# Utilities ## Fixed-location The following utilties are required by FHS to be in a particular location. Entries with a question mark are optional utilities. ``` File Required by Packaged in └┬ /bin/ ├┬ cat POSIX, FHS │├ chgrp POSIX, FHS │├ chmod POSIX, FHS │├ chown POSIX, FHS │├ cp POSIX, FHS │├ date POSIX, FHS │├ dd POSIX, FHS │├ df POSIX, FHS │├ dmesg FHS util-linux │├ echo POSIX, FHS │├ false POSIX, FHS │├ hostname FHS net-tools │├ kill POSIX, FHS procps │├ ln POSIX, FHS │├ login FHS shadow │├ ls POSIX, FHS │├ mkdir POSIX, FHS │├ mknod FHS │├ more POSIX, FHS util-linux │├ mount FHS util-linux │├ mv POSIX, FHS │├ ps POSIX, FHS procps │├ pwd POSIX, FHS │├ rm POSIX, FHS │├ rmdir POSIX, FHS │├ sed POSIX, FHS sed │├ sh POSIX, FHS bash-binsh, dash-binsh │├ stty POSIX, FHS │├ su POSIX, FHS shadow │├ sync FHS │├ true POSIX, FHS │├ umount FHS util-linux │└ uname POSIX, FHS ├ /sbin/ ├┬ fastboot? FHS │├ fasthalt? FHS │├ fdisk? FHS util-linux │├ fsck? FHS util-linux │├ getty? FHS │├ halt? FHS sysvinit │├ ifconfig? FHS net-tools │├ init? FHS sysvinit │├ mkfs? FHS util-linux │├ mkswap? FHS util-linux │├ reboot? FHS sysvinit │├ route? FHS net-tools │├ shutdown FHS sysvinit │├ swapon? FHS util-linux │├ swapoff? FHS util-linux │└ update? FHS └┬ /usr/ ├ /usr/bin/ └┬ perl? FHS perl ├ python? FHS ├ tclsh? FHS tcl ├ wish? FHS tk └ expect? FHS expect ``` ## Somewhere in `$PATH` The following utilities are required to be present, but not in any particular location. Standards referenced: * [POSIX.1-2017](https://pubs.opengroup.org/onlinepubs/9699919799/) * [LSB 5.0](https://refspecs.linuxfoundation.org/lsb.shtml) Utility | Standard | Packaged in ---------------------+-------------------+--------------------- `[` | LSB Common | `admin` | POSIX | `heirloom-devtools` `alias` | POSIX | `ar` | POSIX, LSB Common | `binutils` `asa` | POSIX | `at` | POSIX, LSB Common | `at` `awk` | POSIX, LSB Common | `mawk` `basename` | POSIX, LSB Common | `batch` | POSIX, LSB Common | `at` `bc` | POSIX, LSB Common | `bc` `bg` | POSIX | `c99` | POSIX | `gcc` `cal` | POSIX | `util-linux` `cd` | POSIX | `execline` `cflow` | POSIX | `cflow` `chfn` | LSB Common | `shadow` `chsh` | LSB Common | `shadow` `cksum` | POSIX, LSB Common | `cmp` | POSIX, LSB Common | `diffutils` `col` | LSB Common | `util-linux` `comm` | POSIX, LSB Common | `command` | POSIX | `compress` | POSIX | `ncompress`? `cpio` | LSB Common | `libarchive-tools` `crontab` | POSIX, LSB Common | `csplit` | POSIX, LSB Common | `ctags` | POSIX | `ctags` `cut` | LSB Common | `cxref` | POSIX | `delta` | POSIX | `heirloom-devtools` `diff` | POSIX, LSB Common | `diffutils` `dirname` | POSIX, LSB Common | `du` | POSIX, LSB Common | `ed` | POSIX, LSB Common | `ed` `egrep` | LSB Common | `grep` `env` | POSIX, LSB Common | `ex` | POSIX | `vim` `expand` | POSIX, LSB Common | `expr` | POSIX, LSB Common | `fc` | POSIX | `fc-cache` | LSB Desktop | `fontconfig` `fc-list` | LSB Desktop | `fontconfig` `fc-match` | LSB Desktop | `fontconfig` `fg` | POSIX | `file` | POSIX, LSB Common | `file` `find` | POSIX, LSB Common | `findutils` `fold` | POSIX, LSB Common | `foomatic-rip` | LSB Imaging | `cups-filters` `fort77` | POSIX | `gcc`? `fuser` | POSIX, LSB Common | `psmisc` `gencat` | POSIX, LSB Common | `get` | POSIX | `heirloom-devtools` `getconf` | POSIX, LSB Common | `shimmy` `getopts` | POSIX | `grep` | POSIX, LSB Common | `grep` `groupadd` | LSB Common | `shadow` `groupdel` | LSB Common | `shadow` `groupmod` | LSB Common | `shadow` `groups` | LSB Common | `shadow` `gs` | LSB Imaging | `gnu-ghostscript` `gzip` | LSB Common | `gzip` `gunzip` | LSB Common | `gzip` `hash` | POSIX | `head` | POSIX, LSB Common | `iconv` | POSIX, LSB Common | `musl-utils` `id` | POSIX, LSB Common | `infocmp` | LSB Common | `ncurses` `install` | LSB Common | `install_initd` | LSB Common | `ipcrm` | POSIX, LSB Common | `util-linux` `ipcs` | POSIX, LSB Common | `util-linux` `jobs` | POSIX | `join` | POSIX, LSB Common | `killall` | LSB Common | `psmisc` `lex` | POSIX | `flex` `link` | POSIX | `locale` | POSIX, LSB Common | `shimmy` `localedef` | POSIX, LSB Common | `shimmy` `logger` | POSIX, LSB Common | `util-linux` `logname` | POSIX, LSB Common | `lp` | POSIX, LSB Common | `cups-client` `lpr` | LSB Common | `cups-client` `lsb_release` | LSB Common | `m4` | POSIX, LSB Common | `m4` `mailx` | POSIX, LSB Common | `mailx` `make` | POSIX, LSB Common | `make` `man` | POSIX, LSB Common | `man-db` `md5sum` | LSB Common | `mesg` | POSIX | `mesg` `mkfifo` | POSIX, LSB Common | `mktemp` | LSB Common | `msgfmt` | LSB Common | `gettext-tiny` `newgrp` | POSIX, LSB Common | `shadow` `nice` | POSIX, LSB Common | `nl` | POSIX, LSB Common | `nm` | POSIX | binutils `nohup` | POSIX, LSB Common | `od` | POSIX, LSB Common | `passwd` | LSB Common | `shadow` `paste` | POSIX, LSB Common | `patch` | POSIX, LSB Common | `patch` `pathchk` | POSIX, LSB Common | `pax` | POSIX, LSB Common | `heirloom-pax` `pidof` | LSB Common | `procps` `pr` | POSIX, LSB Common | `printf` | POSIX, LSB Common | `prs` | POSIX | `heirloom-devtools` `qalter` | POSIX | `qdel` | POSIX | `qhold` | POSIX | `qmove` | POSIX | `qmsg` | POSIX | `qrerun` | POSIX | `qrls` | POSIX | `qselect` | POSIX | `qsig` | POSIX | `qstat` | POSIX | `qsub` | POSIX | `read` | POSIX | `heirloom-devtools` `remove_initd` | LSB Common | `renice` | POSIX, LSB Common | `util-linux` `rmdel` | POSIX | `heirloom-devtools` `sact` | POSIX | `heirloom-devtools` `sccs` | POSIX | `heirloom-devtools` `sendmail` | LSB Common | `ssmtp` `seq` | LSB Common | `sleep` | POSIX, LSB Common | `sort` | POSIX, LSB Common | `split` | POSIX, LSB Common | `strings` | POSIX, LSB Common | `binutils` `strip` | POSIX, LSB Common | `binutils` `tabs` | POSIX | `ncurses` `tail` | POSIX, LSB Common | `talk` | POSIX | `tar` | LSB Common | `libarchive-tools` `tee` | POSIX, LSB Common | `test` | POSIX, LSB Common | `tic` | LSB Common | `ncurses` `time` | POSIX, LSB Common | `touch` | POSIX, LSB Common | `tput` | POSIX, LSB Common | `ncurses` `tr` | POSIX, LSB Common | `tsort` | POSIX, LSB Common | `tty` | POSIX, LSB Common | `type` | POSIX, LSB Common | `ulimit` | POSIX | `umask` | POSIX | `execline` `unalias` | POSIX | `uncompress` | POSIX | `gzip` `unexpand` | POSIX, LSB Common | `unget` | POSIX | `heirloom-devtools` `uniq` | POSIX, LSB Common | `unlink` | POSIX | `useradd` | LSB Common | `shadow` `userdel` | LSB Common | `shadow` `usermod` | LSB Common | `shadow` `uucp` | POSIX | `uudecode` | POSIX | `sharutils` `uuencode` | POSIX | `sharutils` `uustat` | POSIX | `uux` | POSIX | `val` | POSIX | `heirloom-devtools` `vi` | POSIX | `nvi` `wait` | POSIX | `execline` `wc` | POSIX, LSB Common | `what` | POSIX | `who` | POSIX | `write` | POSIX | `xargs` | POSIX, LSB Common | `findutils` `xdg-desktop-icon` | LSB Desktop | `xdg-utils` `xdg-desktop-menu` | LSB Desktop | `xdg-utils` `xdg-email` | LSB Desktop | `xdg-utils` `xdg-icon-resource` | LSB Desktop | `xdg-utils` `xdg-mime` | LSB Desktop | `xdg-utils` `xdg-open` | LSB Desktop | `xdg-utils` `xdg-screensaver` | LSB Desktop | `xdg-utils` `yacc` | POSIX | `bison`, `byacc` `zcat` | POSIX, LSB Common | `gzip`