path: root/experimental
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'experimental')
12 files changed, 0 insertions, 1039 deletions
diff --git a/experimental/openjdk7/APKBUILD b/experimental/openjdk7/APKBUILD
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b8af284d..000000000
--- a/experimental/openjdk7/APKBUILD
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-# Contributor: Timo Teras <>
-# Contributor: Jakub Jirutka <>
-# Maintainer: Timo Teras <>
-# pkgver is <JDK version>.<JDK update>
-# check icedtea JDK when updating
-pkgdesc="OpenJDK 7 via IcedTea"
-license="GPL-2.0 with Classpath"
-depends="$pkgname-jre java-cacerts"
-makedepends="bash findutils zip file paxmark mawk util-linux libxslt
- autoconf automake linux-headers coreutils
- ca-certificates
- nss-dev cups-dev libjpeg-turbo-dev giflib-dev libpng-dev libxt-dev
- lcms2-dev libxp-dev libxtst-dev libxinerama-dev zlib-dev
- libxrender-dev alsa-lib-dev freetype-dev fontconfig-dev
- gtk+2.0-dev krb5-dev attr-dev pcsc-lite-dev lksctp-tools-dev
- libxcomposite-dev nss-static"
-# upstream binary versions
-case $CARCH in
-x86) _jarch=i386;;
-x86_64) _jarch=amd64;;
-aarch64) _jarch=aarch64;;
-arm*) _jarch=arm
- # openjdk has quite a bit of arm assembly producing textrels
- # and it's non trivial to fix. allow it for now.
- options="$options textrels";;
-s390x) _jarch=s390x;;
-ppc64le) _jarch=ppc64le;;
-# exclude xawt from ldpath to avoid duplicate provides for
-# (also in headless). in future this should be a virtual provides.
-subpackages="$pkgname-jre-lib:jrelib:noarch $pkgname-jre $pkgname-jre-base:jrebase
- $pkgname-doc:doc"
-if [ "$BOOTSTRAP" != "no" ]; then
- makedepends="$makedepends java-gcj-compat"
- BOOTSTRAP_JAVA_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5-gcj/
- makedepends="$makedepends $pkgname"
- openjdk-$_dropsver.tar.bz2::$_dropsurl/openjdk.tar.bz2
- corba-$_dropsver.tar.bz2::$_dropsurl/corba.tar.bz2
- jaxp-$_dropsver.tar.bz2::$_dropsurl/jaxp.tar.bz2
- jaxws-$_dropsver.tar.bz2::$_dropsurl/jaxws.tar.bz2
- jdk-$_dropsver.tar.bz2::$_dropsurl/jdk.tar.bz2
- langtools-$_dropsver.tar.bz2::$_dropsurl/langtools.tar.bz2
- hotspot-$_dropsver.tar.bz2::$_dropsurl/hotspot.tar.bz2
- icedtea-hotspot-musl.patch
- icedtea-hotspot-musl-ppc.patch
- icedtea-hotspot-noagent-musl.patch
- icedtea-hotspot-uclibc-fixes.patch
- icedtea-jdk-fix-build.patch
- icedtea-jdk-execinfo.patch
- icedtea-jdk-fix-ipv6-init.patch
- icedtea-jdk-musl.patch
- icedtea-jdk-no-soname.patch
- icedtea-cpio.patch
- "
-# secfixes:
-# - CVE-2018-3136
-# - CVE-2018-3139
-# - CVE-2018-3149
-# - CVE-2018-3169
-# - CVE-2018-3180
-# - CVE-2018-3214
-# - CVE-2018-13785
-unpack() {
- if [ -z "$force" ]; then
- verify
- initdcheck
- fi
- mkdir -p "$srcdir"
- msg "Unpacking sources..."
- tar -C "$srcdir" -zxf icedtea-$_icedteaver.tar.gz
- tar -C "$srcdir" -zxf apache-ant-$ANT_VER-bin.tar.gz
- unzip -o -q "rhino-$" -d "$srcdir"
-prepare() {
- cd "$builddir"
- # Busybox sha256 does not support longopts
- sed -e "s/--check/-c/g" -i
- for patch in $source; do
- case $patch in
- icedtea-*.patch)
- cp ../$patch patches
- ;;
- *.patch)
- msg "Applying patch $patch"
- patch -p1 -i "$srcdir"/$patch
- ;;
- esac
- done
- ./
-build() {
- [ -z "$JOBS" ] && export JOBS=$(echo $MAKEFLAGS | sed -n -e 's/.*-j\([0-9]\+\).*/\1/p')
- export HOTSPOT_BUILD_JOBS="${JOBS:-2}"
- export PATH=$JAVA_HOME/bin:$srcdir/apache-ant-$ANT_VER/bin:$PATH
- # Explicitly set the C++ standard as the default has changed on GCC 6+
- # and disable optimizations that lead to a broken JVM. These options
- # has been adopted from the Fedora package.
- export EXTRA_CPP_FLAGS="$CXXFLAGS -std=gnu++98 -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks -fno-lifetime-dse -fno-strict-overflow"
- # CXXFLAGS doesn't make it to all calls, so we set the C++ standard
- # version for C too.
- export EXTRA_CFLAGS="$CFLAGS -std=gnu++98 -Wno-error -fno-delete-null-pointer-checks -fno-lifetime-dse -fno-strict-overflow"
- local patch
- for patch in $source; do
- case $patch in
- icedtea-*.patch)
- ;;
- esac
- done
- echo "icedtea patches: $DISTRIBUTION_PATCHES"
- # --disable-arm32-jit:
- cd "$builddir"
- ./configure \
- --build=$CBUILD \
- --host=$CHOST \
- --prefix=$INSTALL_BASE \
- --sysconfdir=/etc \
- --mandir=/usr/share/man \
- --infodir=/usr/share/info \
- --localstatedir=/var \
- --with-parallel-jobs=${JOBS:-2} \
- --disable-dependency-tracking \
- --disable-downloading \
- --disable-arm32-jit \
- --with-rhino=$srcdir/rhino$RHINO_VER/lib/rhino-$RHINO_VER.jar \
- --with-openjdk-src-zip=$srcdir/openjdk-$_dropsver.tar.bz2 \
- --with-hotspot-src-zip=$srcdir/hotspot-$_dropsver.tar.bz2 \
- --with-corba-src-zip=$srcdir/corba-$_dropsver.tar.bz2 \
- --with-jaxp-src-zip=$srcdir/jaxp-$_dropsver.tar.bz2 \
- --with-jaxws-src-zip=$srcdir/jaxws-$_dropsver.tar.bz2 \
- --with-jdk-src-zip=$srcdir/jdk-$_dropsver.tar.bz2 \
- --with-langtools-src-zip=$srcdir/langtools-$_dropsver.tar.bz2 \
- --with-pax=paxmark \
- --with-jdk-home=$BOOTSTRAP_JAVA_HOME \
- --with-pkgversion="Alpine ${pkgver}-r${pkgrel}"
- msg "Icedtea boot"
- make -j1 icedtea-boot SHELL=/bin/bash
- msg "Icedtea boot done"
- make
-package() {
- mkdir -p "$pkgdir"/$INSTALL_BASE
- cp -a "$builddir"/* "$pkgdir"/$INSTALL_BASE
- rm "$pkgdir"/$INSTALL_BASE/
- # pax mark again (due to fakeroot xattr handling bug)
- "$builddir"/pax-mark-vm "$pkgdir"/$INSTALL_BASE
- # symlink to shared java cacerts store
- rm -f "$pkgdir"/$INSTALL_BASE/jre/lib/security/cacerts
- ln -sf /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts \
- "$pkgdir"/$INSTALL_BASE/jre/lib/security/cacerts
-jrelib() {
- pkgdesc="OpenJDK 7 Java Runtime (class libraries)"
- depends=""
- local A; for A in jre/lib/zi jre/lib/images jre/lib/*.jar \
- jre/lib/security jre/lib/ext/*.jar jre/lib/cmm \
- local dirname=${A%/*}
- mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/$INSTALL_BASE/$dirname
- mv "$pkgdir"/$INSTALL_BASE/$A "$subpkgdir"/$INSTALL_BASE/$dirname
- done
-jrebase() {
- pkgdesc="OpenJDK 7 Java Runtime (no GUI support)"
- depends="$pkgname-jre-lib java-common java-cacerts"
- mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/$INSTALL_BASE/bin
- local A; for A in java orbd rmid servertool unpack200 keytool \
- pack200 rmiregistry tnameserv; do
- mv "$pkgdir"/$INSTALL_BASE/bin/$A "$subpkgdir"/$INSTALL_BASE/bin
- done
- # rest of the jre subdir (which were not taken by -jre subpkg)
- mv "$pkgdir"/$INSTALL_BASE/jre "$subpkgdir"/$INSTALL_BASE
- # pax mark again (due to fakeroot xattr handling bug)
- "$builddir"/pax-mark-vm "$subpkgdir"/$INSTALL_BASE
-jre() {
- pkgdesc="OpenJDK 7 Java Runtime"
- # manually depend to avoid clash with libgcj's
- depends=""
- mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"
- local A; for A in jre/bin/policytool \
- bin/appletviewer \
- bin/policytool \
- jre/lib/$_jarch/xawt \
- jre/lib/$_jarch/; do
- local dirname=${A%/*}
- mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/$INSTALL_BASE/$dirname
- mv "$pkgdir"/$INSTALL_BASE/$A "$subpkgdir"/$INSTALL_BASE/$dirname
- done
- # pax mark again (due to fakeroot xattr handling bug)
- "$builddir"/pax-mark-vm "$subpkgdir"/$INSTALL_BASE
-doc() {
- default_doc
- mkdir -p "$subpkgdir"/$INSTALL_BASE/
- mv "$pkgdir"/$INSTALL_BASE/man "$subpkgdir"/$INSTALL_BASE/
-sha512sums="cc782e1c5b1ce158be315cff5be61676373870c2062eb34688583a875ab68413bbabd909ce83e79a9c46c3d0c8ec10aad3c015276ddf782ce2079cb5a7098f82 icedtea-2.6.16.tar.gz
-ee2443da63ab6b1a525d0633a577f28d28d3916cb47b312d61d71b4795ae3bde4a70478017b7639133fb65cfb63aa0fcbc397afbde18f20d605a50286163e4a2 openjdk-2.6.16.tar.bz2
-3926a1c889d0ff5386dd78e8fb1ff71b553744fe574ab9655d9e1677da9aea3306d65e631866afcbb533b8e0fefbb34ae655400c9bc7c2058aaa34f8fb0a04d8 corba-2.6.16.tar.bz2
-2b37ba6f235b684682d9590c292b6af5fb6f41d4001f92dcf4945570e13fe760f91bbc7068d071e3e935829c9719936ae96940874ee211fd32cba187e05f0255 jaxp-2.6.16.tar.bz2
-41dc2b7a610cd5f4c9155c14670bb97f1c57924af2737faf6beb7b284c0ad7c0f0b33f4276cde5674a57db3f88ba4503f94f2dff7a52db3273ee53ed0b14be64 jaxws-2.6.16.tar.bz2
-2703b7bf7455aa3997426f2ce3d4c2285ee44640a940d15c1c3434414c295d87b44e749fece5a7b966661910c8768a79774fb03b43ab5605df9dc8965b600fd7 jdk-2.6.16.tar.bz2
-192dd5fac399c52bcb547617832428b40af493089b4bb63159cd9363c78af76c7acdc051d461eb4e4692b2090e05ed769b9fec460a328973b36b57bbb28cee39 langtools-2.6.16.tar.bz2
-73b0338ec293d0d87cc7251f63ef453ec10c7de978c56d8ff455b16ee0506175aed681a9a95fbdcc8b747ba00ef6cf914f63d0c5d22268b40620d4dbc7390a98 hotspot-2.6.16.tar.bz2
-0da12cb0f761b8cb76e042449e7d93f43236e7bc948e337215470a70031f0a2dda6d1b508f9397b283808d84c4ebddb31558fe1cd8e6e6469c1dd390d69ec6e7 apache-ant-1.9.11-bin.tar.gz
-f62b942f0bacda8e37d0f1876d8ba14ddb4fc55a7d5fd1019463744927f40f422a85e9ee051948d566242f5a785aa28f275eb58768611283cba89af91235f43c icedtea-hotspot-musl.patch
-e5cf4d70f96fc1e72ae8b97a887adb96092ff36584711cbb8de9d9fa9e859cb8731d638838de0d9591239fc44ffe5c74422d1842bd9f10a0c00dff1627bdeeef icedtea-hotspot-musl-ppc.patch
-e7a2c1771bb582d427041f8d22e48c0daf8f20d7c0926cbce3549d49c4e949359ee25a35682b486e82f3e390535c950c5beee3bd8d06fb5a717b50f2d9b2a6bc icedtea-hotspot-noagent-musl.patch
-822eee0dc4d3ba677a289dfeb3668b536d2d626708390a9d9702fb4144a481fd443a215a0d2041c6026113837aafa4ba0b5e9ead8589d2da6717a238bbc95a5a icedtea-hotspot-uclibc-fixes.patch
-213a537de5f011cb39d608515c3413513ac75fb93593f9a9ef4205f71d72bdd8b097c80db185f7b26021d5bb85045b866f34f3478482dc4189972d8614a13458 icedtea-jdk-fix-build.patch
-0391970e6a32946aa3cccf38fdef9c0fe2af26cd0df824b98aa2fcfa1bf661d4a68e339bffcfd16f386c565fc68bb28a29208a67d4bad8a0e847ad02bd8becbb icedtea-jdk-execinfo.patch
-48533f87fc2cf29d26b259be0df51087d2fe5b252e72d00c6ea2f4add7b0fb113141718c116279c5905e03f64a1118082e719393786811367cf4d472b5d36774 icedtea-jdk-fix-ipv6-init.patch
-44a35941c80f408d0607e32763b3b6ccee21e1d39886309327d3d74d2900117e4346ef59e77c663fd022fec10ee8f365eeb46c1260014d5765d226ce175ce3c5 icedtea-jdk-musl.patch
-bf4b184e170f7b0ff64ab30d2162784fe2bd5460d1fa31973259f7065fd4c511c46f97724fe2bd72bb94e9006cb568d0e0c87d1a9c90819e65880f8f44830bb1 icedtea-jdk-no-soname.patch
-a54c79c82afa1bc95265397b274260584c8b8c6be1651ddfb907d9523a809ea4581409e0d3fb0bbb63ef5a204e8ce29b7940e78cd640af1f490ae938c59129b6 icedtea-cpio.patch"
diff --git a/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-cpio.patch b/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-cpio.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index c66c1ca60..000000000
--- a/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-cpio.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
---- openjdk/jdk/make/common/shared/Defs-utils.gmk.orig
-+++ openjdk/jdk/make/common/shared/Defs-utils.gmk
-@@ -104,7 +104,7 @@
diff --git a/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-hotspot-musl-ppc.patch b/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-hotspot-musl-ppc.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index eca684884..000000000
--- a/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-hotspot-musl-ppc.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,169 +0,0 @@
---- openjdk.orig/hotspot/src/os_cpu/linux_ppc/vm/os_linux_ppc.cpp
-+++ openjdk/hotspot/src/os_cpu/linux_ppc/vm/os_linux_ppc.cpp
-@@ -110,11 +110,19 @@
- // it because the volatile registers are not needed to make setcontext() work.
- // Hopefully it was zero'd out beforehand.
- guarantee(uc->uc_mcontext.regs != NULL, "only use ucontext_get_pc in sigaction context");
-+#if defined(__GLIBC__) || defined(__UCLIBC__)
- return (address)uc->uc_mcontext.regs->nip;
-+#else // Musl
-+ return (address)uc->uc_mcontext.gp_regs[32];
- }
- intptr_t* os::Linux::ucontext_get_sp(ucontext_t * uc) {
-+#if defined(__GLIBC__) || defined(__UCLIBC__)
- return (intptr_t*)uc->uc_mcontext.regs->gpr[1/*REG_SP*/];
-+#else // Musl
-+ return (intptr_t*)uc->uc_mcontext.gp_regs[1/*REG_SP*/];
- }
- intptr_t* os::Linux::ucontext_get_fp(ucontext_t * uc) {
-@@ -213,7 +221,11 @@
- if (uc) {
- address const pc = os::Linux::ucontext_get_pc(uc);
- if (pc && StubRoutines::is_safefetch_fault(pc)) {
-+#if defined(__GLIBC__) || defined(__UCLIBC__)
- uc->uc_mcontext.regs->nip = (unsigned long)StubRoutines::continuation_for_safefetch_fault(pc);
-+#else // Musl
-+ uc->uc_mcontext.gp_regs[32] = (unsigned long)StubRoutines::continuation_for_safefetch_fault(pc);
- return true;
- }
- }
-@@ -364,7 +376,11 @@
- // continue at the next instruction after the faulting read. Returning
- // garbage from this read is ok.
- thread->set_pending_unsafe_access_error();
-+#if defined(__GLIBC__) || defined(__UCLIBC__)
- uc->uc_mcontext.regs->nip = ((unsigned long)pc) + 4;
-+#else // Musl
-+ uc->uc_mcontext.gp_regs[32] = ((unsigned long)pc) + 4;
- return true;
- }
- }
-@@ -383,7 +399,11 @@
- // continue at the next instruction after the faulting read. Returning
- // garbage from this read is ok.
- thread->set_pending_unsafe_access_error();
-+#if defined(__GLIBC__) || defined(__UCLIBC__)
- uc->uc_mcontext.regs->nip = ((unsigned long)pc) + 4;
-+#else // Musl
-+ uc->uc_mcontext.gp_regs[32] = ((unsigned long)pc) + 4;
- return true;
- }
- }
-@@ -406,7 +426,11 @@
- if (stub != NULL) {
- // Save all thread context in case we need to restore it.
- if (thread != NULL) thread->set_saved_exception_pc(pc);
-+#if defined(__GLIBC__) || defined(__UCLIBC__)
- uc->uc_mcontext.regs->nip = (unsigned long)stub;
-+ uc->uc_mcontext.gp_regs[32] = (unsigned long)stub;
- return true;
- }
-@@ -564,6 +588,7 @@
- ucontext_t* uc = (ucontext_t*)context;
- st->print_cr("Registers:");
-+#if defined(__GLIBC__) || defined(__UCLIBC__)
- st->print("pc =" INTPTR_FORMAT " ", uc->uc_mcontext.regs->nip);
- st->print("lr =" INTPTR_FORMAT " ", uc->uc_mcontext.regs->link);
- st->print("ctr=" INTPTR_FORMAT " ", uc->uc_mcontext.regs->ctr);
-@@ -572,8 +597,18 @@
- st->print("r%-2d=" INTPTR_FORMAT " ", i, uc->uc_mcontext.regs->gpr[i]);
- if (i % 3 == 2) st->cr();
- }
-+#else // Musl
-+ st->print("pc =" INTPTR_FORMAT " ", uc->uc_mcontext.gp_regs[32]);
-+ st->print("lr =" INTPTR_FORMAT " ", uc->uc_mcontext.gp_regs[36]);
-+ st->print("ctr=" INTPTR_FORMAT " ", uc->uc_mcontext.gp_regs[35]);
- st->cr();
-+ for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
-+ st->print("r%-2d=" INTPTR_FORMAT " ", i, uc->uc_mcontext.gp_regs[i]);
-+ if (i % 3 == 2) st->cr();
-+ }
- st->cr();
-+ st->cr();
- intptr_t *sp = (intptr_t *)os::Linux::ucontext_get_sp(uc);
- st->print_cr("Top of Stack: (sp=" PTR_FORMAT ")", p2i(sp));
-@@ -600,7 +635,11 @@
- // this is only for the "general purpose" registers
- for (int i = 0; i < 32; i++) {
- st->print("r%-2d=", i);
-+#if defined(__GLIBC__) || defined(__UCLIBC__)
- print_location(st, uc->uc_mcontext.regs->gpr[i]);
-+#else // Musl
-+ print_location(st, uc->uc_mcontext.gp_regs[i]);
- }
- st->cr();
- }
---- openjdk.orig/hotspot.orig/src/cpu/ppc/vm/macroAssembler_ppc.cpp
-+++ openjdk/hotspot/src/cpu/ppc/vm/macroAssembler_ppc.cpp
-@@ -1242,7 +1242,11 @@
- // the safepoing polling page.
- ucontext_t* uc = (ucontext_t*) ucontext;
- // Set polling address.
-+#if defined(__GLIBC__) || defined(__UCLIBC__)
- address addr = (address)uc->uc_mcontext.regs->gpr[ra] + (ssize_t)ds;
-+#else // Musl
-+ address addr = (address)uc->uc_mcontext.gp_regs[ra] + (ssize_t)ds;
- if (polling_address_ptr != NULL) {
- *polling_address_ptr = addr;
- }
-@@ -1263,15 +1267,24 @@
- int rb = inv_rb_field(instruction);
- // look up content of ra and rb in ucontext
-+#if defined(__GLIBC__) || defined(__UCLIBC__)
- address ra_val=(address)uc->uc_mcontext.regs->gpr[ra];
- long rb_val=(long)uc->uc_mcontext.regs->gpr[rb];
-+#else // Musl
-+ address ra_val=(address)uc->uc_mcontext.gp_regs[ra];
-+ long rb_val=(long)uc->uc_mcontext.gp_regs[rb];
- return os::is_memory_serialize_page(thread, ra_val+rb_val);
- } else if (is_stw(instruction) || is_stwu(instruction)) {
- int ra = inv_ra_field(instruction);
- int d1 = inv_d1_field(instruction);
- // look up content of ra in ucontext
-+#if defined(__GLIBC__) || defined(__UCLIBC__)
- address ra_val=(address)uc->uc_mcontext.regs->gpr[ra];
-+#else // Musl
-+ address ra_val=(address)uc->uc_mcontext.gp_regs[ra];
- return os::is_memory_serialize_page(thread, ra_val+d1);
- } else {
- return false;
-@@ -1334,11 +1347,20 @@
- || (is_stdu(instruction) && rs == 1)) {
- int ds = inv_ds_field(instruction);
- // return banged address
-+#if defined(__GLIBC__) || defined(__UCLIBC__)
- return ds+(address)uc->uc_mcontext.regs->gpr[ra];
-+#else // Musl
-+ return ds+(address)uc->uc_mcontext.gp_regs[ra];
- } else if (is_stdux(instruction) && rs == 1) {
- int rb = inv_rb_field(instruction);
-+#if defined(__GLIBC__) || defined(__UCLIBC__)
- address sp = (address)uc->uc_mcontext.regs->gpr[1];
- long rb_val = (long)uc->uc_mcontext.regs->gpr[rb];
-+#else // Musl
-+ address sp = (address)uc->uc_mcontext.gp_regs[1];
-+ long rb_val = (long)uc->uc_mcontext.gp_regs[rb];
- return ra != 1 || rb_val >= 0 ? NULL // not a stack bang
- : sp + rb_val; // banged address
- }
diff --git a/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-hotspot-musl.patch b/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-hotspot-musl.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1da903148..000000000
--- a/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-hotspot-musl.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,79 +0,0 @@
---- openjdk.orig/hotspot/src/os/linux/vm/jvm_linux.cpp
-+++ openjdk/hotspot/src/os/linux/vm/jvm_linux.cpp
-@@ -154,7 +154,9 @@
- #ifdef SIGSTKFLT
- "STKFLT", SIGSTKFLT, /* Stack fault. */
- #endif
-+#ifdef SIGCLD
- "CLD", SIGCLD, /* Same as SIGCHLD (System V). */
- "CHLD", SIGCHLD, /* Child status has changed (POSIX). */
- "CONT", SIGCONT, /* Continue (POSIX). */
- "STOP", SIGSTOP, /* Stop, unblockable (POSIX). */
---- openjdk.orig/hotspot/src/os/linux/vm/os_linux.inline.hpp
-+++ openjdk/hotspot/src/os/linux/vm/os_linux.inline.hpp
-@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <sys/socket.h>
--#include <sys/poll.h>
-+#include <poll.h>
- #include <netdb.h>
- inline void* os::thread_local_storage_at(int index) {
---- openjdk.orig/hotspot/src/os_cpu/linux_x86/vm/os_linux_x86.cpp
-+++ openjdk/hotspot/src/os_cpu/linux_x86/vm/os_linux_x86.cpp
-@@ -73,7 +73,6 @@
- # include <pwd.h>
- # include <poll.h>
- # include <ucontext.h>
--# include <fpu_control.h>
- #ifdef AMD64
- #define REG_SP REG_RSP
-@@ -533,6 +532,9 @@
- ShouldNotReachHere();
- return true; // Mute compiler
- }
-+#define _FPU_GETCW(cw) __asm__ __volatile__ ("fnstcw %0" : "=m" (*&cw))
-+#define _FPU_SETCW(cw) __asm__ __volatile__ ("fldcw %0" : : "m" (*&cw))
- void os::Linux::init_thread_fpu_state(void) {
- #ifndef AMD64
---- openjdk.orig/hotspot/src/os_cpu/linux_x86/vm/threadLS_linux_x86.hpp
-+++ openjdk/hotspot/src/os_cpu/linux_x86/vm/threadLS_linux_x86.hpp
-@@ -32,7 +32,9 @@
- // map stack pointer to thread pointer - see notes in threadLS_linux_x86.cpp
- #define SP_BITLENGTH 32
- #define PAGE_SHIFT 12
-+ #ifndef PAGE_SIZE
- #define PAGE_SIZE (1UL << PAGE_SHIFT)
-+ #endif
- static Thread* _sp_map[1UL << (SP_BITLENGTH - PAGE_SHIFT)];
- public:
---- openjdk/hotspot/src/os_cpu/linux_aarch64/vm/os_linux_aarch64.cpp.orig
-+++ openjdk/hotspot/src/os_cpu/linux_aarch64/vm/os_linux_aarch64.cpp
-@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@
- # include <pwd.h>
- # include <poll.h>
- # include <ucontext.h>
--# include <fpu_control.h>
-+# include <linux/types.h>
- #ifdef BUILTIN_SIM
- #define REG_SP REG_RSP
---- openjdk/hotspot/src/cpu/aarch64/vm/sharedRuntime_aarch64.cpp.orig
-+++ openjdk/hotspot/src/cpu/aarch64/vm/sharedRuntime_aarch64.cpp
-@@ -194,10 +194,6 @@
- return (r->reg2stack() + SharedRuntime::out_preserve_stack_slots()) * VMRegImpl::stack_slot_size;
- }
--template <class T> static const T& min (const T& a, const T& b) {
-- return (a > b) ? b : a;
- // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // Read the array of BasicTypes from a signature, and compute where the
- // arguments should go. Values in the VMRegPair regs array refer to 4-byte
diff --git a/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-hotspot-noagent-musl.patch b/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-hotspot-noagent-musl.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 37604acca..000000000
--- a/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-hotspot-noagent-musl.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
---- openjdk.orig/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/defs.make
-+++ openjdk/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/defs.make
-@@ -327,6 +327,9 @@
- # Serviceability Binaries
- # No SA Support for PPC, IA64, ARM or zero
-+# or if thread_db.h missing (musl)
-+ifneq ($(wildcard /usr/include/thread_db.h),)
- $(EXPORT_LIB_DIR)/sa-jdi.jar
-@@ -343,6 +346,10 @@
- endif
- endif
- endif
- endif
---- openjdk.orig/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/sa.make
-+++ openjdk/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/sa.make
-@@ -59,9 +59,11 @@
- # if $(AGENT_DIR) does not exist, we don't build SA
- # also, we don't build SA on Itanium or zero.
-+# check for thread_db.h too (musl does not have it).
- all:
-- if [ -d $(AGENT_DIR) -a "$(SRCARCH)" != "ia64" \
-+ if [ -d $(AGENT_DIR) -a -f /usr/include/thread_db.h \
-+ -a "$(SRCARCH)" != "ia64" \
- -a "$(SRCARCH)" != "zero" \
- -a "$(SRCARCH)" != "aarch64" ] ; then \
- $(MAKE) -f sa.make $(GENERATED)/sa-jdi.jar; \
---- openjdk.orig/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/saproc.make
-+++ openjdk/hotspot/make/linux/makefiles/saproc.make
-@@ -65,10 +65,13 @@
- # if $(AGENT_DIR) does not exist, we don't build SA
- # also, we don't build SA on Itanium or zero.
-+# check for thread_db.h too (musl does not have it).
-+ifneq ($(wildcard /usr/include/thread_db.h),)
- ifneq ($(wildcard $(AGENT_DIR)),)
- ifneq ($(filter-out ia64 zero aarch64,$(SRCARCH)),)
- endif
- endif
diff --git a/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-hotspot-uclibc-fixes.patch b/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-hotspot-uclibc-fixes.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 1c1d82276..000000000
--- a/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-hotspot-uclibc-fixes.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
---- openjdk.orig/hotspot/src/os/linux/vm/os_linux.cpp
-+++ openjdk/hotspot/src/os/linux/vm/os_linux.cpp
-@@ -112,7 +112,6 @@
- # include <string.h>
- # include <syscall.h>
- # include <sys/sysinfo.h>
--# include <gnu/libc-version.h>
- # include <sys/ipc.h>
- # include <sys/shm.h>
- # include <link.h>
-@@ -632,6 +631,13 @@
- // detecting pthread library
- void os::Linux::libpthread_init() {
-+#if 1
-+ // Hard code Alpine Linux supported uclibc/musl compatible settings
-+ os::Linux::set_glibc_version("glibc 2.9");
-+ os::Linux::set_libpthread_version("NPTL");
-+ os::Linux::set_is_NPTL();
-+ os::Linux::set_is_floating_stack();
- // Save glibc and pthread version strings. Note that _CS_GNU_LIBC_VERSION
- // and _CS_GNU_LIBPTHREAD_VERSION are supported in glibc >= 2.3.2. Use a
- // generic name for earlier versions.
-@@ -690,6 +696,7 @@
- if (os::Linux::is_NPTL() || os::Linux::supports_variable_stack_size()) {
- os::Linux::set_is_floating_stack();
- }
- }
- /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
-@@ -2951,11 +2958,7 @@
- // If we are running with earlier version, which did not have symbol versions,
- // we should use the base version.
- void* os::Linux::libnuma_dlsym(void* handle, const char *name) {
-- void *f = dlvsym(handle, name, "libnuma_1.1");
-- if (f == NULL) {
-- f = dlsym(handle, name);
-- }
-- return f;
-+ return dlsym(handle, name);
- }
- bool os::Linux::libnuma_init() {
-@@ -5312,7 +5315,25 @@
- // Linux doesn't yet have a (official) notion of processor sets,
- // so just return the system wide load average.
- int os::loadavg(double loadavg[], int nelem) {
-+#ifdef __UCLIBC__
-+ double avg[3] = { 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 };
-+ int i, res = -1;;
-+ if ((LOADAVG = fopen("/proc/loadavg", "r"))) {
-+ fscanf(LOADAVG, "%lf %lf %lf", &avg[0], &avg[1], &avg[2]);
-+ res = 0;
-+ fclose(LOADAVG);
-+ }
-+ for (i = 0; (i < nelem) && (i < 3); i++) {
-+ loadavg[i] = avg[i];
-+ }
-+ return res;
- return ::getloadavg(loadavg, nelem);
- }
- void os::pause() {
---- openjdk.orig/hotspot/src/share/vm/utilities/globalDefinitions_gcc.hpp
-+++ openjdk/hotspot/src/share/vm/utilities/globalDefinitions_gcc.hpp
-@@ -253,7 +253,7 @@
- #elif defined(__APPLE__)
- inline int g_isnan(double f) { return isnan(f); }
- #elif defined(LINUX) || defined(_ALLBSD_SOURCE)
--inline int g_isnan(float f) { return isnanf(f); }
-+inline int g_isnan(float f) { return isnan(f); }
- inline int g_isnan(double f) { return isnan(f); }
- #else
- #error "missing platform-specific definition here"
-@@ -267,8 +267,8 @@
- // Checking for finiteness
--inline int g_isfinite(jfloat f) { return finite(f); }
--inline int g_isfinite(jdouble f) { return finite(f); }
-+inline int g_isfinite(jfloat f) { return isfinite(f); }
-+inline int g_isfinite(jdouble f) { return isfinite(f); }
- // Wide characters
diff --git a/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-jdk-execinfo.patch b/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-jdk-execinfo.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index a6499dcb0..000000000
--- a/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-jdk-execinfo.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
---- openjdk.orig/jdk/src/solaris/native/sun/awt/awt_xembed_server.c
-+++ openjdk/jdk/src/solaris/native/sun/awt/awt_xembed_server.c
-@@ -35,7 +35,7 @@
- #include <X11/Xlib.h>
- #include <X11/Xatom.h>
- #include <Xm/MwmUtil.h>
--#ifdef __linux__
-+#if defined(__linux__) && defined(__GLIBC__) && ! defined(__UCLIBC__)
- #include <execinfo.h>
- #endif
- #include <stdio.h>
-@@ -835,7 +835,7 @@
- }
--#ifdef __linux__
-+#if defined(__linux__) && defined(__GLIBC__) && ! defined(__UCLIBC__)
- void
- print_stack (void)
- {
---- openjdk.orig/jdk/src/solaris/native/sun/xawt/XToolkit.c
-+++ openjdk/jdk/src/solaris/native/sun/xawt/XToolkit.c
-@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
- #include <X11/Xutil.h>
- #include <X11/Xos.h>
- #include <X11/Xatom.h>
--#ifdef __linux__
-+#if defined(__linux__) && defined(__GLIBC__) && ! defined(__UCLIBC__)
- #include <execinfo.h>
- #endif
-@@ -689,7 +689,7 @@
- return ret;
- }
--#ifdef __linux__
-+#if defined(__linux__) && defined(__GLIBC__) && ! defined(__UCLIBC__)
- void print_stack(void)
- {
- void *array[10];
diff --git a/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-jdk-fix-build.patch b/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-jdk-fix-build.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 9fae895b6..000000000
--- a/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-jdk-fix-build.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
-Fixes three issues:
- - so's should not be linked to -ljvm as dlopen(/abs/name) is
- used by the launcher to load; it is thus not available
- (musl/uclibc) to satisfy NEEDED dependency inserted by
- -ljvm. Fix to not link against -ljvm, and disable -z defs so
- undefined symbols are allowed in sos
- - the previous makes ldd generate errors on unresolved symbols (musl)
- remove it altogether as it's used for informative purposes only
- (display things - not check anything useful)
- - Don't delete the generated directory $(GENCSEXT), this can
- confuse make in highly parallel builds with:
- make[6]: *** INTERNAL: readdir: No such file or directory. Stop.
- make[6]: Leaving directory '.../openjdk-boot/jdk/make/sun/nio/cs'
---- openjdk.orig/jdk/make/common/Defs-linux.gmk
-+++ openjdk/jdk/make/common/Defs-linux.gmk
-@@ -350,7 +350,7 @@
- EXTRA_LIBS += -lc
--LDFLAGS_DEFS_OPTION = -Xlinker -z -Xlinker defs
- #
-@@ -407,7 +407,7 @@
- # the library itself should not.
- #
- VM_NAME = server
- JAVALIB = -ljava $(JVMLIB)
- #
---- openjdk.orig/jdk/make/sun/nio/cs/Makefile
-+++ openjdk/jdk/make/sun/nio/cs/Makefile
-@@ -107,7 +107,7 @@
- @$(prep-target)
-- $(RM) -r $(GENCSEXT)
-+ $(RM) -f "$(GENCSEXT)"/*
---- openjdk.orig/jdk/make/common/shared/Defs-linux.gmk
-+++ openjdk/jdk/make/common/shared/Defs-linux.gmk
-@@ -207,8 +207,6 @@
- if [ "`$(NM) -D -g --defined-only $1 | $(EGREP) 'SUNWprivate'`" = "" ] ; then \
- $(ECHO) "$(MAPFILE_WARNING): File was not built with a mapfile: $1"; \
- fi && \
-- $(ECHO) "Library loads for: $1" && \
-- $(LDD) $1 && \
- $(ECHO) "RUNPATH for: $1" && \
- )
diff --git a/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-jdk-fix-ipv6-init.patch b/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-jdk-fix-ipv6-init.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 11f3bf6dd..000000000
--- a/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-jdk-fix-ipv6-init.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,42 +0,0 @@
---- openjdk/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/net_util_md.c.orig
-+++ openjdk/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/net_util_md.c
-@@ -561,7 +561,7 @@
- static struct localinterface *localifs = 0;
- static int localifsSize = 0; /* size of array */
--static int nifs = 0; /* number of entries used in array */
-+static int nifs = -1; /* number of entries used in array */
- /* not thread safe: make sure called once from one thread */
-@@ -573,6 +573,10 @@
- int index, x1, x2, x3;
- unsigned int u0,u1,u2,u3,u4,u5,u6,u7,u8,u9,ua,ub,uc,ud,ue,uf;
-+ if (nifs >= 0)
-+ return ;
-+ nifs = 0;
- if ((f = fopen("/proc/net/if_inet6", "r")) == NULL) {
- return ;
- }
-@@ -601,7 +605,7 @@
- localifs = (struct localinterface *) realloc (
- localifs, sizeof (struct localinterface)* (localifsSize+5));
- if (localifs == 0) {
-- nifs = 0;
-+ nifs = -1;
- fclose (f);
- return;
- }
-@@ -624,9 +628,7 @@
- static int getLocalScopeID (char *addr) {
- struct localinterface *lif;
- int i;
-- if (localifs == 0) {
-- initLocalIfs();
-- }
-+ initLocalIfs();
- for (i=0, lif=localifs; i<nifs; i++, lif++) {
- if (memcmp (addr, lif->localaddr, 16) == 0) {
- return lif->index;
diff --git a/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-jdk-musl.patch b/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-jdk-musl.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 49c16d73a..000000000
--- a/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-jdk-musl.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,116 +0,0 @@
-diff -ru openjdk.orig/jdk/src/share/native/com/sun/java/util/jar/pack/zip.cpp openjdk/jdk/src/share/native/com/sun/java/util/jar/pack/zip.cpp
---- openjdk.orig/jdk/src/share/native/com/sun/java/util/jar/pack/zip.cpp 2014-06-12 20:14:44.000000000 +0000
-+++ openjdk/jdk/src/share/native/com/sun/java/util/jar/pack/zip.cpp 2014-07-15 07:19:52.186682096 +0000
-@@ -46,6 +46,8 @@
- #include "zip.h"
-+#define uchar unsigned char
- #ifdef NO_ZLIB
- inline bool jar::deflate_bytes(bytes& head, bytes& tail) {
-diff -ru openjdk.orig/jdk/src/share/native/com/sun/java/util/jar/pack/zip.h openjdk/jdk/src/share/native/com/sun/java/util/jar/pack/zip.h
---- openjdk.orig/jdk/src/share/native/com/sun/java/util/jar/pack/zip.h 2014-06-12 20:14:44.000000000 +0000
-+++ openjdk/jdk/src/share/native/com/sun/java/util/jar/pack/zip.h 2014-07-15 07:19:52.186682096 +0000
-@@ -23,9 +23,7 @@
- * questions.
- */
--#define ushort unsigned short
--#define uint unsigned int
--#define uchar unsigned char
-+#include <sys/types.h>
- struct unpacker;
-diff -ru openjdk.orig/jdk/src/share/native/sun/awt/medialib/mlib_types.h openjdk/jdk/src/share/native/sun/awt/medialib/mlib_types.h
---- openjdk.orig/jdk/src/share/native/sun/awt/medialib/mlib_types.h 2014-06-12 20:14:44.000000000 +0000
-+++ openjdk/jdk/src/share/native/sun/awt/medialib/mlib_types.h 2014-07-15 07:19:52.186682096 +0000
-@@ -27,6 +27,7 @@
- #ifndef MLIB_TYPES_H
- #define MLIB_TYPES_H
-+#include <stddef.h> /* for NULL */
- #include <limits.h>
- #if defined(_MSC_VER)
- #include <float.h> /* for FLT_MAX and DBL_MAX */
-diff -ru openjdk.orig/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/Inet4AddressImpl.c openjdk/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/Inet4AddressImpl.c
---- openjdk.orig/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/Inet4AddressImpl.c 2014-06-12 20:14:44.000000000 +0000
-+++ openjdk/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/Inet4AddressImpl.c 2014-07-15 07:19:52.186682096 +0000
-@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@
- #include "java_net_Inet4AddressImpl.h"
--#if defined(__GLIBC__) || (defined(__FreeBSD__) && (__FreeBSD_version >= 601104))
-+#if defined(__linux__) || (defined(__FreeBSD__) && (__FreeBSD_version >= 601104))
- #endif
-diff -ru openjdk.orig/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/NetworkInterface.c openjdk/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/NetworkInterface.c
---- openjdk.orig/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/NetworkInterface.c 2014-06-12 20:14:44.000000000 +0000
-+++ openjdk/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/NetworkInterface.c 2014-07-15 07:19:52.186682096 +0000
-@@ -47,7 +47,6 @@
- #ifdef __linux__
- #include <sys/ioctl.h>
--#include <bits/ioctls.h>
- #include <sys/utsname.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #endif
-diff -ru openjdk.orig/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/PlainDatagramSocketImpl.c openjdk/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/PlainDatagramSocketImpl.c
---- openjdk.orig/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/PlainDatagramSocketImpl.c 2014-06-12 20:14:44.000000000 +0000
-+++ openjdk/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/PlainDatagramSocketImpl.c 2014-07-15 07:19:52.190015524 +0000
-@@ -35,7 +35,6 @@
- #endif
- #ifdef __linux__
- #include <unistd.h>
--#include <sys/sysctl.h>
- #include <sys/utsname.h>
- #include <netinet/ip.h>
-diff -ru openjdk.orig/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/PlainSocketImpl.c openjdk/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/PlainSocketImpl.c
---- openjdk.orig/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/PlainSocketImpl.c 2014-06-12 20:14:44.000000000 +0000
-+++ openjdk/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/PlainSocketImpl.c 2014-07-15 07:19:52.190015524 +0000
-@@ -43,7 +43,6 @@
- #endif
- #ifdef __linux__
- #include <unistd.h>
--#include <sys/sysctl.h>
- #endif
- #include "jvm.h"
-diff -ru openjdk.orig/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/linux_close.c openjdk/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/linux_close.c
---- openjdk.orig/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/linux_close.c 2014-06-12 20:14:44.000000000 +0000
-+++ openjdk/jdk/src/solaris/native/java/net/linux_close.c 2014-07-15 07:22:17.609355950 +0000
-@@ -75,7 +75,7 @@
- #ifdef _AIX
- static int sigWakeup = (SIGRTMAX - 1);
- #else
--static int sigWakeup = (__SIGRTMAX - 2);
-+static int sigWakeup;
- #endif
- /*
-@@ -148,6 +148,9 @@
- /*
- * Setup the signal handler
- */
-+#ifndef __AIX
-+ sigWakeup = SIGRTMAX - 2;
- sa.sa_handler = sig_wakeup;
- sa.sa_flags = 0;
- sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask);
-diff -ru openjdk.orig/jdk/src/solaris/native/sun/nio/ch/NativeThread.c openjdk/jdk/src/solaris/native/sun/nio/ch/NativeThread.c
---- openjdk.orig/jdk/src/solaris/native/sun/nio/ch/NativeThread.c 2014-06-12 20:14:44.000000000 +0000
-+++ openjdk/jdk/src/solaris/native/sun/nio/ch/NativeThread.c 2014-07-15 07:19:52.190015524 +0000
-@@ -38,7 +38,7 @@
- #include <sys/signal.h>
- /* Also defined in src/solaris/native/java/net/linux_close.c */
- static void
- nullHandler(int sig)
diff --git a/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-jdk-no-lib-nsl-uclibc.patch b/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-jdk-no-lib-nsl-uclibc.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index 26f89bb54..000000000
--- a/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-jdk-no-lib-nsl-uclibc.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
---- openjdk.orig/hotspot/agent/src/os/solaris/dbx/Makefile
-+++ openjdk/hotspot/agent/src/os/solaris/dbx/Makefile
-@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@
- CFLAGS_32bit := -xarch=v8
- CFLAGS_64bit := -xarch=v9
--LIBS := -lsocket -lnsl -lrtld_db
-+LIBS := -lsocket -lrtld_db
- ifneq "$(ARCH)" "i486"
---- openjdk.orig/jdk/make/java/hpi/hpi_common.gmk
-+++ openjdk/jdk/make/java/hpi/hpi_common.gmk
-@@ -86,5 +86,5 @@
- # Things that must be linked in.
- #
- ifneq ($(PLATFORM), windows)
--OTHER_LDLIBS += $(LIBSOCKET) -lnsl $(LIBM) -ldl
- endif
---- openjdk.orig/jdk/make/java/java/Makefile
-+++ openjdk/jdk/make/java/java/Makefile
-@@ -205,7 +205,7 @@
- OTHER_LDLIBS += $(JVMLIB) -libpath:$(OBJDIR)/../../../fdlibm/$(OBJDIRNAME) fdlibm.lib \
- -libpath:$(OBJDIR)/../../../verify/$(OBJDIRNAME) verify.lib
- else
--OTHER_LDLIBS += $(JVMLIB) -lverify $(LIBSOCKET) -lnsl -ldl \
-+OTHER_LDLIBS += $(JVMLIB) -lverify $(LIBSOCKET) -ldl \
- -L$(OBJDIR)/../../../fdlibm/$(OBJDIRNAME) -lfdlibm.$(ARCH)
- endif
---- openjdk.orig/jdk/make/java/java_hprof_demo/Makefile
-+++ openjdk/jdk/make/java/java_hprof_demo/Makefile
-@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@
- ifeq ($(PLATFORM), windows)
- OTHER_LDLIBS += wsock32.lib winmm.lib
- else
-- OTHER_LDLIBS += $(LIBSOCKET) -lnsl -ldl
- endif
- #
---- openjdk.orig/jdk/make/java/net/Makefile
-+++ openjdk/jdk/make/java/net/Makefile
-@@ -97,7 +97,7 @@
- # Will not compile at warning level 3 if warnings are fatal
- else
- endif
- ifeq ($(PLATFORM), linux)
- OTHER_LDLIBS += -lpthread
---- openjdk.orig/jdk/make/jpda/transport/socket/Makefile
-+++ openjdk/jdk/make/jpda/transport/socket/Makefile
-@@ -42,11 +42,11 @@
- endif
- ifeq ($(PLATFORM), linux)
-- OTHER_LDLIBS += -lnsl $(LIBSOCKET) -lpthread
-+ OTHER_LDLIBS += $(LIBSOCKET) -lpthread
- endif
- ifeq ($(PLATFORM), solaris)
- endif
- ifeq ($(PLATFORM), windows)
---- openjdk.orig/jdk/make/mkdemo/jvmti/hprof/Makefile
-+++ openjdk/jdk/make/mkdemo/jvmti/hprof/Makefile
-@@ -39,10 +39,10 @@
- EXTRA_LIBS += wsock32.lib winmm.lib
- endif
- ifeq ($(PLATFORM), solaris)
-- OTHER_LDLIBS += $(LIBSOCKET) -lnsl -ldl
- endif
- ifeq ($(PLATFORM), linux)
-- OTHER_LDLIBS += $(LIBSOCKET) -lnsl -ldl -lpthread
-+ OTHER_LDLIBS += $(LIBSOCKET) -ldl -lpthread
- endif
- #
diff --git a/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-jdk-no-soname.patch b/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-jdk-no-soname.patch
deleted file mode 100644
index fe6bbb732..000000000
--- a/experimental/openjdk7/icedtea-jdk-no-soname.patch
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
---- ./openjdk/jdk/make/common/Defs-linux.gmk.orig
-+++ ./openjdk/jdk/make/common/Defs-linux.gmk
-@@ -248,7 +248,9 @@
- #
- LDFLAGS_OPT = -Xlinker -O1
-+ifdef LIBRARY
- #
- # -static-libgcc is a gcc-3 flag to statically link libgcc, gcc-2.9x always