path: root/user/netifrc/switch-l2tp-gawk-to-perl.patch
diff options
authorCyberLeo <>2021-07-22 21:02:46 -0500
committerCyberLeo <>2021-07-22 21:02:46 -0500
commit59068642667b2748b2f24d18c58b1d2fdfed7619 (patch)
treedeca4d721637676253ed1270f252f8d389286151 /user/netifrc/switch-l2tp-gawk-to-perl.patch
parent4a177049e3d486da3f54d346d63ea80699c08b5b (diff)
parent50e523c03bbcb6be1298e3dedb0441b7e47ab2eb (diff)
Merge branch 'master' into kpartx
Diffstat (limited to 'user/netifrc/switch-l2tp-gawk-to-perl.patch')
1 files changed, 92 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/user/netifrc/switch-l2tp-gawk-to-perl.patch b/user/netifrc/switch-l2tp-gawk-to-perl.patch
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..9c8bc7e0c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/user/netifrc/switch-l2tp-gawk-to-perl.patch
@@ -0,0 +1,92 @@
+diff --git a/net/ b/net/
+index 9644e32..24b081c 100644
+--- a/net/
++++ b/net/
+@@ -37,9 +37,20 @@ _is_l2tp() {
+ ip l2tp show session &>/dev/null
+ [ $? -ne 0 ] && return 1
+- eval "$(ip l2tp show session | \
+- awk "match(\$0, /^Session ([0-9]+) in tunnel ([0-9]+)\$/, ret) {sid=ret[1]; tid=ret[2]}
+- match(\$0, /^[ ]*interface name: ${IFACE}\$/) {print \"session_id=\"sid\";tunnel_id=\"tid; exit}")"
++ eval "$(ip l2tp show session | perl -E '
++my $sid;
++my $tid;
++my $IFACE=$ARGV[0];
++while (<STDIN>) {
++ if($_ =~ /^Session ([0-9]+) in tunnel ([0-9+])\$/) {
++ $sid = $1;
++ $tid = $2;
++ }
++ if ($_ =~ /^[ ]*interface name: $IFACE$/) {
++ say "session_id=" . $sid . ";" . "tunnel_id=" . $tid;
++ exit;
++ }
++}' $IFACE)"
+ test -n "$session_id"
+ }
+@@ -49,33 +60,36 @@ _is_l2tp() {
+ _l2tp_get_tunnel_info() {
+ local found
+ eval "$(ip l2tp show tunnel | \
+- awk -v id=$2 -v prefix=$1 '
+- match($0, /^Tunnel ([0-9]+), encap (IP|UDP)$/, ret) {
+- if (found == "1") exit;
+- if (ret[1] == id) {
+- print "found=1;"
+- print prefix "tunnel_id=" ret[1] ";"
+- print prefix "encap=" ret[2] ";";
+- found="1"
+- }
+- }
+- match($0, /^[ ]*From ([^ ]+) to ([^ ]+)$/, ret) {
+- if (found == "1") {
+- print prefix "local=" ret[1] ";";
+- print prefix "remote=" ret[2] ";";
+- }
+- }
+- match($0, /^[ ]*Peer tunnel ([0-9]+)$/, ret) {
+- if (found == "1") {
+- print prefix "peer_tunnel_id=" ret[1] ";";
+- }
+- }
+- match($0, /^[ ]*UDP source \/ dest ports: ([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)$/, ret) {
+- if (found == "1") {
+- print prefix "udp_sport=" ret[1] ";";
+- print prefix "udp_dport=" ret[2] ";";
+- }
+- }')"
++ perl -E '
++my ($prefix, $id) = @ARGV;
++my $found = 0;
++while(<STDIN>) {
++ if ($_ =~ /^Tunnel ([0-9]+), encap (IP|UDP)$/) {
++ if ($found) {
++ exit;
++ }
++ elsif ($1 == $id) {
++ say "found=1;";
++ say $prefix . "tunnel_id=" . $1 . ";";
++ say $prefix . "encap=" . $2 . ";";
++ $found = 1;
++ }
++ }
++ elsif ($found) {
++ if ($_ =~ /^[ ]*From ([^ ]+) to ([^ \n]+)$/) {
++ say $prefix . "local=" . $1 . ";";
++ say $prefix . "remote=" . $2 . ";";
++ }
++ elsif ($_ =~ /^[ ]*Peer tunnel ([0-9]+)$/) {
++ say $prefix . "peer_tunnel_id=" . $1 . ";";
++ }
++ elsif ($_ =~ /^[ ]*UDP source \/ dest ports: ([0-9]+)\/([0-9]+)$/) {
++ say $prefix . "udp_sport=" . $1 . ";";
++ say $prefix . "udp_dport=" . $2 . ";";
++ }
++ }
++ ' "$1" "$2")"
+ test -n "$found"
+ }