# Copyright 2013-2023 Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC and other # Spack Project Developers. See the top-level COPYRIGHT file for details. # # SPDX-License-Identifier: (Apache-2.0 OR MIT) from spack.package import * class Ycsb(MavenPackage): """Yahoo! Cloud Serving Benchmark.""" homepage = "https://research.yahoo.com/news/yahoo-cloud-serving-benchmark/" url = "https://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB/archive/0.17.0.tar.gz" git = "https://github.com/brianfrankcooper/YCSB.git" version("master", branch="master") version("0.17.0", sha256="5dd1a3d4dd7ac336eadccc83b097c811e142cfe1b23fc278f247054a1892c0e0") version("0.16.0", sha256="4296fd5e90d7d6d7dfcbad90039ddf16e785706a07f99c1c8a06e6ee06440f71") version("0.15.0", sha256="50b83c11f1a2f19f45e3cc6781f952c69944d1221dfec72169c3587802fc7fbb") version("0.14.0", sha256="456bcc9fa3d5d66d76fffa9cec34afd4528d9f02aa8a8d1135f511650516d5cb") version("0.13.0", sha256="21cb8078a0fe2d8d909145744ca15848dbb6757e98a7fdc97fb4049f82f4afbc") # Note: this package fails to build with maven@3.8.4 because maven # stopped supporting http URLs in dependencies. This is why an earlier # version of this package was adding the dependency on mongodb-async-driver # and calling "mvn install:install-file ..." to make it available to maven # before building YCSB. However there are more dependencies that require # such a "manual" installation for YCSB to correctly build. I have left # the mondodb-async-driver dependency and its installation procedure commented # for reference, in case someone eventually wants to make this package work # with a newer maven by going through all the dependencies that need manual # installation one by one. depends_on("tar", type="build") depends_on("maven@3.1.0:3.6.3", type="build") # depends_on("mongodb-async-driver", type="build") def build(self, spec, prefix): mvn = which("mvn") # jar_name = ( # "target/mongodb-async-driver-" + spec["mongodb-async-driver"].version.string + ".jar" # ) # path = join_path(self.spec["mongodb-async-driver"].prefix, jar_name) # mvn( # "install:install-file", # "-Dfile={0}".format(path), # "-DgroupId=com.allanbank", # "-DartifactId=mongodb-async-driver", # "-Dversion=%s" % spec["mongodb-async-driver"].version.string, # "-Dpackaging=jar", # ) mvn("package", "-am", "-DskipTests") def install(self, spec, prefix): # The build process builds a tar.gz archive in distribution/target # that can easily be installed by untaring it into the install prefix. from glob import glob distribution = "distribution/target/ycsb-*.tar.gz" with working_dir(self.build_directory): dist_file = glob(distribution)[0] tar = which("tar") tar("xf", dist_file, "-C", prefix, "--strip-components=1")