# Userland This project is a port of NetBSD userland utilities to the musl implementation of the C standard library. It aims to provide a complete POSIX userland, with support for user-friendly extensions regardless of origin. # Rationale There are a multitude of other projects which aim to provide a Linux userland. None of them are POSIX-compliant, and many have no interest in becoming 100% POSIX-compliant. Some of those projects additionally do not wish to support extensions provided by other projects. # License All code in this repository is licensed under `BSD-3-Clause`; see `LICENSE` for a copy of the license text. # Building To build `userland`, you will need: * gprbuild * libbsd and development headers * `fts` support library for musl * `utmps` (required for `who(1)`), and therefore `skalibs` * byacc `make` and `make install` will do as you expect. It is *strongly* recommended that you provide `DESTDIR` so as to avoid clobbering existing userland utilities. # Contributing Contributions may be made in several ways: * Write code. * Write manual pages. * Write ancillary documentation. * File tickets in the issue tracker for features which are missing but implemented by another project. * Participate constructively in project discussions.