/* apk_blob.h - Alpine Package Keeper (APK)
* Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Natanael Copa <n@tanael.org>
* Copyright (C) 2008 Timo Teräs <timo.teras@iki.fi>
* All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
* by the Free Software Foundation. See http://www.gnu.org/ for details.
#ifndef APK_BLOB_H
#define APK_BLOB_H
#include <string.h>
struct apk_blob {
unsigned int len;
char *ptr;
typedef struct apk_blob apk_blob_t;
typedef int (*apk_blob_cb)(void *ctx, apk_blob_t blob);
#define APK_BLOB_IS_NULL(blob) (blob.ptr == NULL)
#define APK_BLOB_NULL ((apk_blob_t){0, NULL})
#define APK_BLOB_BUF(buf) ((apk_blob_t){sizeof(buf), (char *)(buf)})
#define APK_BLOB_PTR_LEN(beg,len) ((apk_blob_t){(len), (beg)})
#define APK_BLOB_PTR_PTR(beg,end) APK_BLOB_PTR_LEN((beg),(end)-(beg)+1)
static inline apk_blob_t APK_BLOB_STR(const char *str)
if (str == NULL)
return ((apk_blob_t){strlen(str), (void *)(str)});
char *apk_blob_cstr(apk_blob_t str);
int apk_blob_spn(apk_blob_t blob, const char *accept, apk_blob_t *l, apk_blob_t *r);
int apk_blob_cspn(apk_blob_t blob, const char *reject, apk_blob_t *l, apk_blob_t *r);
int apk_blob_splitstr(apk_blob_t blob, const char *split, apk_blob_t *l, apk_blob_t *r);
int apk_blob_rsplit(apk_blob_t blob, char split, apk_blob_t *l, apk_blob_t *r);
unsigned apk_blob_uint(apk_blob_t blob, int base);
unsigned long apk_blob_hash(apk_blob_t str);
int apk_blob_compare(apk_blob_t a, apk_blob_t b);
int apk_blob_for_each_segment(apk_blob_t blob, const char *split,
apk_blob_cb cb, void *ctx);
int apk_hexdump_parse(apk_blob_t to, apk_blob_t from);
int apk_hexdump_format(int tolen, char *to, apk_blob_t from);