/* apk_database.h - Alpine Package Keeper (APK)
* Copyright (C) 2005-2008 Natanael Copa <n@tanael.org>
* Copyright (C) 2008-2011 Timo Teräs <timo.teras@iki.fi>
* All rights reserved.
* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published
* by the Free Software Foundation. See http://www.gnu.org/ for details.
#ifndef APK_PKGDB_H
#define APK_PKGDB_H
#include "apk_version.h"
#include "apk_hash.h"
#include "apk_archive.h"
#include "apk_package.h"
#include "apk_io.h"
#include "apk_provider_data.h"
#include "apk_solver_data.h"
extern const char * const apk_index_gz;
extern const char * const apkindex_tar_gz;
struct apk_name;
APK_ARRAY(apk_name_array, struct apk_name *);
struct apk_db_file {
struct hlist_node hash_node;
struct hlist_node diri_files_list;
struct apk_db_dir_instance *diri;
mode_t mode;
uid_t uid;
gid_t gid;
unsigned short namelen;
struct apk_checksum csum;
char name[];
struct apk_protected_path {
char *relative_pattern;
unsigned protected : 1;
unsigned symlinks_only : 1;
APK_ARRAY(apk_protected_path_array, struct apk_protected_path);
struct apk_db_dir {
apk_hash_node hash_node;
unsigned long hash;
struct apk_db_dir *parent;
struct apk_protected_path_array *protected_paths;
mode_t mode;
uid_t uid;
gid_t gid;
unsigned short refs;
unsigned short namelen;
unsigned protected : 1;
unsigned symlinks_only : 1;
unsigned has_protected_children : 1;
unsigned modified : 1;
unsigned recalc_mode : 1;
char rooted_name[1];
char name[];
#define PKG_FILE_FMT "%s%s%s"
#define PKG_FILE_PRINTF(dir,file) (dir)->name, (dir)->namelen ? "/" : "", (file)->name
struct apk_db_dir_instance {
struct hlist_node pkg_dirs_list;
struct hlist_head owned_files;
struct apk_package *pkg;
struct apk_db_dir *dir;
mode_t mode;
uid_t uid;
gid_t gid;
struct apk_name {
apk_hash_node hash_node;
char *name;
struct apk_provider_array *providers;
struct apk_name_array *rdepends;
struct apk_name_array *rinstall_if;
union {
struct apk_solver_name_state ss;
void *state_ptr;
int state_int;
struct apk_repository {
char *url;
struct apk_checksum csum;
apk_blob_t description;
struct apk_repository_list {
struct list_head list;
const char *url;
struct apk_db_options {
int lock_wait, progress_fd;
unsigned long open_flags;
char *root;
char *arch;
char *keys_dir;
char *repositories_file;
struct list_head repository_list;
struct apk_repository_tag {
unsigned int allowed_repos;
apk_blob_t *name;
struct apk_database {
char *root;
int root_fd, lock_fd, cache_fd, cachetmp_fd, keys_fd, progress_fd;
unsigned num_repos, num_repo_tags;
const char *cache_dir;
char *cache_remount_dir;
apk_blob_t *arch;
unsigned int local_repos, bad_repos;
int performing_self_update : 1;
int permanent : 1;
int compat_newfeatures : 1;
int compat_notinstallable : 1;
int compat_old_world : 1;
struct apk_dependency_array *world;
struct apk_protected_path_array *protected_paths;
struct apk_repository repos[APK_MAX_REPOS];
struct apk_repository_tag repo_tags[APK_MAX_TAGS];
struct apk_id_cache id_cache;
struct {
struct apk_hash names;
struct apk_hash packages;
} available;
struct {
struct list_head packages;
struct list_head triggers;
struct apk_hash dirs;
struct apk_hash files;
struct {
unsigned files;
unsigned dirs;
unsigned packages;
size_t bytes;
} stats;
} installed;
typedef union apk_database_or_void {
struct apk_database *db;
void *ptr;
} apk_database_t __attribute__ ((__transparent_union__));
struct apk_name *apk_db_get_name(struct apk_database *db, apk_blob_t name);
struct apk_name *apk_db_query_name(struct apk_database *db, apk_blob_t name);
int apk_db_get_tag_id(struct apk_database *db, apk_blob_t tag);
struct apk_db_dir *apk_db_dir_ref(struct apk_db_dir *dir);
void apk_db_dir_unref(struct apk_database *db, struct apk_db_dir *dir, int allow_rmdir);
struct apk_db_dir *apk_db_dir_get(struct apk_database *db, apk_blob_t name);
struct apk_db_dir *apk_db_dir_query(struct apk_database *db, apk_blob_t name);
struct apk_db_file *apk_db_file_query(struct apk_database *db,
apk_blob_t dir, apk_blob_t name);
#define APK_OPENF_READ 0x0001
#define APK_OPENF_WRITE 0x0002
#define APK_OPENF_CREATE 0x0004
#define APK_OPENF_NO_SCRIPTS 0x0020
#define APK_OPENF_NO_WORLD 0x0040
#define APK_OPENF_NO_SYS_REPOS 0x0100
#define APK_OPENF_CACHE_WRITE 0x0400
int apk_db_open(struct apk_database *db, struct apk_db_options *dbopts);
void apk_db_close(struct apk_database *db);
int apk_db_write_config(struct apk_database *db);
int apk_db_permanent(struct apk_database *db);
int apk_db_check_world(struct apk_database *db, struct apk_dependency_array *world);
struct apk_package_array *apk_db_get_pending_triggers(struct apk_database *db);
struct apk_package *apk_db_pkg_add(struct apk_database *db, struct apk_package *pkg);
struct apk_package *apk_db_get_pkg(struct apk_database *db, struct apk_checksum *csum);
struct apk_package *apk_db_get_file_owner(struct apk_database *db, apk_blob_t filename);
int apk_db_index_read(struct apk_database *db, struct apk_bstream *bs, int repo);
int apk_db_index_read_file(struct apk_database *db, const char *file, int repo);
int apk_db_index_write(struct apk_database *db, struct apk_ostream *os);
int apk_db_add_repository(apk_database_t db, apk_blob_t repository);
struct apk_repository *apk_db_select_repo(struct apk_database *db,
struct apk_package *pkg);
int apk_repository_update(struct apk_database *db, struct apk_repository *repo);
int apk_repo_is_remote(struct apk_repository *repo);
int apk_repo_format_filename(char *buf, size_t len,
const char *repourl, apk_blob_t *arch,
const char *pkgfile);
int apk_db_cache_active(struct apk_database *db);
void apk_cache_format_index(apk_blob_t to, struct apk_repository *repo);
int apk_cache_download(struct apk_database *db, const char *url, apk_blob_t *arch,
const char *item, const char *cache_item, int verify);
typedef void (*apk_cache_item_cb)(struct apk_database *db,
int dirfd, const char *name,
struct apk_package *pkg);
int apk_db_cache_foreach_item(struct apk_database *db, apk_cache_item_cb cb);
int apk_db_install_pkg(struct apk_database *db,
struct apk_package *oldpkg,
struct apk_package *newpkg,
apk_progress_cb cb, void *cb_ctx);