path: root/user/opengfx/Makefile.patch
blob: 169df96684ce063fda5fa4855eb96aafe8496115 (plain) (tree)

--- opengfx-0.5.3-source/Makefile
+++ opengfx-0.5.3-source/Makefile
@@ -99,8 +99,8 @@
 AWK            ?= awk
 GREP           ?= grep
 PYTHON         ?= python
-UNIX2DOS       ?= $(shell which unix2dos)
-UNIX2DOS_FLAGS ?= $(shell [ -n $(UNIX2DOS) ] && $(UNIX2DOS) -q --version 2>/dev/null && echo "-q" || echo "")
+UNIX2DOS       ?= $(shell which unix2dos 2>/dev/null)
+UNIX2DOS_FLAGS ?= $(shell [ -n $(UNIX2DOS) ] && $(UNIX2DOS) -q --version 2>/dev/null >&2 && echo "-q" || echo "")
 # Graphics processing
 GIMP           ?= gimp
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
 # Days of commit since 2000-1-1 00-00
-REPO_DAYS_SINCE_2000 ?= $(shell $(PYTHON) -c "from datetime import date; print (date(`echo "$(REPO_DATE)" | sed s/-/,/g | sed s/,0/,/g`)-date(2000,1,1)).days")
+REPO_DAYS_SINCE_2000 ?= $(shell $(PYTHON) -c "from datetime import date; print ((date(`echo "$(REPO_DATE)" | sed s/-/,/g | sed s/,0/,/g`)-date(2000,1,1)).days)")
 # Filename addition, if we're not building the default branch
 REPO_BRANCH_STRING ?= $(shell if [ "$(REPO_BRANCH)" = "$(DEFAULT_BRANCH_NAME)" ]; then echo ""; else echo "-$(REPO_BRANCH)"; fi)
@@ -719,7 +719,7 @@
 	$(_E) "Release:"
-	$(_E) "bananas:     Upload bundle to BaNaNaS
+	$(_E) "bananas:     Upload bundle to BaNaNaS"
 	$(_E) "Valid command line variables are:"
 	$(_E) "Helper programmes:"