path: root/devel/requirements/3_functional.xml
blob: c639bc22974f0b7ab7f955d67ff32b7fc870ac9f (plain) (tree)


















































































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<chapter label="3" id="functional">
    <title>Functional System Requirements</title>
    <section id="ui">
        <title>Horizon UI</title>
        <para>The Horizon UI is the wizard-style user interface component of Project Horizon.  The system takes the input of the User and creates a HorizonScript.  The resultant HorizonScript is either executed on the running system when started in an installation environment, or saved for later use when started in a runtime environment.</para>
        <section id="ui_early">
            <title>System Initialisation</title>
            <section id="ui_early_meta">
                <title>Description / Priority</title>
                <para>This section describes the boot-up and initialisation procedures for the Horizon UI Installation Environment.</para>
            <section id="ui_early_req">
                <title>Functional Requirements</title>
                <formalpara id="UI.Early.LoadFirmware">
                    <para>If the User has specified to load firmware in the installation environment, the system shall install the linux-firmware package to the installation environment before eudev is started.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Early.DetectGfx">
                    <para>The system shall detect all usable graphics adaptors present in the computer.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Early.NoGfx">
                    <para>If there are no usable graphics adaptors present, the system shall display a message that installation cannot continue, and allow the User to login to a virtual TTY or reboot the computer.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Early.MultiGfx">
                    <para>If multiple graphics adaptors are present, the system shall attempt to determine which graphics adaptor has a monitor attached.  If the determiniation is that multiple graphics adaptors have monitors attached, or it is indeterminiate which adaptor has a monitor attached, then the system shall prompt the User to choose which graphics adaptor to use for installation.</para>
        <section id="ui_language">
            <title>User Language Selection</title>
            <section id="ui_language_meta">
                <title>Description / Priority</title>
                <para>A User must determine what natural language they are most comfortable with using for installing Adélie Linux.  The system will allow the User to select their preferred natural language from a list of the languages to which the system has been translated.  Priority: Medium.</para>
            <section id="ui_language_pre">
                <formalpara id="UI.Language.Prerequisites">
                    <para>The system must have more than one language translation available for use.</para>
            <section id="ui_language_req">
                <title>Functional Requirements</title>
                <formalpara id="UI.Language.List">
                    <para>The system shall present the User with a list of natural languages, in the form of: "Install Adélie using English", "Installer Adélie en français".</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Language.Button">
                    <para>For this screen only, the system shall present the "Next" button as a single right-facing arrow.  The system shall not present the Cancel button on this screen.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Language.Enable">
                    <para>When the User chooses a language from the list, the system shall enable the Next button to be clicked.</para>
            <section id="ui_language_key">
                <title>HorizonScript Keys</title>
                <formalpara id="Script.Key.language">
                    <para><varname>language</varname> &mdash; The locale identifier of the chosen language.</para>
        <section id="ui_introduction">
            <title>Initial Introduction</title>
            <section id="ui_introduction_meta">
                <title>Description / Priority</title>
                <para>The system will explain to the User an overview of the installation process, and introduce common UI elements.  A User may choose to run a tool or proceed with the installation.</para>
            <section id="ui_introduction_req">
                <title>Functional Requirements</title>
                <formalpara id="UI.Intro.Describe">
                    <para>The system shall present the User with a greeting message including a high-level overview of the installation process.  The system shall reassure the User that the installation process will not modify any data until the final step.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Intro.Elements">
                    <para>The system shall describe the UI elements common to each screen, including the Help button, the Back/Next buttons, and the Cancel button.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Intro.Tools">
                    <para>The system shall allow the User to start a tool from the following list before beginning the installation.
                        <orderedlist id="UIT">
                            <listitem id="UIT-1"><para>A terminal.</para></listitem>
                            <listitem id="UIT-2"><para>An external partition editor.</para></listitem>
                            <listitem id="UIT-3"><para>A lightweight Web browser.</para></listitem>
        <section id="ui_input">
            <title>Input Device Configuration</title>
            <section id="ui_input_meta">
                <title>Description / Priority</title>
                <para>A User may have a keyboard that is not the Linux default of US QWERTY.  As such, a User must be able to choose a keyboard layout that matches their hardware.</para>
            <section id="ui_input_req">
                <title>Functional Requirements</title>
                <formalpara id="UI.Input.LayoutList">
                    <para>The system shall present the User with a list of available keyboard layouts.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Input.ChooseLayout">
                    <para>When the User selects a keyboard layout, the system shall load the keyboard layout and apply it.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Input.Test">
                    <para>The system shall present an input box for the User to test their selected keyboard layout.</para>
            <section id="ui_input_key">
                <title>HorizonScript Keys</title>
                <formalpara id="Script.Key.keymap">
                    <para><varname>keymap</varname> &mdash; The identifier of the chosen keyboard layout.</para>
        <section id="ui_partition">
            <title>Disk Partitioning Setup</title>
            <section id="ui_partition_meta">
                <title>Description / Priority</title>
            <section id="ui_partition_req">
                <title>Functional Requirements</title>
        <section id="ui_firmware">
            <title>Firmware Setup</title>
            <section id="ui_firmware_meta">
                <title>Description / Priority</title>
                <para>A User may possess hardware that requires non-free binary firmware to operate.  This screen will allow the User to choose whether to load such firmware or not.  Note that this feature can be compiled out of Horizon UI, and can also be disabled at run-time with a configuration setting.</para>
            <section id="ui_firmware_pre">
                <formalpara id="UI.Firmware.Prerequisites">
                    <para>The system must have firmware support compiled in.</para>
            <section id="ui_firmware_req">
                <title>Functional Requirements</title>
                <formalpara id="UI.Firmware.Prompt">
                    <para>The system shall ask the User whether or not to load binary firmware, stressing that security-sensitive systems must not choose this option.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Firmware.Load">
                    <para>If the User chooses to load binary firmware, the system shall add the APK Fission repository and the linux-firwmare package to the installed environment.</para>
            <section id="ui_firmware_key">
                <title>HorizonScript Keys</title>
                <formalpara id="Script.Key.firmware">
                    <para><varname>firmware</varname> &mdash; Whether to load firmware.</para>
        <section id="ui_network">
            <title>Networking Setup</title>
            <section id="ui_network_meta">
                <title>Description / Priority</title>
                <para>Most Users will want to configure a network connection on their computer.  The system will allow the User to configure their wired or wireless network connection, including authentication information (wireless), IP v4 and v6 addressing, routing, and DNS.</para>
            <section id="ui_network_pre">
                <formalpara id="UI.Network.Prerequisites">
                    <para>The system must have at least one non-loopback network interface detected by the kernel.</para>
            <section id="ui_network_req">
                <title>Functional Requirements</title>
                <formalpara id="UI.Network.AddressType">
                    <para>The system shall ask the User whether they wish to use automatic addressing (DHCP), manual addressing, or disable network connectivity.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Network.AddressType.Skip">
                    <para>If the User chooses to disable network connectivity, the system shall proceed to the System Metadata screen.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Network.RuntimeEnv">
                    <para>If Horizon UI is running in a runtime environment instead of an installation environment, the system shall allow the User to add their network interface by device name before proceeding.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Network.ChooseIface">
                    <para>If the computer has more than one network interface, the system shall prompt the User to choose which interface to use for installation.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Network.Wireless">
                    <para>If the chosen network interface is a wireless network interface, the system shall display a Wireless Configuration screen.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Network.Wireless.None">
                    <para>The system shall allow the User to disable wireless connectivity.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Network.Wireless.None.Multi">
                    <para>If the User has chosen to disable wireless connectivity, and the computer has multiple network interfaces, the system shall start at UI.Network.ChooseIface again.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Network.Wireless.None.Single">
                    <para>If the User has chosen to disable wireless connectivity, and the computer only has wireless networking, the system shall prompt the User to confirm they wish to continue without networking.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Network.Wireless.APs">
                    <para>The system shall display a list of access points in range of the wireless interface for the User to select from.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Network.Wireless.CustomAP">
                    <para>The system shall allow the User to input a custom access point name.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Network.Wireless.Security">
                    <para>If the chosen access point uses authentication, the system shall prompt the User for the requisite credentials.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Network.Wireless.CustomSecurity">
                    <para>If the User inputs a custom access point name, the system shall prompt the User for the type of security used (or none) and requisite credentials.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Network.Wireless.Enable">
                    <para>The system shall enable the Next button when an access point is selected or input, and the requisite credentials (if any) have been input.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Network.Wireless.Connect">
                    <para>When the User chooses Next, the system shall attempt to connect to the specified wireless network.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Network.Wireless.Error">
                    <para>If an error occurs during wireless network connection, the system shall display a message explaning the error condition, and redisplay the Wireless Configuration screen.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Network.Wireless.ConnectTimeOut">
                    <para>The system shall time out after waiting 15 seconds for the wireless network to connect, and consider a time out an error condition as specified in UI.Network.Wireless.Error.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Network.Automatic">
                    <para>If the User selected automatic addressing, the system shall attempt to obtain an IPv4 address via DHCP and an IPv6 address via Router Advertisement and DHCPv6.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Network.Automatic.TimeOut">
                    <para>If no IP address is obtained for v4 or v6 after 15 seconds, the system shall display a message that automatic configuration failed, and ask the User whether to retry the attempt, use manual addressing, or skip networking configuration.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Network.Manual">
                    <para>If the User selected manual address, the system shall prompt the User for the following information:
                        <table frame="topbot" colsep="0" rowsep="1">
                            <title>Network information to collect from User for manual configuration</title>
                            <tgroup cols="2" align="left">
                                    <entry>IPv4 host address</entry>
                                    <entry>The address of this computer</entry>
                                    <entry>IPv4 subnet mask</entry>
                                    <entry>The subnet mask / prefix of the network</entry>
                                    <entry>IPv4 default gateway</entry>
                                    <entry>The router on the network</entry>
                                    <entry>IPv4 DNS resolver</entry>
                                    <entry>The DNS resolver to use on IPv4 networks; default to</entry>
                                    <entry>IPv6 host address</entry>
                                    <entry>The address of this computer</entry>
                                    <entry>IPv6 network prefix</entry>
                                    <entry>The prefix of the network</entry>
                                    <entry>IPv6 default gateway</entry>
                                    <entry>The router on the network</entry>
                                    <entry>IPv6 DNS resolver</entry>
                                    <entry>The DNS resolver to use on IPv6 networks; default to 2620:fe::fe</entry>
                <formalpara id="UI.Network.Manual.Test">
                    <para>The system shall allow the User to test their network configuration by attempting to connect to</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Network.Manual.Enable">
                    <para>The system shall enable the Next button when either an IPv4 or IPv6 configuration is complete (address, subnet mask, gateway, DNS resolver).</para>
            <section id="ui_network_key">
                <title>HorizonScript Keys</title>
                <formalpara id="">
                    <para><varname>network</varname> &mdash; Whether to enable network connectivity (true or false).</para>
                <formalpara id="Script.Key.netaddress">
                    <para><varname>netaddress</varname> &mdash; Connection information, in the format: <literal>(iface) {dhcp|static} [(address) (prefix-or-netmask) (gateway) (dns)]</literal>.  For example, <literal>netaddress eth0 static 2001:db8::1337 64 2001:db8::1 2620:fe::fe</literal>.  May be repeated, for multiple interfaces or IPv4/IPv6 dual-homing.</para>
                <formalpara id="Script.Key.netssid">
                    <para><varname>netssid</varname> &mdash; Wireless networking information, in the format: <literal>(iface) "(SSID)" {none|wep|wpa} [(passphrase)]</literal>  For example, <literal>netssid wlan0 "The New Fox 5G" wpa2 "shh sekrit"</literal>.  System behaviour is undefined if SSID or passphrase contain an ASCII double-quote character.</para>
        <section id="ui_sysmeta">
            <title>System Metadata Setup</title>
            <section id="ui_sysmeta_meta">
                <title>Description / Priority</title>
                <para>A User needs to specify the timezone the computer will be running in, and the computer's name.  The computer's name is used even on non-networked computers, for shell prompts and login screens.  The system will also allow the User to ensure the current date and time are accurate.</para>
            <section id="ui_sysmeta_req">
                <title>Functional Requirements</title>
                <formalpara id="UI.SysMeta.DateTime">
                    <para>The system shall display the date and time currently stored in the RTC (Real Time Clock), and allow the User to update the date and time stored in the RTC.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.SysMeta.Timezone">
                    <para>The system shall allow the User to choose the time zone to use for time display.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.SysMeta.DefaultTimezone">
                    <para>The system shall use UTC as the default time zone.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.SysMeta.Hostname">
                    <para>The system shall allow the User to input the host name of the computer.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.SysMeta.DefaultHostname">
                    <para>The system shall provide a default host name for the User, calculated using the following rules:
                        <orderedlist id="UI.SysMeta.DefaultHostname.Formula">
                            <listitem><para>If the system is running in a non-installation environment, use "Adelie" and end calculation.</para></listitem>
                            <listitem><para>If the system has a manufacturer available via DMI or similar API, use that name truncated to 11 characters.  Otherwise, use "Adelie".</para></listitem>
                            <listitem><para>If the system has a network adaptor installed, even if it is not configured for use, use the last six characters of the MAC address from the first network adaptor.  Otherwise, use a random fruit name.</para></listitem>
                <formalpara id="UI.SysMeta.VerifyHostname">
                    <para>The system shall ensure that the host name input by the User uses only valid characters for DNS names, and not accept characters that are invalid.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.SysMeta.Enable">
                    <para>The system shall enable the Next button when the host name field contains a valid name, and disable the Next button when it is empty.</para>
            <section id="ui_sysmeta_key">
                <title>HorizonScript Keys</title>
                <formalpara id="Script.Key.timezone">
                    <para><varname>timezone</varname> &mdash; The zoneinfo name of the system's timezone.  Ex: Africa/Nairobi.</para>
                <formalpara id="Script.Key.hostname">
                    <para><varname>hostname</varname> &mdash; The name of the system.</para>
        <section id="ui_packages">
            <title>Package and Package Set Selection</title>
            <section id="ui_packages_meta">
                <title>Description / Priority</title>
                <para>The system will let the User choose what packages and sets of packages to install on their computer.</para>
            <section id="ui_packages_req">
                <title>Functional Requirements</title>
                <formalpara id="UI.Packages.SimpleSel">
                    <para>The system shall allow the User to choose from one of the following four preset package sets, or to customise the packages installed.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Packages.SimpleSel.Standard">
                    <para>The system shall allow the User to choose the Standard preset, which uses <literal>adelie-base-posix</literal> as an anchor package, and includes the <literal>firefox-esr</literal>, <literal>libreoffice</literal>, <literal>thunderbird</literal>, and <literal>vlc</literal> packages, and the <literal>kde</literal> and <literal>x11</literal> metapackages.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Packages.SimpleSel.Notebook">
                    <para>The system shall allow the User to choose the Notebook preset, which includes the Standard preset and additional power management tools (UPower, pm-utils).</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Packages.SimpleSel.Minimal">
                    <para>The system shall allow the User to choose the Minimal preset, which uses <literal>adelie-base</literal> as an anchor package, and includes the <literal>lxqt-desktop</literal>, <literal>featherpad</literal>, <literal>netsurf</literal>, <literal>xorg-apps</literal>, <literal>xorg-drivers</literal>, and <literal>xorg-server</literal> packages.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Packages.SimpleSel.MinimalTUI">
                    <para>The system shall allow the User to choose the Minimal Non-Graphical preset, which uses <literal>adelie-base</literal> as an anchor package, and includes the <literal>elinks</literal> and <literal>tmux</literal> packages.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Packages.SimpleSel.Custom">
                    <para>The system shall allow the User to choose to customise the packages installed on their computer.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Packages.SimpleSel.Enable">
                    <para>The system shall enable the Next button when a selection is made.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Packages.Custom">
                    <para>If the User chooses Custom from UI.Packages.SimpleSel, the system shall present the User with a list of packages and package sets and allow the User to choose any or all of the packages listed.  The system shall display the disk space used by each selection, and the total required for installation.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Packages.Custom.Packages">
                    <para>The system shall offer at least the following packages, with the following names, descriptions, and corresponding APK package names.
                        <table frame="topbot" colsep="0" rowsep="1">
                            <title>Custom packages offered on the Package Selection screen</title>
                            <tgroup cols="3" align="left">
                                    <entry>APK name</entry>
                                    <entry>Firefox Web browser</entry>
                                    <entry>The most popular and powerful Web browser for Linux.  Includes JavaScript and multimedia (audio/video) playback support.</entry>
                                    <entry>Netsurf Web browser</entry>
                                    <entry>Lightweight Web browser.  Does not include JavaScript support.</entry>
                                    <entry>Thunderbird Email</entry>
                                    <entry>Read and compose email, and participate in newsgroups.</entry>
                                    <entry>Lightweight text editor.</entry>
                                    <entry>Popular, extensible office suite.</entry>
                                    <entry><literal><package>libreoffice</package></literal>: <literal><package>libreoffice-base</package></literal>, <literal><package>libreoffice-calc</package></literal>, <literal><package>libreoffice-draw</package></literal>, <literal><package>libreoffice-impress</package></literal>, <literal><package>libreoffice-math</package></literal>, <literal><package>libreoffice-writer</package></literal></entry>
                                    <entry>VLC Media Player</entry>
                                    <entry>Popular multimedia player, including support for a wide variety of audio and video types.</entry>
                                    <entry>KDE Applications</entry>
                                    <entry>A variety of applications including a word processor, media player, and many games.</entry>
                                    <entry>KDE Plasma</entry>
                                    <entry>Modern desktop environment with graphical effect support.</entry>
                                    <entry>LXQt Desktop Environment</entry>
                                    <entry>Lightweight desktop environment using the Openbox window manager and Qt widgets.</entry>
                                    <entry>MATE Desktop Environment</entry>
                                    <entry>Traditional desktop environment based on the GNOME 2 look and feel.</entry>
                                    <entry>XFCE Desktop Environment</entry>
                                    <entry>Desktop environment based on Gtk+.</entry>
                                    <entry>Window Managers</entry>
                                    <entry>Individual window managers that are not part of a desktop environment.</entry>
                                    <entry><literal><package>awesome</package></literal>, <literal><package>fluxbox</package></literal>, <literal><package>i3wm</package></literal>, <literal><package>icewm</package></literal>, <literal><package>openbox</package></literal>, <literal><package>spectrwm</package></literal></entry>
                <formalpara id="UI.Packages.Size">
                    <para>If the User has selected a package set or packages that will use more disk space than the computer has, the system shall prompt the User to confirm the selection and warn that installation may not be successful.</para>
            <section id="ui_packages_key">
                <title>HorizonScript Keys</title>
                <formalpara id="Script.Key.pkginstall">
                    <para><varname>pkginstall</varname> &mdash; A space-separated list of packages to install.</para>
        <section id="ui_boot">
            <title>Boot Setup</title>
            <section id="ui_boot_meta">
                <title>Description / Priority</title>
            <section id="ui_boot_req">
                <title>Functional Requirements</title>
        <section id="ui_accounts">
            <title>System Accounts Setup</title>
            <section id="ui_accounts_meta">
                <title>Description / Priority</title>
            <section id="ui_accounts_req">
                <title>Functional Requirements</title>
        <section id="ui_writeout">
            <title>Save HorizonScript</title>
            <section id="ui_writeout_meta">
                <title>Description / Priority</title>
                <para>The User is now able to save the HorizonScript they have created using the Horizon UI.  Priority: Medium, since installation environment concerns are paramount for release 1.0.</para>
            <section id="ui_writeout_pre">
                <formalpara id="UI.Writeout.Prerequisites">
                    <para>The system must be running in a runtime environment, not an installation environment.</para>
            <section id="ui_writeout_req">
                <title>Functional Requirements</title>
                <formalpara id="UI.Writeout.Explain">
                    <para>The system shall inform the User that the system has finished collecting information and is now ready to save the resultant HorizonScript.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Writeout.Button">
                    <para>The system shall replace the "Next" button with a "Save" button using the same keyboard accelerator as Next.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Writeout.Save">
                    <para>When the User chooses "Save", the system shall open a dialogue for the user to navigate to the directory in which they wish to save the HorizonScript, and the name of the file-on disk which shall default to <literal>installfile</literal>.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Writeout.Close">
                    <para>If the HorizonScript file is saved successfully, the system shall exit.</para>
                <formalpara id="UI.Writeout.Failure">
                    <para>If the HorizonScript file cannot be saved successfully, the system shall display a message indicating the error, and then redisplay the writeout screen.</para>
        <section id="ui_commit">
            <title>Begin Installation</title>
            <section id="ui_commit_meta">
                <title>Description / Priority</title>
                <para>The system will describe to the User what will be done.  The User may confirm, or go back.</para>
            <section id="ui_commit_req">
                <title>Functional Requirements</title>
        <section id="ui_perform">
            <title>Perform Installation</title>
            <section id="ui_perform_meta">
                <title>Description / Priority</title>
            <section id="ui_perform_req">
                <title>Functional Requirements</title>
        <section id="ui_finish">
            <title>Installation Completion</title>
            <section id="ui_finish_meta">
                <title>Description / Priority</title>
            <section id="ui_finish_req">
                <title>Functional Requirements</title>
    <section id="runner">
        <title>Horizon Runner</title>
        <para>The Horizon Runner is the component of Project Horizon that configures a computer to match an input HorizonScript.</para>
        <section id="runner_locate">
            <title>Locate HorizonScript</title>
            <section id="runner_locate_meta">
                <title>Description / Priority</title>
            <section id="runner_locate_req">
                <title>Functional Requirements</title>
        <section id="runner_net">
            <title>Network Configuration</title>
            <section id="runner_net_meta">
                <title>Description / Priority</title>
            <section id="runner_net_req">
                <title>Functional Requirements</title>
        <section id="runner_execute">
            <title>Execute HorizonScript</title>
            <section id="runner_execute_meta">
                <title>Description / Priority</title>
            <section id="runner_execute_req">
                <title>Functional Requirements</title>