spec: config.extend([ 'CFLAGS += -D_LONGINT', ]) if '+pic' in spec: config.extend([ 'CFLAGS += {0}'.format(self.compiler.cc_pic_flag), 'NOOPTS += {0}'.format(self.compiler.cc_pic_flag), 'FFLAGS += {0}'.format(self.compiler.f77_pic_flag), 'LOADOPTS += {0}'.format(self.compiler.cc_pic_flag) ]) # Write configuration options to include file with open('make.inc', 'w') as inc: for option in config: inc.write('{0}\n'.format(option)) def install(self, spec, prefix): # Set up make include file manually self.configure(spec) # BLAS needs to be compiled separately if using internal BLAS library if '+blas' not in spec: make('blaslib') make() # Install manually install_tree('lib', prefix.lib) headers = glob.glob(join_path('SRC', '*.h')) mkdir(prefix.include) for h in headers: install(h, prefix.include)