path: root/3rdparty
AgeCommit message (Collapse)AuthorFilesLines
2024-06-03JSON: Fix error on GCC 10+A. Wilcox1-1/+1
2020-05-13tools: Add new hscript-fromjson toolA. Wilcox1-0/+22875
2020-02-11Use Boost's program_options instead of vendoring clippCalvin Buckley1-7024/+0
This changes how options are parsed a bit, but tests are happy and typical usage is unaffected; just the usage screen is different. This was intended for post-1.0, but turns out I decided to do it. Boost is already required for pre-C++11, so it doesn't seem like a big deal to use. If you don't build the tools, it won't be required.
2019-11-19Add LGPL-3.0-only Section library to 3rdparty libsA. Wilcox2-0/+149
2019-10-06validator: Use clipp, add -k/--keep-going flagA. Wilcox1-0/+7024